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饥荒远古科技树 科技树怎么形容?英文双语对照


饥荒远古科技树 科技树怎么形容?英文双语对照









科技树(英文: Technology tree),意思是通过选择发展不同的 技术方向导致不同的研发结果,用图形表示则成树状图像。通常按照一条顺序,不过也有交融的或可更替的科技。以某些科技为基础,可以开发另一种科技。主要使用在 策略游戏, 角色扮演游戏有着功能类似的技能树。












2,比如:有些时候,你选国家A,就可以研究 重甲骑兵 的进化 圣殿骑士 但是当你玩国家B时,却不能发展圣殿骑士。



当然,在你建立游戏的时候,如果你选择了(科技全开),那么你们的科技就都一样了(应该是这样的,我不确定) 综上所述是帝国时代2里的,也许罗马复兴中没有我说的(重甲骑兵,圣殿骑士,民兵,火炮之类的)但是科技树的概念总是这样的,他就是显示科技的(只显示你用的国家,个人觉得没有特大的用处)。 另外,我就玩过一两次罗马复兴,感觉画质没有帝国时代2原版的好,你不妨玩一玩,现在都玩原版的,希望我的回答能对你有帮助





吕布是战士,战士的科技加点遵循这个原则,生命(10级)→攻击力(点满)→暴击(点满)→生命(点满)→格挡(10级)→技能伤害(点满)→速度(10级)→生命 攻击力(点满)→生命 技能伤害(点满)→格挡(点满)→速度(点满),生命点到10级就跳到攻击力点满,攻击力比生命优先点满是为了提高主C武将(吕布)的输出,吕布的输出提高了,推图和爬塔能够推得更高



1. 收集经验值:在Rust游戏中,玩家可以通过完成任务、打猎、采集资源等方式获得经验值。经验值越高,玩家可以解锁的科技树等级也越高。

2. 解锁科技树等级:在Rust游戏中,玩家需要先解锁低级别的科技树,才能解锁更高级别的科技树。玩家可以通过在游戏中制作物品、建造建筑等方式来解锁科技树等级。

3. 学习科技树:在Rust游戏中,玩家需要学习科技树才能解锁其中的物品和装备。学习科技树需要消耗一定的经验值和资源,玩家可以在游戏中的工作台上学习科技树。





One, tree of science and technology of famine remote antiquity

Can kill tree person through attacking, fell trees has the tree of life to obtain, opposite at other data, vivid wood is lacked relatively. Can use at making the rod or staff used for a specific purpose of the law that call out a star in ancient science and technology, decompose law rod or staff used for a specific purpose, the person that destroy; The blackart in common blackart 2, water blood sword, shadow knife, deferent law rod or staff used for a specific purpose and law blast.

Rhinoceros horn and eyeball:

The required data that the eyeball that make prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan. Rhinoceros horn is attacked kill ancient rhinoceros to obtain, eyeball is attacked kill gigantic deer to obtain.

Lapidary, cane, ax

Green orange yellow gem can win treasure case 2 layers in burrow, be bungled statuary wait for a way to obtain.

Orange gem: Can use at making dawdler phylactery

2, how is tree of science and technology described?

Science and technology cultivates (English: Technology Tree) , the technical direction that means differs through choosing to develop brings about outcome of different research and development, express to become the image that establish record with the graph. Normally according to an order, do not cross those who blend to also have may the science and technology of replace. It is a foundation with certain science and technology, can develop another kind of science and technology. Basically use in politic game, the part acts game to having the mastery of a skill or technique with similar function to cultivate.

3, how is tree of galaxy science and technology nodded?

Tree of galaxy science and technology can amount to fane to find firebrand place in Er of a place of strategic importance

4, " lead earth bank " the tree of science and technology of the strategy?

Tree of science and technology

1, click advocate city, be in right next horn are clicked " establishment " , the science and technology that can enter game establishs a system. Military affairs and city build player of this two big branch to be able to emphasize development according to need among them, OK also and collateral development. And system of tree of science and technology is core with grade of castellan government office, relevant science and technology needs castellan government office to achieve certain order and degree to ability can study and upgrade, if raise the city zone fast spent science and technology " city wall " need castellan government office achieves 4 class to just can be built.

5, how is tree of anoxic science and technology nodded?

