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宾县在哪里? 新宾县农村赶集?英文双语对照


宾县在哪里? 新宾县农村赶集?英文双语对照


宾县位于黑龙江省南部,松花江南岸,隶属哈尔滨市,距哈尔滨市52公里。 位于黑龙江省腹地,地处松花江南岸,哈尔滨市近郊。东南以分水岭为界,与方正县、延寿县、尚志市接壤,北与巴彦县、木兰县、通河县隔松花江相望,西以蜚克图为界与哈尔滨市阿城区为邻。宾县历史悠久,人杰地灵,初始地点为苇子沟,1909年设宾州厅,1913年改为宾县至今。宾县总面积3844.6 平方公里,辖17个乡镇,有汉、满、蒙、回、苗、壮、朝鲜、侗、瑶、锡伯等10个民族,总人口60万人。




;宾县位于黑龙江省南部,松花江南岸,隶属哈尔滨市,距哈尔滨市52公里。 位于黑龙江省腹地,地处松花江南岸,哈尔滨市近郊。东南以分水岭为界,与方正县、延寿县、尚志市接壤,北与巴彦县、木兰县、通河县隔松花江相望,西以蜚克图为界与哈尔滨市阿城区为邻。宾县历史悠久,人杰地灵,初始地点为苇子沟,1909年设宾州厅,1913年改为宾县至今。宾县总面积3844.6 平方公里,辖17个乡镇,有汉、满、蒙、回、苗、壮、朝鲜、侗、瑶、锡伯等10个民族,总人口60万人。


宾县不是市是个县城归哈尔滨管辖 宾县位于黑龙江省南部,东南以分水岭为界,与方正县、延寿县、尚志市接壤,北与巴彦县、木兰县、通河县隔松花江相望,西以蜚克图河为界与阿城区为邻。面积3844.7平方千米。 2009年总人口62万人。辖12个镇、5个乡。县政府驻宾州镇西大街4号,距哈尔滨市中心区29千米。 地处松花江南岸,张广才岭西麓支脉。境内多山地丘陵,地势南高北低。属中温带大陆性季风气候区,年均气温3.9℃,年均降水量681毫米。矿藏有铜、大理岩、铁、金、银、石墨、石英等。G1011哈同高速、221国道公路过境,松花江沿岸设有3个码头。 景点有国家4A级二龙山旅游风景区和长寿国家森林公园、香炉山国家森林公园、大顶山、猴石山、大青山、高丽帽子山,以及两处3S级滑雪场等。纪念地有北满分局遗址、陈云纪念馆等。





















宾县总面积3844.6 平方公里,辖17个乡镇,有汉、满、蒙、回、苗、壮、朝鲜、侗、瑶、锡伯等10个民族,总人口60万人












Where is guest county?

Guest county is located in Heilongjiang to save the southern part, songhua River south bank, subject Harbin city, be apart from 52 kilometers of Harbin city. Be located in Heilongjiang to save hinterland, be located in Songhua River south bank, harbin city suburbs. Southeast is a bound with watershed, with border on of city of the Founder county, county that prolong life, Shang Zhi, the north and Ba Yan county, lily magnolia county, county that connect a river lies between Songhua River photograph to look, the graph is overcome to be bound and the city zone of Harbin city A to be adjacent with Fei on the west. Guest county history is long, ground of an outstanding personality is clever, initiative dot is reed channel, set guest state office 1909, 1913 instead guest county up to now. Guest county gross area 3844.6 square kilometer, administer 17 villages and towns, have Chinese, full, unconscious, time, seedling, strong, Korea, Dong, precious jade, 10 nations such as Xi Bai, total population 600 thousand person.

Go to market of country of new guest county?

Have market, general 10 days, every village is different, some meeting 3, some meeting 2

Where is guest county?

; Guest county is located in Heilongjiang to save the southern part, songhua River south bank, subject Harbin city, be apart from 52 kilometers of Harbin city. Be located in Heilongjiang to save hinterland, be located in Songhua River south bank, harbin city suburbs. Southeast is a bound with watershed, with border on of city of the Founder county, county that prolong life, Shang Zhi, the north and Ba Yan county, lily magnolia county, county that connect a river lies between Songhua River photograph to look, the graph is overcome to be bound and the city zone of Harbin city A to be adjacent with Fei on the west. Guest county history is long, ground of an outstanding personality is clever, initiative dot is reed channel, set guest state office 1909, 1913 instead guest county up to now. Guest county gross area 3844.6 square kilometer, administer 17 villages and towns, have Chinese, full, unconscious, time, seedling, strong, Korea, Dong, precious jade, 10 nations such as Xi Bai, total population 600 thousand person.

