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第二:玩具,平时爱玩的玩具都带上,在玩乐中拍摄, 可以拍到最自然的状态。























Very much nowadays family is to the cat has the life of the dog to win the home, baby people the one member in making the home slowly, and film for them pet is illuminated, the wish that also is the very much officials that shovel excrement!

(had ermine elder brother by force as a child oneself, I was collected 3 fat, a lot of new fun appeared in the life. )

Film pet is not a simple thing nevertheless, above all pet unlike mankind, get control scarcely, film next the uncertainty of pet is very much, how does ability pat good pet to illuminate so? One pistil will raise action.

(3 fat it is I film the illuminative Ma Dou of pet)

Come out to show the one side that pet human nature changes, need everybody to master a few filmed little skill, tell above all say our most be expert at technology level.

(high speed shutter can be caught pat pet skipping run instantaneous condition)

1. camera installs:

No matter be what camera, if have the setting of shutter speed, so film pet when must raise shutter rate, the camera of the proposal installs successive servo to be opposite anxious AF-C, cooperate high speed to be patted repeatedly, shutter is preferential S, the wonderful instant of pet, fleeting, be being patted is the most important.

(resemble Alaska, Bian Mu this kind lively good the dog that use, when outdoors does not have drawing rope, film the hardest. )

Unless the baby of your home very Buddha is, for instance 3 such fat going out foolish dropped weapon, like the baby that runs to run so like Alaska otherwise, the odds that empty drops will be very big.

(original pet also Wei is tall, fear black)

2. controls skill:

It is very difficult really to pat pet, everybody faces the most serious problem is, our baby listens far from the director's word! Can have scarcely good gracious the child that cooperates film, so how to do?

(raise ermine elder brother every time come, it stays. )

The training from wild animal trainer can find a bit shortcut in skill, they come down to make an animal quiet, meeting put pet in a bit higher position namely, restrict the territory of the animal. What if you think,make oneself pet darling so is obedient, can let it sit in a bit taller place, comparing dark place especially, relative to the activity that can limit them.

(the ermine elder brother on steering wheel, hit curiously looking at the world outside)

(the height of apparent MINI has let *** dread somewhat. )

How does 4. guide pet:

Want to let pet be loosened it seems that, is not vigilant condition, cameraman must get along ahead of schedule with pet, to a new environment, do not be eager to beginning to film first, pet of not ambitious also approach makes what motion, need spends time to let pet be familiar with an environment first, find the place of oneself jubilation. When after they are loosened completely, just begin to film, you can film the condition of pet joy.

(the Alaska of skin of master and apparent exchange is helpless)

Film at the same time in the process must not the name that a few people call pet at the same time, must cameraman, or dominant of an assistant control counterpoises, no matter be to use food or toy, be sure to keep in mind the attention of not dispersive pet.

(the perspective that the perspective that hides in back of the official that shovel excrement catchs has era to enter very much feeling)

3. films skill: Film pet is mixed film figure actually very similar, if you want to pat pet the one side of the the most natural, most unripe activation, must return the most natural condition between original owner person and pet so.

(in hiding to be used beyond, grow anxious catch be afraid of, can let host and pet have the most natural state)

The telephoto lens in can be being used is caught pat, it is to the space is compressed feeling, 2 it is empty changes foreground and setting, stress principal part, 3 it is OK catch below the circumstance that does not disturb the person that be patted pat.

(the space inside the car is narrower, wide-angle lens films very good settlement this problem. )

4 it is to do exactly the opposite, nearly a few what leave pet flatter, interact with pet, total meeting seizes the occasion that to you expect is less than.

(diminutive pet is held in the arms rise to be able to begin to film)

5. about filmed field: If be to compare diminutive animal, carry momentum is not big, can choose film in diminutive space.

(Alaska needs large mobile space, release ego)

Large animal still suits outdoors to film quite, especially good the dog that use.

(the nature that Bian Mu loves to play, let him think by accident of cameraman alone horse is the toy that interacts with it. )

Early days can release the energy of dog dog first, release 50% later, with respect to the movement that can attract baby to make a few provisions with snacks.

