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广州历史文化景点? 长沙历史文化景点?英文双语对照


广州历史文化景点? 长沙历史文化景点?英文双语对照












东江湖 东江湖风景区是国家5A 级旅游风景区,位于湖南省东南部郴州地区的资兴市境内, 紧靠京广铁路和107 国道,距市中心38 公里,交通极为便利。东江湖风景旅游区是以山 水交融的东江湖为主体,以东江急流险滩、兜率灵岩神境、龙景峡谷奇景、岛屿群落景观 为特色,供旅游观光、休闲度假、康体疗养的湖岛型旅游区,总面积200 平方公里,融山 的隽秀、水的神韵于一体,挟南国秀色、禀历史文明于一身,被誉为“人间天上一湖水, 万千景象在其中”。








1.拙政园 拙政园是中国四大名园之一,是中国明清时期园林艺术的代表作之一。它以“奇、幽、美、秀”著称于世,是苏州园林中的瑰宝。

2.虎丘山 虎丘山是苏州的风景名胜区,是中国南方的三大名山之一。它有“山明水秀、山光水色”之称,是苏州的标志性景点。

3.留园 留园是苏州园林中的一颗璀璨明珠,也是中国四大名园之一。它以“小巧玲珑、精致细腻”著称于世,是苏州园林中的代表之一。

4.拜厅 拜厅是苏州古代建筑的代表之一,它是明代的文人吴樾的私人。拜厅以其独特的建筑风格和精美的装饰工艺而于世。

5.周庄 周庄是苏州的水乡古镇,是中国江南水乡的代表之一。这里有古老的街巷、精美的园林、传统的民居和独特的水乡文化,是游客们领略江南水乡风情的好去处。

6.山塘街 山塘街是苏州古老的商业街之一,也是苏州的文化名片之一。这里有古老的建筑、传统的手工艺品、各种美食和江南水乡的浪漫气息。

7.狮子林 狮子林是苏州园林中的一颗璀璨明珠,也是中国四大名园之一。它以“富丽堂皇、奇峰异石”著称于世,是苏州园林的代表之一。

8.虎丘塔 虎丘塔是苏州的古塔之一,是苏州的标志性景点之一。它建于南朝梁代,已有1400多年的历史,是苏州古代文化和建筑艺术的代表之一。

9.沧浪亭 沧浪亭是苏州的园林建筑之一,也是中国四大名亭之一。它以“雅俗共赏,天下名亭”著称于世,是苏州园林中的代表之一。

10.金鸡湖 金鸡湖是苏州的湖泊之一,也是苏州的标志性景点之一。这里有美丽的湖景、丰富的文化活动和现代化的城市建设,是苏州城市旅游的重要景点之一。





1. 中国观光园:位于南山区深南大道与科技园南路交汇处,是一个集中国传统文化、历史文化、地方文化等多种元素于一体的主题公园。

2. 蛇口码头:位于南山区蛇口半岛,是深圳最早的港口之一,也是深圳最重要的海上旅游码头之一,历史悠久,风景秀丽。

3. 新安商业街:位于福田区华强北路,是深圳最具代表性的商业街之一,拥有悠久的历史和浓厚的人文气息,是深圳市民购物、休闲的重要场所。

4. 深圳博物馆:位于福田区香蜜湖路,是深圳市最大的综合性博物馆,展示了深圳的历史、文化、自然、科技等方面的内容。

5. 洪湖公园:位于罗湖区深南东路与泥岗路交汇处,是深圳市最早的公园之一,建于1958年,是深圳市民休闲、娱乐的重要场所,也是深圳市文化遗产保护单位之一。















One, tourist attraction of Guangzhou history culture?

Zhongshan memorial hall: Zhongshan memorial hall is located in Guangdong to save Guangzhou city to jump over the road in beautiful area east wind, it is Guangzhou people and abroad overseas Chinese collect money to commemorate Mr Sun Zhongshan of build;

King museum jumps over south the Western Han Dynasty: It is the Na Yue country that discovered 1983 the grave of Bao of the 2nd acting kingly Zhao, the exclusive Han Daicai with the largest scale that is discovery of place of the area austral mountain grave of draw stone room, king grave is being jumped over south is 20 centuries of Chinese one of discovery of 80 time great archaeology, was labelled 1996 countrywide key cultural relic protects an unit. Area of scene of class of 4A of selected 2004 country, was judged to be 2008 " country one class museum " ;

Nanhai fane: Call pineapple temple again, it is the place of sea of hold a memorial ceremony for of archaic China working people, be located in village of head of temple of area of Guangzhou yellow Bu, it is northwest of southeast of Chinese ancient time the building hangover that exclusive keep comes down in 4 seas fane.

2, tourist attraction of Changsha history culture?

Changsha, hunan Province provincial capital, ancient city weighing a pool, alias star city, be located in Hunan Province the eastpart part to slant north, hunan river is mixed downstream Hunan clear basin on the west predestined relationship, it is the central city with main area of middle reaches of the Yangtse River, changsha is famous city of first national history culture, all previous classics 3000 city name.

