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1,香格里拉 松茸2,江浙地区 冬笋 油焖冬笋3,广西柳州 酸笋 黄豆酸笋小黄鱼4,云南大理 诺邓山区 诺邓盐 血肠 火腿 莴笋炒火腿 火腿炒饭5,湖北嘉鱼 藕 莲藕炖排骨6,吉林查干湖 湖水大鱼 鱼头泡饼(北京)7,海南 香煎马鲛鱼 酸菜鱼汤 水煮红螺




































One, the China on the tip of the tongue piece assist cate?

Zhang Yemei is fed have yellow rice or millet wine, face range of fish of Ze Xiaozao, rub, piece face of assist foul smell, piece assist fries rice of hemp of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun, brake, burn a box to wait.

2, the craft of Chinese famous cate on the tip of the tongue?

Craft of cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste of manual brake root

Brake root cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste, it is a kind of traditional provision that folk of the Yao nationality makes in hill of rank grass of chapter of Chen city appropriate, the flow full of trivial details that do is numerous. It is to beat first, the mallet that wants more than 20 jins to weigh fast force the earth beats brake root; is filter next, two big cask, one big one small, big can install two tons of water, two individual ability surround small big essentials come over, keg is pinnacled, tun is in small part, and rise them repeatedly with a big bamboo slip

3, the China on the tip of the tongue, depict cate method?

The means that uses on-the-spot record taletelling alternates cate among them.

4, the Chinese Zhejiang cate on the tip of the tongue?

East slope flesh, fine promote a zhongzi, curium ham of stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup of fish of vinegar of predestined relationship green crab, west lake, Ning Bo, Jin Hua

5, the Chinese cate practice on the tip of the tongue?

Measure / means 1

Electric oven opens small fire, little oil is brushed on barbecue wearing, put bean curd barbecue to wear

Measure / means 2

Search an area ceaselessly, rise when bean curd beat, OK

Measure / means 3

Cortical bake very chew interest, carry with the chopstick, inside if Zhi person is general delicate,

Measure / means 4

Allocate chili to dip in water, can come according to oneself taste, I put chili face and chopped green onion,

6, all cate in the China on the tip of the tongue?

To this problem " all cate in the China on the tip of the tongue? "Such falling thinking:

Above all, " the China on the tip of the tongue " it is by old dawn Qing Zhi is guided, a cate that Chinese CCTV manufactures kind newsreel

This program theme is gone after to the happiness of cate and life around the Chinese, with specific figure narrative series connection has the cate modes of life and relation to their environment that told about Chinese each district.

This the first season was in on May 14, 2012 CCTV1 " glamour is recorded " column head is sowed

Was in in July 2012 Taiwan is fair inspect broadcast, broadcasted in Singapore star and metropolis stage in September 2012, in halcyon of Hong Kong TVB the stage broadcasts since October.

The 2nd season in CCTV on April 18, 2014 integrated channel broadcasts.

The 3rd season was in on Feburary 19, 2018 CCTV is integrated channel and record channel synchronism broadcast.

Almost the characteristic cate of include China each district, department of referenced dish and geographical range, cent is Beijing ferry, Shanghai to go up, south mountain, Anhui of Qi Lu, plain change, Xiao Xiang, Fujian stage, Qian Tang, Su Yang, badge, loose distant, Qin Long, 3 advance, medium city, Jing Chu, another name for Jiangxi Province, enumerate of every Zhang Zhongdou traditional name dish of place and gust are fastfood, every dish is tasted have detailed introduction.

Above is " the China on the tip of the tongue " introduce probably, hope to be helped somewhat to you!

7, the cate on the tip of the tongue of suitable heart cate?

One, fry milk to spell grouse to coil

Grouse coils is dish of another name for Guangdong Province famous one of degree of more expensive dish type, crisp of flavour Jiao Xiang, outside Jiao Li is tender, delicious not be bored with, it is to order dishes surely one of type

2, all bring evaporate pig

All bring evaporate pig in tender outside glutinous, bright sweet fat, but fat and not be bored with, not only deal is sufficient, the price is very substantial also, it is friend party, on holidays needs eating fine is tasted!

