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2.1 卡西欧casio蓝牙连接前的准备


2.2 卡西欧casio蓝牙连接步骤






3.1 借助官方工具进行连接


3.2 更新卡西欧casio固件


3.3 使用其他协议连接




1. brief answer

Want join to block blue tooth of Western Europe Casio, need to ensure watch and mobile phone enabled blue tooth function above all, open blue tooth to search on watch next and choose to want connective mobile phone to be able to finish join.

2. development is analysed

The preparation before blue tooth of Casio of 2.1 calories of Western Europe joins

Before beginning join, need ensures watch and mobile phone open blue tooth function. To blocking watch of Western Europe Casio, open the setting bill of fare of watch, choose " join " option, open next " blue tooth " the blue tooth function that switch can enable watch. To the mobile phone, need to enter the setting menu of the mobile phone, choose " blue tooth " option, ensure blue tooth switch is in open position.

Measure of join of blue tooth of Casio of 2.2 calories of Western Europe

Measure 1: Blue tooth is opened to search a function on watch of Casio of card Western Europe. There is shortcut key to perhaps install menu entrance commonly on watch, can find blue tooth easily to search option. In menu of blue tooth search, watch can search the blue tooth equipment around automatically.

Measure 2: The choice wants connective mobile phone. After watch searchs a mobile phone, watch can show search result. Right now, can choose to want connective mobile phone from watch. Generally speaking, watch can show mobile phone name and signal strength, the user can choose to want connective mobile phone according to these information.

Measure 3: In the mobile phone end confirms link. When the choice in searching a result when watch wants connective mobile phone, mobile phone end also can play a draw a frame round of clew of a message, enquire whether the user agrees with join. The user needs to affirm on the mobile phone join requests, ability takes over watch and mobile phone successfully repeatedly.

Measure 4: Await join to finish. Generally speaking, the join rate of watch and mobile phone is very rapid, need to wait a few seconds to be able to finish join only. After join is finished, the meeting on watch shows the information that succeeds with mobile phone join.

3. is aimed at the proposal of the problem

Tool of government of 3.1 have the aid of has link

A few users may encounter a problem when join blocks blue tooth of Western Europe Casio. At that time, the tool that can try have the aid of to block government of Western Europe Casio will have link. Government of Casio of card Western Europe can offer tool of a few join to perhaps show documentation commonly, the user can pass these tools or demonstrative documentation finishs join smoothly.

Firmware of 3.2 Casio of newer card Western Europe

If the version of firmware of watch of Casio of card Western Europe of the user is too old, the problem appears when also can bringing about join blue tooth. At that time, need upgrades watch to newest firmware version. The firmware download that general meeting offers newest version on official website links Casio of card Western Europe. The user can go to firmware download in computer, pass USB data line to join watch and computer next, into proceed with the watch sets bill of fare, choice " firmware upgrades " option, undertake upgrading operating according to clew.

3.3 use other agreement connection

Additional, a few users may be encountered cannot connective problem, at that time the proposal tries to use other agreement to have link. Watch of Casio of card Western Europe supports a variety of join agreements commonly, wait like BLE, NFC, the user can set the consultative kind that support examines in menu in watch. If blue tooth cannot join, can try to use other agreement to have link, in order to get better join result.

As a whole, join blue tooth of Casio of card Western Europe is a simple operation, need to ensure only watch and mobile phone open blue tooth function, undertake operating according to afore-mentioned measure can. If encounter the situation that join fails, can try tool of government of have the aid of, newer firmware to perhaps use other agreement to have link.

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