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  • 博物馆作为保存和展示人类历史、艺术及科学发展的重要机构,具有不可替代的文化价值。在英语中,关于博物馆的相关词汇和表达,不仅能帮助我们更好地理解博物馆的功能和作用,也能在国际交流中提升我们的语言能力。从定义到功能、到具体类型和常见表达,深入学习这些内容,有助于更全面地把握博物馆在全球文化中的地位。


    1. Museum (博物馆)

      •  A museum is an institution that conserves, exhibits, and interprets artifacts and objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific significance.
      •  博物馆是一个保存、展示和解释具有艺术、文化、历史或科学意义的文物和物品的机构。
      •  "The British Museum is renowned for its extensive collection of historical artifacts."
      •  “大英博物馆因其丰富的历史文物收藏而闻名。”
    2. Exhibit (展览)

      •  An exhibit is a display of objects, artwork, or other items within a museum for public viewing.
      •  展览是在博物馆内展示给公众的物品、艺术品或其他物品的展示。
      •  "The museum’s latest exhibit features ancient Egyptian artifacts."
      •  “博物馆最新的展览展示了古埃及的文物。”
    3. Curator (馆长/策展人)

      •  A curator is a professional responsible for managing and organizing museum collections and exhibitions.
      •  策展人是负责管理和组织博物馆收藏及展览的专业人士。
      •  "The curator provided insightful commentary on the new art exhibit."
      •  “策展人对新的艺术展览提供了深刻的评论。”


    1. Art Museum (艺术博物馆)

      •  An art museum is dedicated to visual arts and often features collections of paintings, sculptures, and other art forms.
      •  艺术博物馆专注于视觉艺术,通常展示绘画、雕塑及其他艺术形式的收藏。
      •  "The Louvre in Paris is one of the most famous art museums in the world."
      •  “巴黎的卢浮宫是世界上最著名的艺术博物馆之一。”
    2. History Museum (历史博物馆)

      •  A history museum focuses on historical events, figures, and periods, often showcasing artifacts from various eras.
      •  历史博物馆专注于历史事件、人物和时期,通常展示来自不同年代的文物。
      •  "The National Museum of American History offers a comprehensive view of the United States' past."
      •  “美国国家历史博物馆提供了对美国历史的全面了解。”
    3. Science Museum (科学博物馆)

      •  A science museum is dedicated to scientific achievements and discoveries, often featuring interactive exhibits and educational displays.
      •  科学博物馆专注于科学成就和发现,通常有互动展览和教育展示。
      •  "The Science Museum in London has numerous interactive exhibits for children."
      •  “伦敦的科学博物馆有许多适合儿童的互动展览。”


    1. Permanent Collection (常设收藏)

      •  A permanent collection is a group of objects that a museum retains and displays continuously.
      •  常设收藏是博物馆持续保留和展示的一组物品。
      •  "The museum’s permanent collection includes several rare medieval manuscripts."
      •  “博物馆的常设收藏包括几本珍贵的中世纪手稿。”
    2. Temporary Exhibition (临时展览)

      •  A temporary exhibition is a display of objects or artworks that is shown for a limited period.
      •  临时展览是展示物品或艺术品的展览,时间有限。
      •  "The museum is hosting a temporary exhibition on modern sculpture."
      •  “博物馆正在举办一个关于现代雕塑的临时展览。”
    3. Educational Program (教育项目)

      •  Educational programs are activities or workshops designed to engage visitors and provide learning opportunities.
      •  教育项目是旨在吸引参观者并提供学习机会的活动或研讨会。
      •  "The museum offers educational programs for school groups and families."
      •  “博物馆为学校团体和家庭提供教育项目。”

