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历史上的今天 · 1883年-俄国著名作家屠格涅夫逝世


历史上的今天 · 1883年-俄国著名作家屠格涅夫逝世

  • 伊万·谢尔盖耶维奇·屠格涅夫(Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev,1818-1883)是俄国19世纪著名现实主义作家,以其深刻的心理描写和对自然景观的细腻描绘而闻名。

    Ivan Turgenev, born in 1818, was a prominent Russian novelist and playwright whose works had a lasting impact on Russian literature. His most notable works include "Fathers and Sons," "A Month in the Country," and "The Diary of a Superfluous Man." Turgenev’s writing often addressed themes of social change, generational conflict, and the tension between tradition and modernity.

    Turgenev was born into a well-off family, which allowed him to receive a good education and travel extensively throughout Europe. His exposure to different cultures and ideas significantly influenced his writing. Turgenev's works are known for their vivid characterizations and insightful social commentary. He was particularly adept at capturing the complexities of Russian society and the struggles faced by individuals caught between old and new values.

    Despite his popularity, Turgenev’s relationships with his contemporaries were often strained. He had a notable literary rivalry with Leo Tolstoy and was criticized by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Nonetheless, Turgenev's influence on literature remained substantial, and he is remembered as one of the greatest Russian writers of the 19th century. His exploration of human nature and societal issues continues to resonate with readers today.





    1. Prominent - 著名的
    2. Novelist - 小说家
    3. Playwright - 剧作家
    4. Notable - 显著的
    5. Themes - 主题
    6. Social change - 社会变革
    7. Generational conflict - 代际冲突
    8. Tension - 紧张关系
    9. Exposure - 接触
    10. Characterizations - 角色描写
    11. Insightful - 深刻的
    12. Contemporaries - 同时代的人
    13. Rivalry - 竞争
    14. Resonate - 引起共鸣
    上一篇:历史上的今天 ·1908年-美国作家理查德·赖特诞生