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雪覆寒溪竹,风卷野田蓬。四望无行迹,谁怜孤老翁。---李德裕 《雪霁晨起》

2、留情深处驻横波,敛翠凝红一曲歌。明月下楼人未散,共愁三径是天河。---许浑 《晨起西楼》

3、去去边城骑,愁眠掩夜闺。披衣窥落月,拭泪待鸣鸡。不愤连年别,那堪长夜啼。功成应自恨,早晚发辽西。---赵嘏 《杂曲歌辞·昔昔盐·倦寝听晨鸡》

4、万瓦宵光曙,重檐夕雾收。玉花停夜烛,金壶送晓筹。日晖青琐殿,霞生结绮楼。重门应启路,通籍引王侯。---虞世南 《凌晨早朝》

5、 忽对林亭雪,瑶华处处开。今年迎气始,昨夜伴春回。玉润窗前竹,花繁院里梅。东郊斋祭所,应见五神来。---张九龄 《立春日晨起对积雪》

6、晨兴步北林,萧散一开襟。复见林上月,娟娟犹未沉。片云自孤远,丛筱亦清深。无事由来贵,方知物外心。---张九龄 《晨出郡舍林下》

7、 关山凌旦开,石路无尘埃。白马高谭去,青牛真气来。重门临巨壑,连栋起崇隈。即今扬策度,非是弃繻回。王勃 《散关晨度》

8、紫陌炎氛歇,青苹晚吹浮。乱竹摇疏影,萦池织细流。飘香曳舞袖,带粉泛妆楼。不分君恩绝,纨扇曲中秋。骆宾王 《秋晨同淄川毛司马秋九咏·秋风》

9、南陆铜浑改,西郊玉叶轻。泛斗瑶光动,临阳瑞色明。盖阴连凤阙,阵影翼龙城。讵知时不遇,空伤流滞情。骆宾王 《秋晨同淄川毛司马秋九咏·秋云》

10、九秋行已暮,一枝聊暂安。隐榆非谏楚,噪柳异悲潘。分形妆薄鬓,镂影饰危冠。自怜疏影断,寒林夕吹寒。 骆宾王 《秋晨同淄川毛司马秋九咏·秋蝉》

11、玉关寒气早,金塘秋色归。泛掌光逾净,添荷滴尚微。变霜凝晓液,承月委圆辉。别有吴台上,应湿楚臣衣。骆宾王 《秋晨同淄川毛司马秋九咏·秋露》

12、云披玉绳净,月满镜轮圆。裛露珠晖冷,凌霜桂影寒。漏彩含疏薄,浮光漾急澜。西园徒自赏,南飞终未安。骆宾王 《秋晨同淄川毛司马秋九咏·秋月》

13、贝阙寒流彻,玉轮秋浪清。图云锦色净,写月练花明。泛曲鹍弦动,随轩凤辖惊。唯当御沟上,凄断送归情。骆宾王 《秋晨同淄川毛司马秋九咏·秋水》

14、玉虬分静夜,金萤照晚凉。含辉疑泛月,带火 怯凌霜。散彩萦虚牖,飘花绕洞房。下帷如不倦,当解惜馀光。骆宾王《秋晨同淄川毛司马秋九咏 · 秋萤》

15、擢秀三秋晚,开芳十步中。分黄俱笑日,含翠 共摇风。碎影涵流动,浮香隔岸


Bamboo of Xue Fuhan brook, wind coils wild Tian Peng. 4 hope not to have ghost, old man of whose pity Gu. ---Li Deyu " Xue Ji morning rises "

2, transverse wave is stationed in in show mercy, collect is emerald green coagulate red a song. Person of the building below the bright moon did not come loose, in all anxious 3 diameter are the Milky way. ---Xu Hun " morning rises on the west building "

3, go going by the side of the city rides, boudoir of night of anxious Mian attack by surprise. Wrap around the garment is peeped fall month, mop tear is waited for cry chicken. Not anger in successive years is fastened, that can grows morbid night crying of babies. Result into should hate oneself, morning and evening sends distant on the west. ---

