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  • 引言: 在引言中,您需要明确论文的研究目的和重要性,并简要介绍相关背景知识。
  • 文献综述: 文献综述是论文的核心部分,您需要介绍相关领域的研究现状和理论基础,并分析已有研究的不足之处。
  • 研究方法: 在研究方法中,您需要明确您采用的研究方法和数据收集方式,并解释其合理性和可行性。
  • 结果与讨论: 在结果与讨论部分,您需要详细呈现研究结果,并对结果进行分析和讨论。同时,您还需要与已有文献进行比较。
  • 结论: 在结论中,您需要总结您的研究成果,并提出对未来研究的建议。
  • 参考文献: 在参考文献中,您需要列出您在论文中引用过的所有文献。



  • 明确论文的研究问题: 在写作之前,您需要明确您的研究问题。一个清晰明确的研究问题将指导您的整个写作过程。
  • 遵循学术规范: 在写作过程中,您需要严格遵循学术规范,包括引用文献、标注图表等方面。
  • 运用合适的语言: 英语教育教学论文需要使用准确、简洁、专业的语言进行写作。避免使用口语化的表达和大量的俚语。
  • 数据分析和图表设计: 如果您的论文涉及数据分析和图表呈现,您需要运用适当的统计方法和图表设计技巧。
  • 反复修改和校对: 在论文写作后,您需要反复修改和校对,确保语言流畅、逻辑清晰,并且没有拼写和语法错误。






English education education is the popular topic that teachs a domain currently. Below the setting of globalization, english regards international as universal language, more and more get the attention of people. And compose a paper of excellent English education education is English teacher and one of main tasks that researcher faces. The article will introduce for you how compose a paper of excellent English education education.

Paper structure

A paper of excellent English education education should have clear structure, include the following shares:

  • Foreword: In foreword, you need to make clear the research purpose of the paper and importance, brief introduction is relevant cultural background.
  • Document overview: Document sums up the core part that is a paper, you need to introduce the research current situation of relevant domain and theoretical foundation, analyse the insufficient place that already had research.
  • Research technique: It is in research technique, the research technique that you need to make clear you to use and data collect means, explain its rationality and feasibility.
  • Result and discuss: In the result with discussion part, you need to present research result in detail, undertake analyse and discussion to the result. In the meantime, you are returned need and already document undertakes comparative.
  • Conclusion: In conclusion, you need to summarize your research positive result, offer the proposal that studies to future.
  • Bibliographical reference: In bibliographical reference, you need all document that list you had cited in the paper.

Writing skill

A need of outstanding paper of English education education masters compose skill of a few writing:

  • Make clear the research problem of the paper: Before writing, you need to make clear your research problem. A clear and specific research issue will be directive your whole writing process.
  • Follow academic standard: In composing a process, you need to follow academic standard strictly, include to cite document, tag the respect such as chart.
  • Use right language: Paper of English education education needs to use accurate, concise, professional language to undertake writing. Avoid to use the expression that spoken language changes and many slang.
  • Data analysis and chart design: If your paper involves data analysis and chart to appear, you need to use proper statistical method and chart design skill.
  • Revise repeatedly and proofread: After the paper is composed, you need to be revised repeatedly and be proofreaded, ensure the language is logistic and fluent, clear, and do not have spelling and solecism.


A paper of excellent English education education needs compose to compose skill and precise academic manner goodly. Through reading the article, believe you had understood how compose a paper of excellent English education education. Wish you obtain good result in composing a process!

Thank you to read the article, hope the article teachs education paper to be helped somewhat to your compose English.

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