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1、有限责任公司:最低注册资本10万人民币。基本要求:(1) 股东符合法定人数即由2个以上50个以下股东共同出资设立;(2) 股东出资达到法定资本最低限额:以生产经营为主的公司需50万元人民币以上;以商品批发为主的公司需50万元人民币以上;以商品零售为主的公司需30万元人民币以上;科技开发、咨询、服务公司需10万元人民币以上;(3) 股东共同制定公司章程;(4) 有公司名称,建立符合有限责任公司要求的组织机构;(5) 有固定的生产经营场所和必要的生产经营条件...


























1. 法人、合伙人身份证复印件

2. 注册资本金额及各股东投资比例

3. 公司名称字号五个以上

4. 公司主要经营范围













































One, does company of agricultural science and technology register a condition?

The condition is as follows:

1, finite liability company: Lowest registers capital 100 thousand RMB. Main demand: (1) partner accords with quorum namely by 2 above 50 the following partner are collective and contributive establish; (2) partner is contributive reach limit of statutory capital minimum: Manage the company that give priority to in order to produce to need above of 500 thousand yuan of RMBs; With commodity wholesale the company that give priority to needs above of 500 thousand yuan of RMBs; With commodity retail the company that give priority to needs above of 300 thousand yuan of RMBs; Development of science and technology, seek advice, service company needs above of 100 thousand yuan of RMBs; (3) partner makes company way jointly; (4) have company name, build the origanization construction that accords with demand of finite liability company; (5) fixed production manages place and necessary production to run a condition. . .

2, register condition of company of medical treatment science and technology?

One, investor (partner)

1. Year full 18 one full year of life, have identification, the person that has civil action capacity can register a company.

Following personnel cannot register a company

1. Cadre of leader of tall tube of national official, state-owned company, Party and goverment officials and its spouse and children cannot invest create a company.

2. Be done business by revoke license is not full 3 years or go bankrupt liquidation did not even more 3 years.

3. Personnel of serve a sentence or hold date of departure did not even more 3 years (economic crime did not even more 5 years)

4. Without the person of the person of civil action competence or influence of politics be strippinged.

2, the company registers an address

The company is registered must have register an address, register an address to need to house property proves to reach the agreement that rent (oneself house property need not rent an agreement) , of course garden area is registered go to the lavatory simplier, do not need to offer house property proof.

3, the company registers capital

1. Limited company lowest registers one person capital 100 thousand yuan of RMBs, register capital not to need to reach the designated position actually.

2. Two people and lowest of above limited company register capital 30 thousand yuan of RMBs, register capital not to need to reach the designated position actually.

4, the company is formed

1. The company can establish board of directors and supervision board, also need not establish board of directors or supervision board, if do not establish board of directors or supervision board,

Must establish an executive trustee an inspect thing, executive trustee cannot hold inspect thing part-time, partner can carry out trustee or inspect thing part-time.

2. Legal representative: The company must set a legal representative, the legal representative can be held the position of by one of partner, OK also outside hire.

5, financial personnel

The company must create financial staff, can invite full-time or personnel of pluralistic finance affairs, or entrust financial company representative.

6, basic account

The company must go a bank opening basic account, also call pair of public account.

3, register condition of company of energy-saving science and technology?

Want to register company of an energy-saving science and technology, need satisfies the requirement of laws and regulations of local relevant law, have sufficient financing and investor support, the business that owns clarity plans and develop the strategy, have relevant technology and professional knowledge, and understand market of energy-saving science and technology and industry trend.

In addition, the company should have the product that accords with environmental protection requirement or service, ensure can drive energy-saving decrease discharge and can develop continuously. Finally, still need to create perfect administrative system and group, ensure of company operation close legally compasses and develop continuously.

4, register condition of company of healthy science and technology?

1.Photocopy of Id of legal person, copartner

2.Register capital amount and scale of each partner investment

3.Company name name 5 above

4.Company main scope of operations

1, or 2 above year full the partner of 18 one full year of life.

2, all partner must show effective Id or Chinese passport photocopy.

3, register capital not less than statutory capital (according to each industry) .

4, register an address

5, does limited company of intelligent science and technology register a condition?

1, 2-199 partner, need to offer shareholder, legal person, ; of identity document original wants inspect job additionally provide personnel of at least 5 board of directorses, personnel of 3 supervision board.

2, register fund certainly, registering fund now is to identify capture to make, need not real test endowment issue check endowment report, theoretic without low register capital requirement.

