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首先,食物多样。儿童少年每天的食物要包括谷薯类、蔬菜水果、畜禽鱼蛋、奶类豆类及其制品,食物品种达到每天12种以上,每周25种以上。做到餐餐有蔬菜、天天吃水果,每天喝牛奶或酸奶达到300克以上,常吃豆制品,适量吃鱼、禽、蛋和瘦肉,适量吃坚果,且少盐少油,足量饮水。为满足身高迅速增长的需要,要多吃含钙丰富的奶及奶制品和大豆及其制品,同时多吃含维生素D丰富的海鱼、蛋黄等,多进行户外活动,促进钙的吸收和利用。为改善青春期生理性贫血,多吃含铁丰富的食物,如瘦肉、肝等, 搭配含维生素C丰富的蔬菜和水果。







Above all, food diversity. Children girl everyday food should include cereal potato kind, egg of fish of birds of vegetable fruit, cultivate, suckle kind of legume and its goods, food breed is achieved everyday 12 kinds of above, every week 25 kinds of above. Accomplish meat meat to have vegetable, eat a fruit every day, drink milk or yoghurt to achieve 300 grams above everyday, often eat bean products, right amount eat fish, birds, egg and lean lean, right amount eat nut, and little salt little oil, full amount waters. To satisfy the need that height increases quickly, want to take the grandma that contains calcium to abound and milk products and soja and its product more, eat the sea fish that contains vitamin D to abound, yoke to wait more at the same time, have outdoors activity more, the absorption of stimulative calcium and use. Give birth to rational anaemia to improve adolescence, eat the food that contains iron to abound more, wait like lean lean, liver, collocation contains the vegetable with vitamin rich C and fruit.

Next, eat good breakfast. Children girl should assure 3 eat one day, two eat are removed 4 ~ 6 hours, 3 eat are time and mensurable, accomplish breakfast to had eaten, lunch is satiate, dinner is right amount, eat the quick meal that contains tall salt, high adipose or high in syrup less, especially Western-style snack. Want to have breakfast everyday not only, and should eat good breakfast. The breakfast with enough nutrition should include at least the following 4 kinds of food reach above 3 kinds medium: Cereal potato kind, be like steamed bread, rice; Fleshy egg kind, be like flesh of egg, sauce; Grandma legume, be like milk, soya-bean milk; Fruit vegetables kind, be like apple, cucumber. Want to combine habit of this locality food, abound breakfast breed, if the steamed stuffed bun of celery beef stuffing distributes soya-bean milk, or cucumber of biscuit clip omelette distributes milk, it is the breakfast with enough nutrition.

Moreover, choose pair of snacks. Snacks is all food that eat beyond a day of 3 eat and beverage, do not include water. Reasonable choice snacks can serve as daily and prandial complement. Children girl can choose natural, fresh, tall, clean healthful food makes nutrient value snacks, the fruit such as first selection apple, tomato is vegetable, contain rich vitamin, mineral with prandial fiber. The grandma such as reelection yoghurt, bean curd doing kind, bean products, can offer rich protein and calcium. Still can choose the nut such as earthnut, melon seeds, contain a lot ofnot saturated fatty acid and vitamin E. And candied, potato piece, the candy that reachs Peng to change food place to contain, salt or adipose very tall, these food are unfavorable make sock. More not " 3 without the product " , " 5 wool food " or roadside snack serves as snacks. The quantity of snack wants with be not being affected prandial and advisable, between two eat a few OK eating. Most beverage contains many accretion candy, excessive is drinkable incidental dental caries or fat, proposal children girl is not drunk or drink the beverage that contain sugar less, cannot drink beverage when water more. Want to encourage them to drink the plain boiled water of full amount, a few for many times, achieve 800 ~ everyday 1400 milliliter.

The 4th, full amount moves. Enough, regular motion is OK and able-bodied skeleton and muscle, improve efficiency of heart lungs function, promotion study, reduce disease risk. Children girl should assure athletic time first, everyday accumulative total activity of body of 60 minutes of above, every time 10 minutes of above. In wanting to make sure body activity intensity is achieved again, wait reach above, can feel the body perspires slightly, breathe a heartbeat to accelerate, had better be outdoors activity; Had better have the body activity of above high strenth 3 times every week. Enhance athletic technical ability even, develop athletic interest. Accomplish the diversification of athletic intensity, form and place. Additional, decrease see the time inspecting screen such as mobile phone, computer and TV, do not exceed 2 hours everyday, had jumped over lesser. Assure enough sleep even, pupil is achieved everyday 10 hours, junior high school gives birth to 9 hour, high school 8 hours.

Finally, know food. Let children girl walk into nature, know food, learn nutrient knowledge, promote healthy. Know food to want a course to sow, weed, fertilization, pay hardships to work, a few months just may harvest last a period of time. Want to let them walk into a kitchen, participate in food to purchase, preparation and cook, develop basic life mastery of a skill or technique, inheritance is outstanding dietary culture. Church children cherishs environment of food, protection, from " CD acts " make, not leftover dish; Outer repast orders dishes should right amount, not grandiose and wasteful. Teach them to buy when packing food beforehand, want to read food label carefully, not only see manufacturing date and expiration period, also want to combine watch of composition of burden, nutrition to choose more healthy food.

Anyhow, pass food it is diversiform, good to eat breakfast, choose motion of pair of snacks, full amount and understanding food, let children girl achieve take the dynamic balancing, aim that carries healthy weight. Remember to measure their height and weight regularly, know nutrient state, scientific and cognitive bodily form, precautionary children girl hidebound or overweight fat.

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