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有氧健身文案? 常见的有氧运动项目有哪些?英文双语对照


有氧健身文案? 常见的有氧运动项目有哪些?英文双语对照



















1、俯卧撑运动 俯卧撑动作,女孩做起来会比较吃力,因此可以选择将双手支撑在高一点的床栏杆或沙发桌上,身体倾向斜前方。俯卧撑动作时不要驼背,胸部肌肉绷紧,匀速作10个俯卧撑。

2、扩胸运动 同样也是最简单常见的运动,如果想要运动到胸部肌肉,而不仅仅是活动肩膀。最好手持一公斤以上的哑铃或矿泉水,将动作放慢,有节律的重复改动作。手臂向后振时,让胸部努力向前挺。

3、床上哑铃动作 身体平躺在床上,双臂紧贴双耳,双手握哑铃放在头顶上方。手臂伸直,双手慢慢举起,最终将手臂与身体垂直。重复该动作。

4、拜观音动作 双脚直立、抬头挺胸,双手在胸前合十。保持掌心合十不变,缓缓的向上升起,直至手臂紧贴双耳。合十的双手尽量向最上方延伸。




慢跑 运动优点:提高睡眠质量,通过跑步,大脑的供血、供氧量可以提升20%,这样夜晚的睡眠质量也会跟着提高;“通风”作用,在跑步的过程中,肺部的容量平均从5.8升上升到6.2升,同时,血液中氧气的携带量也会大大增加;保护心脏,心跳。









1. 慢跑:慢跑是一种低强度的有氧运动,能够锻炼心肺功能,增强心脏和肺部的健康。

2. 长距离骑车:骑车是一种全身性、低强度的运动,能够训练心脏肺功能和下肢肌肉耐力。

3. 游泳:游泳是一种低冲击力、全身性的运动,能够锻炼身体的肌肉和心肺功能。

4. 快走:快走是一种低强度、有氧的运动,能够增强心肺功能,帮助减重、保持健康。

5. 登山:登山是一种具有连续性、中低强度的有氧运动,能够提高心肺功能,增强躯干肌肉耐力。







Is there case of oxygen fitness article?

I like athletic fitness, I feel self-discipline is not the ticket that others gives you, blend in the passion of the life however, will move, let us do fitness having oxygen together, let life spurt give out happiness.

What does project of common motion there is oxygen have?

Project of common motion having oxygen has: On foot, go quickly, canter, walk, skate, Sunday run swims, by bicycle, dozen shadowboxing, jump gymnastical dance, skip / do metrical hold, ball games if basketball, football is waited a moment.

Characteristic of motion having oxygen is intensity low, rhythm, bos is broken grow with duration. Wait with weight lifting, race, high jump, long jump, cast have fulminic blame to oxygen campaign appearance is compared, motion having oxygen is a kind of constant often moves, it is to last 5 minutes the campaign that above still has strength to spare.

Patulous data:

Have oxygen motion note

1, adjust moderately physical ability

When doing exercise having oxygen, the real case that had better want him foundation will adjust physical ability, have chronic patient especially, or body joint has the patient that has sufferred an injury, want to notice athletic postural is adjusted in motion, the attention has protected him, especially the motion such as skip, cause harm very easily 2 times. So, the body case that canvasser wants to follow his will undertake modulatory appropriately.

2, the athletic time with right choice

Have two time everyday paragraph take exercise aptly quite. One is a morning, because morning human body is in hollow condition, if go moving, requires energy relies on adipose oxidation to offer commonly.

So, this time place is to be helpful for depleting put oneself in another's position inside redundant adipose. But should avoid violent campaign, produce hypoglycemia in case. Place of the 2nd time is it is preprandial 2 hours. Because athletic meeting has in before dinner 2 hours,place of otherer than be in time moves more decrease effectively adipose.

What does body building project have?

Body building project has a lot of sort, be like,include campaign having oxygen ran, swim, skip, dancing having oxygen, can raise heart lungs function and combustion adipose;

Force trains a project to be like training of weight lifting, pull-up, dumbbell to wait, can strengthen muscle force and model a figure;

Flexibility trains a project to be like motion of gem gal, Puladi, drawing to wait, can increase articulatory flexibility and body pliability; Balance training project balances movement, thin leg to stand like gem gal etc, can raise the body to balance ability; Core training project is propped up like abdominal muscle training, flat etc, can strengthen core muscle group stability. The choice fits his gymnastical project, can elevate fitness and healthy level in the round.

Does project of body building of the whole people introduce?

Fitness can invite the body more healthy, but some body building are not to suit everybody, we introduce a few body building items that suit the whole people today.

1, movement of push-up motion push-up, the girl is done the meeting is more demanding, because this can choose prop up double hand,go up in a bit taller bed baluster or sofa desk, ahead of body bend syncline. Do not want when push-up movement bow-backed, bosom muscle take up, divide evenly fast make 10 push-up.

2, enlarge bosom motion also is the simplest and common motion likewise, if want to move bosom muscle, is mobile shoulder not just. Had better hold the dumbbell of a kilogram of above or mineral water, behavioral rein in, the repetition of law having a red-letter day alters. Arm backward brace up when, let bosom try hard to be held out ahead.

3, lie low of body of movement of the dumbbell on the bed is on the bed, double arm is clingy ear, both hands grasps dumbbell to put overhead square. Arm unbend, both hands is raised slowly, final arm and body perpendicular. Repeat this act.

4, do obeisance to avalokitesvara movement double base erect, look up hold out a bosom, both hands is before the bosom put the palms together. Maintain put the palms together of the centre of the palm changeless, slowly rise up, till the arm is clingy ear. The both hands of put the palms together as far as possible to most upper part is outspread.

