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郑州信息科技职业学院(Zhengzhou Vocational University of Information and Technology)是经河南省人民政府批准、中华人民共和国教育部备案的专科层次全日制公办普通高职院校,是全国1+X证书制度试点院校、教育部现代学徒制试点单位、“码农计划”第二批试点院校、河南省优质高等职业院校、河南省职业教育品牌示范院校、河南省高水平高等职业学校高水平专业建设工程立项建设单位。










三、郑州信息科技职业学院是2003年经河南省政府批准成立的一所公办专科层次的高等职业院。学院位于郑州市郑东新区龙子湖高校园区,占地面积465亩,建筑面积14万平方米,在校普通 专科生8000余人,现有人文财经系、机械电子工程系、信息工程系、艺术系、建筑工程系等五个系、二十多个专业。


(官网:Zhangzhou College Of Science And Technology)坐落于漳州市漳浦县,是于2007年经福建省人民政府批准、国家教育部备案,由李瑞河投资创办的一所非营利性高等职业院校





公交线路:地铁1号线 → 166路,全程约21.6公里1、从郑州长途汽车中心站步行约1.0公里,到达二七广场站2、乘坐地铁1号线,经过12站, 到达龙子湖站3、步行约860米,到达龙子湖东路平安大道站4、乘坐166路,经过4站, 到达河南广播电视大学(龙子湖北路)站5、步行约110米,到达郑州信息科技职业学院-南门









One, net of official of institute of profession of Zhengzhou intelligence science and technology?

The official website of institute of profession of Zhengzhou intelligence science and technology is: Http://www.zzkjxy.com/

Institute of profession of Zhengzhou intelligence science and technology is the full-time that fosters high quality skill talent to be a target so school of common and advanced profession, the school is located in Henan to save classics of district of water of Zhengzhou city gold horn of southeast of mouth of 3 across austral road and 3 classics. The school is founded 2004, predecessor is school of engineering of Zhengzhou city Electromechanical, be approval of office of Henan province education first provincial demonstrative sex is advanced one of professional schools. Science of existing Electromechanical project, electronic information project, computer and technology, content sheds the school 10 major such as secret of management of resource of sale of management, travel management, market, accountant, financial management, manpower, article, covered the many fields such as labour, canal, article, classics, education. The school has the pedagogic team of a high quality, existing and full-time teacher 200 more than person, among them record of formal schooling of above of Master graduate student is occupied than achieving 50% above. The school pays attention to practice education, have a batch of modern labs and solid example base, provided favorable practice education environment for the student.

2, code of college of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology?


Institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology (Zhengzhou Vocational University Of Information And Technology) it is the full-time of specialized subject administrative levels that saves Ministry of Education of people government approval, People's Republic of China to put on record via Henan fair do common high post school, it is system of countrywide 1+X certificate contemporary apprentice makes pilot school, Ministry of Education pilot unit, " code farming plans " the 2nd batch of pilot schools, Henan saves school of high grade and advanced profession, Henan to save a profession to teach brand demonstrative school, Henan to save Gao Shuiping Gao Shuiping of advanced vocational school is professional construction project.

3, institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology how appearance?

OK still, institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology is the full-time of specialized subject administrative levels that saves Ministry of Education of people government approval, People's Republic of China to put on record via Henan fair do common high post school, it is system of countrywide 1+X certificate contemporary apprentice makes pilot school, Ministry of Education pilot unit, Henan saves school of high grade and advanced profession, Henan to save a profession to teach brand demonstrative school, Henan to save Gao Shuiping construction of project approving of project of construction of major of high level of advanced vocational school is single.

4, is institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology how old?

Institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology, the full-time that is the administrative levels of a specialized subject that saves people government approval, Ministry of Education to put on record via Henan is fair do common high post school.

The school establishs 2003, execute Henan to save a government to sponsor, the administrative system that university of Henan broadcasting television governs on somebody's behalf. 2011, passed Henan smoothly to save talent of high post school to foster the job to evaluate. 2016, be awarded " demonstrative school of brand of education of Henan province profession " title. 2017, successful and selected contemporary apprentice makes provincial and pilot unit. 2018, contemporary apprentice makes successful and selected Ministry of Education pilot unit, be certainly " Henan visits school of high grade and advanced profession " project approving builds an unit.

