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保护大自然的构思? 保护大自然的方法?英文双语对照


保护大自然的构思? 保护大自然的方法?英文双语对照

















1. 爱护大自然,就是爱护我们的家园。

2. 珍爱生命,保护环境。

3. 美丽的地球,我们共同守护。

4. 保护自然,创造美好未来。

5. 绿色生活,从我做起。

6. 节约能源,保护环境。

7. 保护野生动植物,维护生态平衡。

8. 爱鸟爱花,保护生态环境。

9. 保护水源,共建美好家园。

10. 垃圾分类,环保从我做起。





1.           自己生活和工作中的垃圾分类处理,提高垃圾的资源价值和经济价值,力争物尽其用。个人要尽量小的制造垃圾,用布袋或环保手提袋而不使用塑料袋,不买塑料瓶装水等等一次性的消耗品。

2.                  绿色出行,多乘坐公共汽车、地铁等公共交通工具,并车出行或者步行、骑自行车等。节约能源,降低能源开采和废气排放。

3.                  节约用水,虽然地球70%被水覆盖,但是淡水资源只有3%。废水的回收率不会是100%,所以每年可用淡水资源会越来越少。家庭用水主要是淋浴,洗衣,马桶冲水等等,我们可以选择容量小的马桶,洗衣用合适的水量,淋浴可以是间接性的。尤其是水阀开关要注意滴水不漏。

4.                  不浪费纸张,不管是在家庭还是工作中,要节约用纸。用掉的纸张就是一根根的木头。

5.                  保护珍惜动物及其生活的自然环境,植树造林。按国家政策生养人口,减少资源消耗。

6.                  做好保护自然环境的宣导,做自然环境的保护者,凡事从我做起!














































































1、组织措施 主要是建立环境保护的管理机构和监测体系。

2、经济手段 三废处理设施、除尘设施、污水处理设施、噪声防止设施;绿化;放射性保护;环境监测设施;复垦造田等。投资的来源,大致有以下几个方面:新建及改扩建项目的工程基建投资;主管部门和企业自筹资金;排污回扣费,即环保补助资金。









One, the conception that protects nature?

1, build natural groove guard

Be opposite namely the land inside certain limits or water area, take step, protect natural synthesis or rich, and the sheet with other and specific protection is planted, a variety of or integral object, it is the serious content that protects the job naturally.

2, protection of water natural resources

Protective water natural resources must control water pollution effectively, the liquid waste that because this should reduce pollution energetically,the source discharges is measured and reduce the concentration of harmful material in liquid waste. Concrete step reforms manufacturing technology and equipment for instance, use water less or need not the raw material that water; is used less or need not produce pollution easily, reduce processing burden; Reclaim urban foul water, use at agriculture, fishery and urban construction to wait, managing with water, alleviation agriculture and industry contend for the contradiction of water with the city.

3, protection of land natural resources

Set out from the viewpoint of ecological balance, control population grows and restrict the embezzlement of pair of farmland areas strictly, it is to be the same as natural protection closely related. Because the basic measure of protection of this land natural resources is afforestation, reasonable to already developing the land resource that use to want irrigate and plow, put an end to excessive to chop arboreous phenomenon, save earthly land with afforestation.

4, biology resource protection

Cherish wild animal and endangered species, establish nature groove guard and ban hunt, set close season, build species warehouse, save and progenitive species. Still should accumulate natural grass field to take pen to bedding face in addition, irrigate, fertilization, chemistry divides bad people, destroy the integrated technology measure such as rotation grazing of rat, division into districts.

5, reduce air pollution

It is OK to reduce air to pollute from enhance environmental protection consciousness, advocate green to go out travel, reduce the way such as carbolic discharge capacity to undertake, attend actively for example " the earth a hour " activity; Pay attention to the care to the environment; Go out to choose public traffic tool as far as possible all right; Reduce chemical pollution to wait.

2, the method that protects nature?

The heart is put awe-stricken. World everythings on earth is the child of nature.

Esteem rule. The mankind can become the overmatch of this world, not be a person is feral with doughty however wisdom discovers the order of nature.