4, light of 10 thousand made of baked clay night daybreaks, mist of duouble-eaved roof evening closes. Jade spends candle staying night, golden crock sends dawn preparing. Day sunshine green trivial hall, glow lays floor of cement figured woven silk material. Weigh a Ying Qilu, connect book to bring Wang Hou. ---Yu Shina " before dawn levee "

5, be opposite suddenly Lin Ting snow, precious jade China leave everywhere. Receive energy of life this year only then, yesterday evening is accompanied spring time. The bamboo before Yu Runchuang, spend the plum in numerous courtyard. East place of outskirt fast hold a memorial ceremony for, should see 5 gods come. ---

6, morning promotes Bu Beilin, xiao San a front of a garment. Answer see Lin Shangyue, beautiful beautiful still did not sink. Cloudlet from Gu far, clump Xiao Yiqing is deep. The origin that do not have a thing is expensive, just know content unfaithful intentions. ---Zhang Jiuling " morning gives county to abandon forest below "

7, Guan Shanling dawns, shi Lu does not have dust. White Ma Gaotan goes, gas of green Niu Zhen comes. Heavy door faces huge big pool, esteem since Lian Dong river bend. Namely today raise plan is spent, be not is to abandon Kui to answer. Wang Bo " medicinal powder Guan Chen is spent "

8, violet road phlogistic atmosphere rests, qing Ping blows float late. Random bamboo shakes thin film, encompass pool knits brooklet. Wave sleeve of sweet drag dance, the extensive that take powder makeup building. Do not divide Jun En absolutely, qu Zhongqiu of round silk fan. King of guest of a white horse with a black mane " Qiu Chen is the same as Zi plain wool autumn wind of the Sima Qiujiu · that chant "

9, south Liu Tong muddy changes, on the west outskirt jade leaf is light. Extensive is fought precious jade to be moved solely, lin Yangrui is lubricious bright. The Lian Feng that build nether world faults, blast shadow pterodactyl city. When Ju knows, do not encounter, empty injury spreads sluggish sentiment.

10, 9 autumn travel already dusk, install does one branch talk about of short duration. Concealed Yu is not expostulate with Hunan, pan of Bei of different of willow of a confusion of voices. Divide form makeup thin hair on the temples, engrave shadow acts the role of danger coronal. Self-pity thin film is broken, cold Lin Xi is blown cold.

11, Yu Guanhan energy of life is early, golden pond autumn scenery returns. Even more of extensive palm light is clean, the drop that add carry on one's shoulder is still small. Change frost coagulates dawn fluid, bear month appoint circle brightness. Wu Tai does not go up, should garment of wet Hunan official.

12, the cloud wraps around Yu Shengjing, lunar Man Jinglun is round. Xuan dew sunshine cold, shadow of approach frost laurel is cold. Leakage colour is contained scanty thin, urgent billows of float smooth overflow. Garden apprentice is admired oneself on the west, na Fei was not installed eventually.

13, thorough of Bei Que cold current, jade annulus Qiu Langqing. Color of graph Yun Jin is only, write month of Lian Huaming. Float music Zuo bowstring is moved, follow Jing of administer of phoenix of a small room. Go up when drive channel only, chilly forfeits put in affection 's charge.

14, Yu Qiu separates static evening, jin Ying takes evening cool. Contain month of brightness doubt extensive, take frostlike powder of igneous cowardly approach. San Caiying empty windows, wave the flower circles bridal chamber. Next curtain are like tireless, when light of the Yu that solve cherish. King of guest of a white horse with a black mane " Qiu Chen is the same as Zi plain wool Qiu Ying of · of the Sima Qiujiu that chant "

15, promote is beautiful 3 autumn evening, leave fragrant in 10 paces. Divide yellow all to laugh at day, contain emerald green shake in all wind. Broken shadow contain flows, float is sweet separate a bank