3, decoct fish cake

Decoct fish cake is one of delegates of traditional cate, flavour is colour and lustre delicious, gan Xiangshuang slips, cruelly oppress is full of flexibility, feed with assist of Xian Jie sauce more the flavour that show delicacy. This cate ever was obtained " China name is fastfood " title.

4, suitable heart 4 cups of chicken

4 cups of chicken are one of dish of name of suitable heart tradition, although weigh a name with 3 cups of chicken, but flavour also is to have distinguishing feature alone, want to arrange heart ability to experience the glamour of 4 cups of chicken personally, ability experiences this among them flavor.

5, phoenix city brews section melon

Section melon is the special local product of outskirts of old good people, what produce melon of black hair section, body short flesh is tender, flavour Qing Dynasty is sweet soft slip, gan Xiang is delicious.

6, evaporate fish

Evaporate fish is the expert good food of suitable heart chef, what steamed fish can develop a fish more is delicious, try to decorate again, look to draw same beauty like from the vision.

7, a thick soup that tear open a fish

A thick soup that tear open a fish is with variegated carp the flesh is given priority to makings, it is soup bottom with piscine soup, the dish that through suitable heart conventional cooking technology is cooked and becomes is tasted, it is one of god-given cordial. Shang Se milky white, distinct, balmy and full-bodied.

8, dish is far fry water snake piece

Dish is far fry water snake piece a traditional name dish that is Long Jiang, colour and lustre is snow-white, dish far verdure is fresh and green, the bright of anguine flesh is sweet lubricate to appear together with the faint scent confluence with far dish bring out the best in each other.

9, crackling burns goose

Regard suitable heart as cate " meat or fish " one of delegates, color is like red jujube, aroma 4 excessive, leather fragile flesh is tender, the skin that burn goose is fragile, be according to legend of mouth of mouth of suitable heart neighbor " cate " .

10, home town brews dace

Dace is very of the ability of test chef, become dace flesh chop stuffing, rejoin 8 kinds of raw material flavor, in complete whole fish skin is being put later, stuffing material is rich, good in color.

8, how many cate does the China on the tip of the tongue have?

1, loose fine and soft of sweet case lira 2, winter bamboo shoots of oily stew of winter bamboo shoots of area of river short for Zhejiang Province 3, little yellow croaker of acerbity bamboo shoot of soya bean of Guangxi Liuzhou acerbity bamboo shoot 4, asparagus lettuce of ham of black pudding of salt of Deng of a mountainous area Nuo of Deng of Yunnan Dali Nuo fries ham ham to fry a meal 5, lotus root of lotus of Hubei charr lotus root stews chop 6, jilin checks cake of bubble of head of fish of big fish of water of dry lake lake (Beijing) 7, water of soup of fish of pickled Chinese cabbage of Spanish mackerel of Hainan sweet decoct boils red snail

9, the tutorial of Chinese cate cookbook on the tip of the tongue?


Cook again flesh

Feed capable person: Steaky pork 300 grams, green pepper 50 grams, garlic 30 grams, thick broad-bean sauce 60 grams, soup-stock 50 grams, salt 5 grams, candy 5 grams, oily 10 grams

Practice: Steaky pork is abluent, whole put the fish out after 20 minutes are being boiled in 1000 grams cold water, the slice after waiting for refrigeration reserves;

Green pepper is abluent, go the base of a fruit goes seed, those who cut 3 centimeters of square is small;

Garlic sprouts goes doing a skin, cut paragraph;

Fry boiler to enter oil, topple cutlet explodes first fry, see fat part is contractive, put green pepper to be fried several times again, go ahead of the rest is filled piece;

With the more than oil in boiler, will hot thick broad-bean sauce is fried sweet, add soup-stock, candy to fry divide evenly;

Answer cutlet, green pepper to break up together fry;

Garlic sprouts is added to be fried together before having pot, wait for fragrance to come loose piece, can fill dish of edible.