What city is guest county?

Guest county is not city it is a county put in Harbin 's charge administer guest county is located in Heilongjiang to save the southern part, southeast is a bound with watershed, with border on of city of the Founder county, county that prolong life, Shang Zhi, the north and Ba Yan county, lily magnolia county, county that connect a river lies between Songhua River photograph to look, graph river is overcome to be adjacent for bound and A the city zone with Fei on the west. Area 3844.7 square kilometre. Total 2009 population 620 thousand person. Administer 5 12 towns, countryside. Prefectural government is stationed in guest city to press down on the west ave 4, be apart from Harbin downtown 29 kilometre. Be located in Songhua River south bank, branch range of Xi Lu of Zhang Ancai mountain. Churchyard much country is upland, tall north is low south relief. Ethos of season of sex of mainland of the temperate zone in belonging to awaits an area, year all air temperature 3.9 ℃ , year all fall 681 millimeter. Mineral resources has cliff of copper, Dali, iron, gold, silver-colored, black lead, quartz to wait. G1011 with a ha is the same as pass through the territory of a country of highway of line of high speed, 221 nations, the Songhua River is coastal set 3 commercial and transportation center. The tourist attraction has national 4A class hill of cap of park of beauty spot of travel of 2 dragon hill and park of macrobian country forest, forest of censer hill country, big hill, monkey stone hill, big green hill, Gao Li, and field of ski of class of two place 3S. Commemorative ground has memorial hall of relics of bureau of boreal full marks, old cloud to wait.

Is Harbin of guest county distance much further?


1, set out to southeast direction from start, travel 130 meters, right-hand rotation is entered greet Bin Xilu

2, the edge greets Bin Xilu travel 230 meters, advance to breath out highway together continuously

3, the edge breaths out highway travel together 50.8 kilometers, straight travel enters day constant ave

4, travel of ave of edge day constant 3.1 kilometers, left-hand rotation enters vanward grade

5, travel of edge pioneer road 460 meters, right-hand rotation

6, continue travel of edge pioneer road 7 kilometers, rely on Zun Jin to enter wide bridge market

7, travel of street of edge wide bridge 4.1 kilometers, straight travel enters Cheng Dejie

8, along Cheng Dejie travel 940 meters, lean right

9, continue along Cheng Dejie travel 1.1 kilometers, right-hand rotation enters Jing Yang market

10, travel of edge scene open market 720 meters, left-hand rotation enters big new market

11, along travel of big new market 630 meters, straight travel enters friendship grade

12, travel of edge friendship road 3.7 kilometers, left-hand rotation enters loose north highway

13, travel of highway of edge loose north 6.2 kilometers, right-hand rotation

14, travel 540 meters, right-hand rotation enters a day yuan street

15, edge day yuan street travel 1.8 kilometers, walk along the 2nd exit to enter century highway by annulus island

16, travel of edge century highway 130 meters, right-hand rotation

17, travel 300 meters, arrive at terminus (in road left)

How many does guest county population have?

Guest county gross area 3844.6 square kilometer, administer 17 villages and towns, have Chinese, full, unconscious, time, seedling, strong, Korea, Dong, precious jade, 10 nations such as Xi Bai, total population 600 thousand person

Is Harbin much further from guest county?

Harbin can walk along vanward road to go up directly to guest county with 3 highway, classics guest reachs guest county on the west, distance is in 80-90 kilometer

Is guest county annals textual?

: Guest county annals (Qing Dynasty treats 12 years of edition together) roll 2, area is topographic, territory, " come city " group of county of Dong Zhiwu predestined relationship 80 lis, the group that make the same score this world reachs on the west 100 lis, group of Na Zhibin state 30 lis, north comes change river bound 120 lis. Group of county of fierce predestined relationship reachs southeast 130 lis, southwest comes the bound that make the same score this world 110 lis, northeast comes change river bound 110 lis, northwest comes guest state group 30 lis.

Area of appropriate guest county?

Tall county area is the largest, kilometer of 1300 much square, population 70 much, enjoy " below Wumengxi 3000 lis, the first city comes south path " beautiful praise. Light listens to this to feel disastrous! And tall county was to give a prime minister more! !

Belle type: Bold and generous

Appropriate guest person likes to drink, tall county person is not exceptional also, especially the girl of tall county, disposition is more bold and generous! Welcome everybody to arrive tall county amuse oneself

Harbin guest county which guesthouse is good?

I am guest county person, but also had lived the guesthouse of guest county, the cleanest ought to belong to Batefeili, on land bureau edge one, towel plant there, have special offer house everyday, 98 yuan, I am this, wish you the travel of guest county is successful.

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