Up to in October 2018, the school covers an area of a face to accumulate 500 mus, floor area 350 thousand square metre, total value of equipment of instrument of education scientific research more than yuan 7510, books 400 thousand; Set department of 8 education courtyard, 38 major; Have teach a worker 600 more than person, 10650 people of student.

5, rank of institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology?

One, the whole nation ranked institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology 2020 the 594th, the 40th is ranked in Henan; The whole nation ranked the 682nd 2019, the 47th is ranked in Henan.

2, institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology was 2003 the arrangement of a specialized subject that establishs via approval of Henan province government is advanced professional school.

3, institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology was 2003 a when hold water via approval of Henan province government fair the advanced profession courtyard that handles specialized subject arrangement. The institute is located in Zhengzhou city area of garden of college of Long Zihu of Zheng Dongxin area, cover an area of a face to accumulate 465 mus, floor area 140 thousand square metre, in school is average the specialized subject lays 8000 more than person, more than 20 5 departments such as department of department of existing and humanitarian finance and economics, mechanical electron engineering, information project department, artistic department, construction project department, major.

6, net of official of institute of profession of Zhangzhou science and technology?

(government-owned net: Zhangzhou College Of Science And Technology) be located at county of riverside of Zhangzhou city Zhang, it is 2007 Ministry of Education of approval of government of people of classics Fujian Province, country puts on record, a blame that by Li Rui river investment establishs seeks profits the gender is advanced professional school

7, institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology a few campuses?


Institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology has a campus only, be located in Zhengzhou city road of Hubei of Longzi of area of garden of college of Long Zihu of Zheng Dongxin area, the school covers an area of gross area 500 mus, the environment is beautiful, communication is easy. Saved governmental approval to hold water by Henan 2002, the full-time of the administrative levels of a specialized subject that put on record in Ministry of Education 2003 is common high post school. Began recruit students 2006.

8, how to go to institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology?

Public transportation circuitry: The subway → of a line 166, whole journey makes an appointment with 21.6 kilometers 1, from Zhengzhou station of long-distance car center makes an appointment with 1 kilometers on foot, arrive at 27 square to stand 2, take the subway a line, through 12 stations, arrive at Long Zihu to stand 3, make an appointment with 860 meters on foot, arrive at Long Zihu Dong Luping to install a highway to stand 4, take 166, through 4 stations, arrive at university of Henan broadcasting television (road of Long Zihu north) station 5, make an appointment with 110 meters on foot, arrive at institute of profession of Zhengzhou information science and technology - south the door

9, net of official of institute of profession of Qingdao aviation science and technology?


 Institute of profession of Qingdao aviation science and technology is classics Shandong approval of province people government holds water, national Ministry of Education puts on record, the full-time run by the local people that brings into plan of national recruit students is ordinary colleges and universities, first aviation that holds water in Chinese north by group of Pan American education kind high post institute, it is the core project of new city of empty property of Qingdao Lai Xi Hang, this project plans to always invest 3.9 billion yuan, the program always covers an area of 2045 mus. Total floor area 660 thousand square metre.

Institute with " humanitarian, science and technology, dream, classical " for core program concept, with Ying Lunfeng case building is characteristic, have inside campus super- old zoology farm and view and admire landscape, the farm has been judged to be area of scene of travel of national level AAA, division of scene of national AAAA class will be established after academic whole builds, make hundred years officer of world of the international that compare a shoulder.

10, net of official of institute of profession of science and technology of environment of endowment this world?


Institute of profession of science and technology of environment of endowment this world is approval of government of people of classics Sichuan province, national Ministry of Education puts on record, the blame that builds according to undergraduate course standard seeks profits sexual run by the local people is ordinary full-time is common high post school, it is strategy of center of propaganda and education of ministry of environment of national organisms' habits environment of zoology of cooperative unit, China is produced teach allied director unit, Sichuan strategical province of base of education of burgeoning industry person with ability, Sichuan is exclusive an environment kind high post school (the whole nation only 9)