(the minor accident that films there also can be a lot of in the process, come over for instance of hill of make one's rounds 2 ha, what the eyes of bully gas frightens son son is terrible! )

(one character disagreement is gotten into mom marriage gauze. )

Watchful item needs when 6. films:

Although a lot of pet are outside look docile and lovely, but it is not to suffer pilot animal after all, no matter be host or cameraman, in the process that films in we and animal, safety still nots allow to ignore, if do not have useful drawing rope, must be in safe and the person is little or below unmanned environment.

(want to call in alone the cameraman of horse, was assaulted by son son. . . )

Do not let pet make the motion that it does not like as far as possible, if be scared, must special caution, continue to film again after stable mood.

(the sense that ermine elder brother does not like to drive very much, its attention all outside in the world)

The 7. preparation about prop

The first: It is to eat certainly, to delicious pet, with food revulsive it is pet photography is important film skill. If you know the weakness of baby, love ham bowel for instance, must not grudge.

(father mother is in collection video, saw in July have ham bowel, cannot help rushing forward to act like a spoiled child. )

(the rugger that son son loves most)

The 2nd: Toy, the toy that loves to play at ordinary times is taken, film in libertinism, can take the most natural position.

(this dress is true, take BGM oneself)

(3 fat wear enter state automatically)

The 3rd: The dress, the person relies on garment, pet also is such, for instance 3 fat policemans take our home, want to clean out treasure to buy the home of 10 stars reputably.

(of tide of this almsgiver pretty oh! )

Return department having Buddha the Tang Dynasty monk outfit, a piece of photograph can laugh daylong.

(because the dress is bought small, everybody is in help change clothes of handsome young man. )

Buy the dress to also want to notice size is piled up of course, do not wear go up but awkward, hahaha.

8. pet takes car security:

A lot of families regard a medium member as treat pet, there also can be pet to be driven oneself in living at ordinary times go out amuse oneself. Be experienced of the animal by the car and we differ completely, when some pet are taking pet to take a car, if notice drive a vehicle is safe Where is problem? Does pet take a car to also need to fasten safety belt?

(son son likes to take a car particularly, because clever it knows, it is OK to take a car to be meant go out to play! )

Above all car seat back row is the safest place to dog dog, the leg that does not let dog dog sit in the person that drive as far as possible go up or deputy drive, such very dangerous, the reaction that affects to the environment because of pet we are uncontrollable, if pet is abrupt,out of control affects a driver very easily. Sitting in back row somebody to accompany is best, if do not have a person to accompany, can use pet safety belt to restrict the territory of pet.

(film after the end, tired to what be no good happy in July it is in mom bosom, sleep resemble a child. )

It is next about driving window issue, dog of a lot of dogs likes a head to extend the let sb in on sth in advance outside the window, if be in deputy drive such movement is very light keep out rearview mirror, when what leave in the word window of back row is very big, if encounter a car or traffic light, dog dog appears easily also the state that expect is less than, proper control drives the proportion of the window, conduce airiness, or somebody is defended by, with respect to the safe problem that need not worry about pet.

(son son often takes a car, so very quiet also very head custom. )

Little to bodily form pet and suffer pilot pet not easily, can use a car to use pet basket, bind in fixed position; Narrow environment makes them more easily quiet to come down.

(ermine elder brother and 3 fat close in basket a lot of franker. )

Must not keep pet in the car alone next, in summer for instance sunshine falls, brief departure, short of opens a window, bring about pet heatstroke possibly.

(took a car in July long be agitated of meeting rate of exchange, mom prepared a lot of young toys and snacks for it, the purpose reduces the be agitated July to pledge ceaselessly namely. )

Finally, after all pet and person are different, the person can have carsick phenomenon happen, host of all sorts of small state hope of pet are OK more include more take care of them. The young toy that prepares mood of a few conciliation for instance and small snacks are waited a moment.

(the life of ferret is 7-8 probably year, the cat is 10 years almost; In long life, you can encounter a lot of little baby, and their all one's life, there are you only in the eye! )

Said so much, actually the most important still is to taking baby to go out to carry out! Regard a shovel as excrement official, if you have deep love for your baby really, want to record their years relative to brief lifetime, learn a bit skill more, the video memory that keep, I think regular meeting becomes the memory with belong to you the mainest!

上一篇:卫生健康小常识? 幼儿健康教育小常识?英文双语对照