Hemp mother-in-law bean curd

Feed capable person: Bean curd 500 grams, ground meat 100 grams, salt 10 grams, oily 50 grams, thick broad-bean sauce 60 grams, pink of Chinese prickly ash 5 grams, chopped green onion 20 grams, 20 grams of fabaceous Chi


Bean curd reserves into small, ground meat spills 5 grams salt, pour souse of 10 grams cooking wine to reserve;

500 grams water is entered in boiler, scatter boil of 2 grams salt, issue bean curd piece, scald water, can make the mouthfeel of bean curd delicate, tastily;

Enter in boiler 20 the fried dish is oily, oil is lukewarm about 6 chopped meat is put when becoming heat, medium baking temperature is fried medicinal powder;

Meat stuffing breaks up fry thick broad-bean sauce of red oil of 2 big spoon is put after becoming angry;

Chopped green onion and fabaceous Chi are put after frying a red oil, explode sweet boiler; Enter 200 grams hot water;

The bean curd that before be being entered below, float has ironed piece, small fire boils 3.4 minutes slightly in lid of the boiler on the lid, the word with much water is OK conflagration receives juice, tick off Gorgon euryale to scatter on pink of right amount 5 grams Chinese prickly ash can.


Palace keeps gallinaceous man

Feed capable person: Pigeon breast flesh 300 grams, water is amylaceous 30 grams, cucumber 100 grams, green 20 grams, dry chili 50 grams, unripe take 10 grams, vinegar 5 grams, salt 5 grams, candy 5 grams, cooking wine 10 grams, oily 30 grams, pignut 30 grams


Pigeon breast flesh cuts man, free captive animals is smoked, salt, cooking wine piles up flavour, the starch that use water mixes divide evenly;

Cucumber cuts fourth, green to want to cut paragraphs small, dry chili is cut go both ends, purify chili seed;

Transfer into in small bowl candy of soy, vinegar, salt, Bai Sha and cooking wine, mix to make flavoring juice equably;

Bottom oil takes in boiler, after burning heat, put Chinese prickly ash and dry chili, give sweet smell with blast of small fire stir-fry before stewing, put green Chinese onion subsequently paragraph;

Put gallinaceous man, put 1 spoon cooking wine, fry chicken to become angry;

Transfer into finally makings juice, put cucumber man, ripe pignut again, break up fry even, water starch ticks off Gorgon euryale, can.

10, the extract of Chinese cate depict on the tip of the tongue?

Small basket dumpling small and exquisite, look very good. Far look, ten whiteness are immaculate small basket dumpling clusters round closely together, you are next to me, I am next to you, be like spring that lively and lovely small peach blossom. In what wave in the wind " mist " in, small basket dumpling appears more provoking loved. Look nearly, for nothing tender tender small basket dumpling is full, moist, hum, look very delicious. Look, that skin be how delicate ah, so delicate that be like the little face that toot of fat baby fertilizer toots, hold gently broken. Pass through cortical, you see can clearly inside Na Chunmei's Shang Zhier, how, wanted to eat, fasten urgent, there still is a lubricant like halcyon beef inside!

Small basket dumpling sees intimate friend not only, taste is very good also. Common saying says well: "Move gently, carry slowly, open a window first, boiling water is drunk after. " nevertheless my hunger cannot was in charge of so much, those who hope the move is so delicate is small basket dumpling, my saliva is early " fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously " , I am considered do not get figure of what fair maiden, grab dumpling fills in in past mouth, very very hot, I am covering mouth cried, this I draw a lesson, bite a skin gently first, immediately, juice afflux in my mouth, very mellow, good profit, very sweet, I am enmeshed in wonderful world, wait for my reaction to come over, I ground of too impatient to wait dumpling of a place of strategic importance in past mouth.

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