3, trade name is referenced: Inc. of XX science and technology.

4, scope of operations: Intelligent science and technology, information science and technology, network science and technology, how to defend the technology inside domain of technology of science and technology, big data development, technology seeks advice, technical service, technology transfers tube-shaped part of; computer science department compositive; intelligent artifacts, how to prevent sale of soft hardware of product, computer.

6, does limited company of legal science and technology register a condition?

Limited company of legal science and technology notes , want to have company legal person, city letter, just, fair Zuo , thing is begged is Zuo good company.

7, register company of science and technology what to requirement need?

Limited company of science and technology registers a condition

1, 2-199 partner, need to offer shareholder, legal person, ; of identity document original wants inspect job additionally provide personnel of at least 5 board of directorses, personnel of 3 supervision board.

2, register fund certainly, registering fund now is to identify capture to make, need not real test endowment issue check endowment report, theoretic without low register capital requirement.

3, trade name is referenced: Inc. of XX science and technology.

4, scope of operations: Intelligent science and technology, information science and technology, network science and technology, how to defend the technology inside domain of technology of science and technology, big data development, technology seeks advice, technical service, technology transfers tube-shaped part of; computer science department compositive; intelligent artifacts, how to prevent sale of soft hardware of product, computer

8, does limited company of engineering of science and technology register a condition?

Specific requirement is as follows:

1 , partner accords with quorum.

2, partner makes company way jointly.

3, have company name, build the origanization construction that accords with demand of finite liability company.

4, have company dwelling place.

5, the project that there are law, administrative regulations and regulation of decision of the State Council to must sign up for classics approval before register in the scope of operations that the company applies for to register, require classics approval or obtain relevant license.

9, register condition of limited company of biology science and technology?

Company of biology science and technology registers flow

1, fill in " company name beforehand approve requisition " , hand over nuclear name to apply for;

2, get " company name beforehand approve advice note " , place company name;

3, preparative prejudication material, hand over on the net, after the prejudication on the net is passed, industrial and commercial bar submits prejudication data;

4, industrial and commercial issue receipt sheet, await final examine and verify, print business charter;

5, receive business patent;

6, charter original does business to cut an order on the belt, it is 3 orders of company commonly () of legal person chapter, company order, financial regulation, some still can carve company contract special rule, bill is special chapter;

7, taking business charter original and affix one's seal to go to a bank offerring a company basic door, get open an account licence;

8, legal person and company financial staff are taking original of business charter of Id original and company and official seal to go revenue nucleus duty () of categories of taxes of check and ratify.

Register company staff requirement

1, if the company is applied,the company has been registered before the person, be before the legal person of the company, and do not have cancel a company and choose to prevent to pay no attention to be included unusual, this kind of person can not deal with new company to register inside 3 years when the company cancels.

2, national official can not register a company.

3, judge, inquisitor can not be engaged in seeking profits sexual activity.

4, register a person to need above of 18 one full year of life.

5, the individual is indebted number is larger and the person that expires to was not paid off.

6, the person of the other state that law and regulation of the State Council must not hold the position of a legal representative.

10, register company of science and technology what to flow and requirement need?

Company of the science and technology that register needs to know: 2 or the person of above is joint-stock under register capital 30 thousand yuan, like the enrollment of 30 thousand yuan of above capital can be accomplished in installment, first not prep above 20% . Company of a person's solely invested science and technology under register capital 100 thousand yuan. Place of company of the science and technology that register must time: Left and right sides of a month can give certificate 3) company of the science and technology that register must material: Enterprise applicant establishs form formally. "Name beforehand approve requisition " original. Constitution, partner is met resolution and check endowment report. House property card (house property property must be business uses a room, if obligee of house property card is the company needs a company to sign an order) reach rental agreement (bear hire square brand wanting the door, building room date and house property evidence are consistent, must not repeat register, if tripartite is rented, need tripartite to open a proof, every rent it is OK to just have relet proves) . Entrust acting material, company of the science and technology that register provides gymnastics to make circuit: Industrial and commercial name beforehand approve. Sign material of industrial and commercial registration book. Establish a company to the bank check endowment account, make money into card of Zhang, ask, vacate seal. Conduction check endowment report 3. Conduction company business charter. To the card of origanization construction code that qualitative inspect bureau handles. To revenue conduction duty Wu registers certificate. To open an account the bank handles basic account.
