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The first: China is rural dog

China is rural dog, traditional call is " earthy dog " , china is rural the dog no matter intelligence quotient or affection business is marvellous marvellous Da, can judge the attitude that gives pair of people according to master behavior, the person that follows master be on speaking terms will arrive home inside, it can be waited for silently in aside, if come up against thief and so on, china is rural the dog is none awe-stricken also, defending our safety.

The 2nd: Ha Shiji (2 breath out)

Ha Shiji is in dog bound is already notorious, it tears open domestic competence and touching intelligence quotient to often let shovel excrement officials to find both funny and annoying, so why is Ha Shiji reputation so poor however still a lot of people raise it? Have a lot of netizens complain tearfully, by 2 breath out in one's childhood appearance gives deceit, because 2 breath out small when be to grow too lovelily really, cannot help wanting to take it to come home, the result is raised more regret more. . . . . .

The 3rd: Golden wool

Fokelore cures the big Jin Maowen of the department's genial smile, that can be not blown really, how many person is melted to be in the smile of golden wool cannot extricate oneself? Is because is Jin Maotian true,how many person there is romantic smile and like to go up of golden wool? A netizen holds the golden hair that has her home in the arms, just began very excited, 4 feet are delimiting ah delimit, did not think of below one second showed angel like cure smile.

The 4th: Labuladuo

Pull cloth to pull much intelligence quotient row world dog kind the 6th. Individual character faithfulness, air, simple and honest, gentle, sunshine, optimistic, lively, intelligence quotient is extremely high, very affable to the person also they at ordinary times very quiet, seldom roar aloud, it is a kind of very quiet dog is planted.

The 5th: Sa Ma Ye

Sa Ma Ye all over the appearance of snow-white shagginess, get of everybody love, especially it is luxuriant beautiful a suit grows hair greatly, look high lovely.

The 6th: Ke Ji dog

Ke Ji dog belongs to small-sized dog on bodily form, on disposition relatively dovish, what do not have general and small-sized dog completely is jumpy, dispute often suits to have the child's family. The courage of Dan Ke radical is very fat, quite alert also, can guard home with one's eyes open highly, it is one of the most welcome small-sized bodyguard dogs, ke Jiping all life is in 12-15 year.

The 7th: Alaska

Alaska is large dog, of feed good, growing 200 jins also is not a problem. Nevertheless Alaska disposition won't raise an issue actively meekly, like to be close to with host, often pestering host one case amuse oneself, very congenial still.

The 8th: Rich beautiful dog

Bodily form of rich beautiful dog is petite, appearance is provoking love, and very comfortable within the city the family is raised, accordingly, rich is beautiful now also be the commonnest domestic partner dog. Disposition of rich beautiful dog is lively, piquant, clever, blend in a family very easily. But be in usually, their meeting and member of front courtyard of one a person of academic or artistic distinction are close to particularly and inspect him to be cacique.

The 9th: Tai Di

Tai Di is a bodily form petite, nature is gentle, suffer the pet that everybody likes, in the dog kind the Tai Di in intelligence quotient is next to Bian Mu to discharge the 2nd. OK to master command very fast make a response very obedient.

The 10th: Hide mastiff

Hiding mastiff is a kind lofty power fierce bodyguard dog, it is the world in using warehouse of species qualitative resource plant distinctly group. Hiding mastiff is all over the world accepted the the most eccentric, rarest dog is planted, it is the ancestor of a variety of large bandog on the world, it is forefathers of the Chinese nation people the precious fortune that stays to us, it is our national treasure. Because national treasure is not average person,can raise. Rank so the 10th.