Build when ground of inhabit a region end, can begin to reclaim science and technology to cultivate a respect eventually, on the offensive builds science and technology of a foundation to study establishment. After clicking research 20 times, can research primary science and technology, research needs corresponding resource here, what to lack to be able to be obtained through collecting.

Study science and technology gives crop as soon as possible, can oneself plant crop, make species establish a few attentions are nodded, 1. Temperature, do not put crop in electric equipment or on the side of batteries, temperature crosses tall crop to won't grow atmospheric pressure is too low, the plant cannot grow normally likewise. Settle way, not plant park top layer, perhaps place an alga to make oxygen by the plant, aerobic content is high, atmospheric pressure is high, the plant can grow normally. The problem that such coming down that eat with respect to get sth done once and for ever.

6, what is convention tree science and technology?

Tree of science and technology is the science and technology that that country that you choose can research. Do not know you had observed:

1, there is characteristic soldier in every country castle (this Caesarean person knows)

2, for instance: Some moment, you choose national A, the knight of developmental Temple of God that can consider to weigh armour cavalry but when you play national B, cannot develop knight of Temple of God however.

Some of country can study artillery, and some are no good.

Tree of science and technology says simply, the science and technology that can research your country namely was listed come out (the unit of average base is mutual, for instance firm inchoate commando is waited a moment) .

Of course, when you build game, if you chose (a standard-sized sheet of science and technology) , so your science and technology is same (should be such, I am not affirmatory) the place on put together is narrated is Caesarean times 2 lis, perhaps Rome revives in say without me (heavy armour cavalry, knight of Temple of God, commando, of artillery and so on) but the concept that science and technology establishs always is such, he is indication science and technology (the country that shows you are used only, the individual feels to do not have especially big good) . Additional, I had played Rome 9 times to revive, sensory picture does not have Caesarean times character of 2 original good, you might as well play, play original now, hope my answer can be helpful to you

7, how is tree of Rust science and technology opened?

The interface is cultivated in science and technology, you can use the general money in Rust game " flotsam " undertake solving a lock.

8, does tree of Lv cloth science and technology increase bit of order?

Lv cloth science and technology recommends increase a point:

Lv Bu is a soldier, the soldier's science and technology adds a dot to follow this principle, life (10 class) → atttacks force (the point is full) → is cruel attack (the point is full) → life (the point is full) → case is blocked (10 class) → skill is harmed (the point is full) → speed (10 class) force of → life assault (the point is full) , life dot jumps to attack to 10 class force point is full, assault force is bit more preferential than life it is to rise completely advocate C fierce will (Lv Bu) output, lv Bu's output rose, push pursue and climb a tower to be able to be pushed higher

9, how does tree of Rust science and technology solve a lock?

In Rust game, tree of science and technology is a kind of important system, can help player solution lock up new goods and equipment. It is the method that science and technology of the Rust that solve a lock establishs below:

1.Collect experience cost: In Rust game, the player can carry the mission that finish, hunt, collect the means such as resource to obtain experience to be worth. Experience cost is higher, the order and degree of tree of science and technology that the player can solve a lock is higher also.

2.The science and technology that solve a lock establishs rank: In Rust game, the player needs to solve the science and technology that locks up low level to cultivate first, ability solution locks up more advanced and other science and technology cultivate. The player can make goods through be being made in game, build the means such as the building to solve lock science and technology to establish rank.

3.Learn tree of science and technology: In Rust game, the player needs to learn science and technology to cultivate ability solution to lock up among them article and equipment. Tree of study science and technology needs to drain fair experience value and resource, the player can learn science and technology to cultivate on the workbench in game.

Those who need an attention is, the tree of science and technology in Rust game is a dynamic system, the meeting newer and constant change as game version. The player needs what know game in time to update content, so that ability cultivates Jie Suoke and use new goods and equipment better.

10, does tree of Rust science and technology have what to use?

Tree of Rust science and technology is very useful. Because Rust is a kind of new-style programming language, its safety performance and intercurrent performance are very excellent, a lot of large software companies are using it to develop interface kimono Wu. Tree of Rust science and technology can help learner master the basic grammar of Rust language and characteristic better, and can help the modes of life and relation to their environment that learner development knows Rust and applied domain. In addition, study Rust also can help people solve a few problems that encounter in actual process designing better, for example memory safety problem and problem of intercurrent process designing. Anyhow, tree of Rust science and technology is the teaching material with study Rust indispensable programming language and tool.

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