The historical historic site of Changsha has: Reason of Tian Xinge, white sanded Gu Jing, temple opening blessing, Gu Yi curtilage, hill of Wang Duihan grave, boat learns the horse grave of tablet of temple of hill of hill of company site, orange continent, Yue Lu, the foot of mountain, Huang Xing

3, tourist attraction of Wuhan history culture?

Yellow crane building

Yellow crane building only then build at Wu Huangwu of period of the Three Kingdoms 2 years (the Christian era 223 years of) , destroy repeatedly build repeatedly, present yellow crane building built 1985. The appearance is grand elegance of grand, of primitive simplicity, it is the mark building of Wuhan city, element has " the world country first floor " beautiful praise, with in relief building of Hunan high mountain, jiangxi Teng Wang Ge is called " Changjiang Delta 3 names building " .

4, tourist attraction of culture of Chen state history?

East all corners of the country east beauty spot of all corners of the country is beauty spot of travel of national 5A stage, be located in district of city of Chen of ministry of Hunan Province southeast endowment the churchyard that start city, rely on Beijing wide railroad and 107 nations line closely, be apart from downtown 38 kilometers, communication is very easy. Area of travel of scenery of all corners of the country is east blend with landscape east all corners of the country gives priority to body, river race dangerous shoal, bag leads condition of clever cliff god, Long Jingxia to the south of landscape of community of cereal wonderful view, islands is characteristic, for travel sightseeing, recreational go vacationing, area of the lake island of health body recuperate travel, gross area 200 square kilometer, the verve of the Juan Xiu of hill of be in harmony, water at an organic whole, nip is austral history of beautiful description, report is civilized at a suit, be known as " terrestrial sky one lake water, myriad picture amid " .

5, tourist attraction of Dongguan history culture?

Forest criterion Xu sells landscape of smoke pool and site of tiger door fort

In guard of door of this city tiger, in those days, chinese the army and the people depends on what tiger door natural barrier built famed China and foreign countries " Jin Suo copper closes " , aggressor of England of beat back of do all one can. Nowadays, in former days the site that sell cigarette (rebuilt 1957, museum of existent the Opium War) , Sha Jiao fort, power far fort, still rising the awe-inspiring righteousness of the Chinese nation. The patriotism of since tradition teachs position, it is the resort that travel goes sightseeing. Sell smoke pool site, gu Mu is very tall, leisurely of green jade water, the vicissitudes of life of shine upon history. Mouth of Pearl River of male crouch of tiger door fort, water of green hill green jade, hill situation lofty, bead water is vast and mighty, on the ocean that wear bazoo, boat shadow moves back and forth, whole picture is vigorous and firm and grand. Reason base male wind, the implied meaning historical vicissitudes of life, showed the determination with castiron the Chinese nation and great ambition.

6, unseal historical culture tourist attraction?

Garden of the river on Pure Brightness.

Garden of the river on Pure Brightness is located in unseal border of the northwest inside Gu Cheng, it is the name with Song Dai Zhang Zeduan " the river on Pure Brightness pursues " for chief source, the amusement park of amorous feelings of acting folk-custom of large the Song Dynasty that centers landscape of scenery of emersion original intent, it is area of scene of national AAAAA class. Cover an area of a face to accumulate 510 mus, main building has lane of bridge of city gate building, rainbow, vista, shop, wadi, dock, boat to wait. Garden area is pressed " the river on Pure Brightness pursues " original position, if the spot such as porcelain of embroider of four of wine shop, tea, pawnshop, another name for Kaifeng, official, New Year picture is made,concentration shows Song Daizhu; Assemble civilian entertainment, variety, dish bosomy performance; Colour of divine class fortune-telling, rich, cockfighting, fight the Kyoto amorous feelings such as the dog, perform according to story of history of family name of the Song Dynasty " article Bao Wuyang " the generation that reach the Song Dynasty is bridal and consuetudinary wait for a program.

7, tourist attraction of Suzhou history culture?

1. clumsy politics garden clumsy politics garden is one of 4 name garden of Chinese, it is one of masterpiece of art of gardens of period of Chinese bright Qing Dynasty. It with " strange, deep and remote, beautiful, beautiful " celebrated at the world, it is the gem in Suzhou gardens.

The scenery that hill of grave of tiger of hill of 2. tiger grave is Suzhou scenic spot area, it is one of 3 names hill of Chinese south. It has " green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery, Shan Guangshui is lubricious " say, it is the mark sex tourist attraction of Suzhou.

3. leaves garden to take garden is the bright phearl of a bright in Suzhou gardens, also be one of 4 name garden of Chinese. It with " delicate and small and exquisite, exquisite " celebrated at the world, it is one of delegates in Suzhou gardens.

4. does obeisance to hall to do obeisance to hall is one of delegates of architectural of Suzhou ancient time, it is the bookman Wu Yue of bright generation is private. Do obeisance to hall with its distinctive building color and fancy adornment technology at the world.