Fitness and conflict there is oxygen?

Do not conflict. Because fitness is mixed,oxygen trains is to be able to promote healthy athletic kind. What oxygen motion makes our heart and lung better is run, increase the endurance of the body and metabolization capacity, and the muscle that fitness lets us is more healthy and strong, reduce the adipose proportion of the body. Both and complementary, can achieve healthy goal. Normally, motion having oxygen is to be in inside short time below the circumstance of athletic intensity moderate commonly, suspend time very short, canter for example, go quickly etc is motion having oxygen. And fitness can be divided have oxygen to be mixed without oxygen, the training that do not have oxygen is weight, low commonly second, the training manner of high group, for example weight lifting, push-up is waited a moment, and training having oxygen is to increase a heartbeat to promote metabolism, for example dumbbell leap, step crouchs etc. Accordingly, below the condition that allows in time, we can undertake oxygen and fitness train having at the same time, in order to reach better athletic effect and healthy level.

What does fitness have oxygen to move to have?

Canter athletic advantage: ? ? of persimmon of Lie of Gou Dong  passes ran, of cerebrum can promote for the blood, quantity that feed oxygen 20% , the Morpheus quality of such night also can raise; accordingly " ventilated " action, in the process of ran, the capacity of lung rises on average from 5.8 litres 6.2 litres, in the meantime, of the oxygen in blood carry a quantity to also can increase; to protect a heart greatly, heartbeat.

Should do before fitness is there oxygen?

This depends on your gymnastical target, but generally speaking, undertake taking exercise without oxygen meeting had been comparatived first. Having oxygen to take exercise basically is through raising sarcous force and endurance improve fitness. When undertaking oxygen takes exercise notting have, muscle can waste much energy, this also can conduce to reduce put oneself in another's position inside adipose store quantity.

Undertake oxygen moves having again subsequently, for example ran or swim etc, conduce to strengthen heart lungs function, raise metabolization rate, and can be used up additional adipose store.

Of course, specific order still needs to be decided according to individual circumstance. If your main goal is to raise heart lungs,the function is mixed reduce fat, it is OK also that so advanced travel has oxygen to move. Suggest you are OK make a comprehensive, science, sound fitness plan according to his gymnastical target and body circumstance.

How does novice fitness have oxygen to train?

To the novice, want to undertake campaign comes having oxygen fitness, need notices the following: Choose appropriate sportswear to have: Choose comfortable sneaker, sprotswear to wait according to athletic type. Adopt correct athletic posture: It is with ran exemple, the head is erect, visual ahead, arm and shoulder are loosened, extent of move about arm is compact and coherent, the waist is erect, the body is measurable pitch, retain core measurable reach, use gravitational generation to quicken progressive motive force, before tiptoe face, knee is loosened, the be born means of double foot stands by hip as far as possible the natural be born of lower part, pace is lightsome, avoid heavy footstep. Make likely target: The athletic injury of the majority comes from at the wrong acknowledge to oneself ability, because this needs a basis,oneself circumstance makes likely target. When undertaking oxygen moves having, when intensity is mixed, the motion that suggests you choose to suit your grows, undertake sufficient warm up before motion, with reducing wounded risk. In the meantime, want to notice compensatory moisture and nutrition, the body restores better and grow in order to help.

Is system of combustion there is oxygen offerred can athletic project?

System of combustion having oxygen is one kind is offerred can system, can offer long, the energy that the athletic place of inferior intensity requires, suit to undertake particularly a few in the Sunday run of low intensity, successional motion. It is a few have oxygen combustion system to offer below can quintessential sport project:

1.Canter: Cantering is the motion having oxygen of a kind of low intensity, can exercise heart lungs function, enhance the health of heart and lung.

2.Sunday run cycles: It is the motion of sex of a kind of whole body, low intensity by bike, can train heart lungs function and endurance of lower limbs muscle.

3.Swim: Swimming is the motion of sex of a kind of low wallop, whole body, the muscle that can exercise and heart lungs function.

4.Go quickly: Going quickly is a kind of low intensity, campaign that has oxygen, can enhance heart lungs function, the help is decreased heavy, keep healthy.

5.Mountain-climbing: Mountain-climbing is one kind is had successional, medium the motion having oxygen of low intensity, can improve heart lungs function, enhance truncal muscle staying power.

As a whole, these athletic projects are relatively relaxed and the athletic project that suits to train system of combustion having oxygen. Enhance heart lungs function and muscle staying power effectively through these motion, improve the health of the body thereby.

Are there oxygen fitness and the distinction of the fitness that do not have oxygen?

Fitness having oxygen and the fitness that do not have oxygen is two kinds of different fitness kind, the energy source that when their distinction depends on motion, uses is different. Fitness having oxygen is to point to undertake long, low the motion to moderate strength, canter for example, swim, dancing having oxygen, way of this kind of movement basically relies on metabolization having oxygen to provide energy, need oxygen to participate in namely, in carrying oxygen musculature through breathing circulatory system thereby, make the energy material inside musculature decomposes the energy with enough generation, manage the campaign of the body thereby.

The fitness that do not have oxygen is to point to the campaign that has high strenth, short time, for example weight lifting, tantivy, climb etc, way of this kind of movement basically relies on the metabolization that do not have oxygen to provide energy, do not need oxygen to participate in namely, pass what muscle internal energy measures material to decompose thereby, direct generation energy is used for the body.

As a whole, fitness having oxygen basically is to improve heart lungs function, increase endurance and reduce fat; And the fitness that do not have oxygen basically is to strengthen muscle force is mixed erupt force. According to gymnastical purpose of the individual and body state, can choose to have the oxygen, fitness kind that does not have oxygen or both union.

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