Place of business of week of 5. week place of business is the ancient town of a region of rivers and lakes of Suzhou, it is one of delegates of a region of rivers and lakes of Chinese Changjiang Delta. The civilian house that there is old street alley, elegant gardens, tradition here and culture of distinctive a region of rivers and lakes,

Street of pond of hill of street of 6. hill pond is one of business streets with old Suzhou, also be one of culture calling card of Suzhou. The handicraft that there is old building, tradition here is tasted, the romantic breath of all sorts of cate and Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes.

7. lion forest lion forest is the bright phearl of a bright in Suzhou gardens, also be one of 4 name garden of Chinese. It with " stone of different of gorgeous, strange peak " celebrated at the world, it is one of delegates of Suzhou gardens.

Tower of grave of tiger of tower of 8. tiger grave is one of ancient towers of Suzhou, it is one of mark sex tourist attractions of Suzhou. It is built at generation of bridge of the Southern Dynasties, already had 1400 old histories, it is culture of Suzhou ancient time and one of delegates that build art.

Booth of billow of dark blue of booth of billow of 9. dark blue is one of gardens buildings of Suzhou, also be one of 4 name booth of Chinese. It with " suit both refined and popular tastes, the world name wells balanced " celebrated at the world, it is one of delegates in Suzhou gardens.

Lake of golden pheasant of lake of 10. golden pheasant is Suzhou is laky one of, also be one of mark sex tourist attractions of Suzhou. The lake view that there is beauty here, rich culture activity and modern city are built, it is one of main tourist attractions that Suzhou city travels.

8, tourist attraction of Chongqing history culture?

Tourist attraction of culture of Chongqing city history includes the Yangtse River 3 gorge scenery scenic spot scenery of Fosan of area of travel of karst of area, Wu Long, gold scenic spot witch of area, Chongqing Shan Xiaosan gorge - small 3 gorge, Chongqing is big scenery of hill of area of scene of sufficient carved stone, all sides scenic spot the area.

9, tourist attraction of Shenzhen history culture?

It is tourist attraction of Shenzhen history culture below:

1.Chinese sightseeing garden: Be located in south a mountainous area deep south the road austral highway and garden of science and technology is handed in collect place, it is a variety of elements such as traditional culture of China of a collect, history culture, place culture the thematic park at an organic whole.

2.Shekou dock: Be located in south peninsula of a mountainous area Shekou, it is one of haven with the earliest Shenzhen, also be one of maritime travel commercial and transportation center with the most important Shenzhen, the history is long, the scenery is pretty.

3.Install a business street newly: Be located in road of north of Hua Jiang of blessing cropland area, it is Shenzhen has one of representative business streets most, have long history and grumous humanitarian flavor, it is Shenzhen citizen shops, recreational main room.

4.Shenzhen museum: Be located in road of lake of sweet honey of blessing cropland area, it is Shenzhen city's biggest omnibus museum, the content of the respect such as the history that showed Shenzhen, culture, natural, science and technology.

5.Big lake park: Be located in deep Na Donglu of collect lake area and slimy hillock road to hand in collect place, it is one of Shenzhen city's earliest parks, built 1958, it is Shenzhen citizen recreational, recreational is important place, also be one of units of protection of bequest of Shenzhen city culture.

Above is the tourist attraction of culture of a few histories of Shenzhen, can let you understand the history of Shenzhen and culture better.

10, tourist attraction of Fuzhou history culture?

Have these 3

1, hill of Fuzhou smelt metal

Introduce this above all, because of Fuzhou the earliest capital is built hereat, hill of Fuzhou smelt metal is located in the foot of mountain of Shandong of screen of the Fuzhou City, chinese great-great-grandfather 5 years (BC 202 years of) , do not have all is in this fortification found a capital. For the first inner and outer city walls.

Years vicissitudes of life, the smelt metal hill nowadays is being changed to build historical scene block nowadays---Area of scene of culture of history of smelt metal hill, have a famous tourist attraction among them, ou Ye child the pond that Ceng Zhujian quenchs - Ou Yechi, the young associate that call in but must not miss.

2, 3 lane 7 alley

This, regard scene of class of national level 5A as the area, have the small companionate affirmation that will cross Fuzhou had listened, and it is one of places that go surely.

3 lane the root of the source of the history that 7 alley itself is Fuzhou, culture, still have a museum among them---Fujian folk-custom museum, it also is the Fujian Province exclusive museum of a provincial folk-custom

Address: 3 lane alley of official of 7 alley man 25

3, Chinese boat politics culture museum

Chinese boat politics culture museum is located in Dong Lu of Ma Xianshan of horsetail Zhao Zhonglu, ancestral temple of Fuzhou Zhao Zhong is on the side.

Modelling of this house front is two battleship that brave the wind and waves, there is model of a large number of precious cultural relics, picture to reach emulation setting inside the house, it is understanding China a of boat politics mordern history important place.

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