Protect modes of life and relation to their environment. High mountain, sea, mineral resources, greenbelt, river and worldly 1000 appearance all sorts of life of profusion of 100 condition, colour.

3, the catchphrase that protects nature?

1.Cherish nature, cherish our home namely.

2.Treasure life, protect an environment.

3.Beautiful earth, we are guarded jointly.

4.Protection is natural, create good future.

5.Green lives, make from me.

6.Managing the sources of energy, protect an environment.

7.Protect wild vivid plant, maintain ecological balance.

8.Love love a bird is beautiful, protect zoology environment.

9.Protect fountainhead, build good home in all.

10.Rubbish classification, environmental protection is made from me.

4, how to protect nature?

Protective nature protects environment and rich namely, it is the mankind protects rich to make its get be usinged reasonably conciously, prevent environment to pollute and be destroyed; To getting pollution and destructive environment had done integrated processing, coordinate person and natural concern, let people accomplish get along with natural harmony.

Protective nature somebody is specific put forward 12 respects: ① ensures the continuous presence of the rich that can update; ② protects national natural resources not to suffer a harm when natural disaster happens; ③ protects the self-restraint of fountainhead; ④ protection field recuperates and recreational place; ⑤ maintains an environment to purify ability; ⑥ ensures the balance of natural ecosystem; ⑦ ensures the development of the diversity of species and gene library; ⑧ saves learning to study a target; ⑨ protects the boy or girl friend that religion adores; ⑩ protects agrestic landscape; ⑾ protects the weak; ⑿ protects rare animal and plant.

But to our masses character, cent of protective nature cardinal principle is the following 5 kinds:

1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The rubbish in oneself live and working classifies processing, increase the resource value of rubbish and economic value, strive make the best use of everything. The individual should use up hidebound to make rubbish, carry with hop-pocket or environmental protection bag and do not use polybag, do not buy plastic and bottled water to wait one-time running stores a moment.

2. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Green goes out row, take the public traffic tool such as bus, subway more, and the car goes to go or walk, wait by bicycle. Managing the sources of energy, reduce exploitation of the sources of energy and exhaust emission.

3. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Managing with water, although the earth 70% be enclothed by water, but fresh water resource has 3% only. Of liquid waste reclaim leading won't be 100% , resource of annual and usable fresh water will be so less and less. The family uses water basically is shower, wash clothes, closestool is waited a moment to water, we can choose to allow hidebound closestool, wash clothes to be measured with appropriate water, shower can be indirect sex. Especially switch of water a powerful person should notice leakproof.

4. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do not waste paper, no matter be to be in family or job, want managing with paper. The paper that uses is the wood of a root.

5. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Protection cherishs animal and the environment that its live, afforestation. Plan of the homemaking that press a country is unripe raise population, reduce resource to use up.

6. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A surname that makes good protection environment guides, become the protector of environment, everything is made from me!

? The earth has only, our home also has only, make from oneself please, beside every bits of bit bagatelle is made!

For environmental beauty, for the health of the life, for the mankind and all biologic home, protect the earth please!

5, protect nature poem speech?

Open earthly an album of paintings gently,

Hill landscape water is asking me:

Teenager, the teenager of bear future,

What do you want to stay to prospective earth?

It is to leave a tree,

Still leave a flower?

It is the spring that saves next life,

Still leave a lasting green of great capacity?

Ah, you say, I say, he says:

Take the world with more beautiful the next to future,

With the song of peace of a green!

Brandish affectionately 7 colour paintbrush,

Blue sky sea can welcome me;

Cherub, the cherub of nature,

Do you want what to draw to prospective world?

It is to draw a green hill evergreen,

Still draw wild desert?

It is the picture goes out to often open indefectible flower nursery,

Still draw the spring scenery that never disappears?

Ah, have you, have him, have me,

To the world the picture gives a more beautiful future,

Cherish earthly song with!

Life once,

The earth has only.

The earth is authority's great mother,

What should we do for her?

Between sky and land,

We enjoy fresh air;

Between arctic and antarctic,

Our hand holds the flower of love in both hands.

Give each pairs of eyes bright ray,

The friend that gives each river with clear,

Give animal of avery kind of fresh food,

Let each seed grow smooth and steadily.

Invite the delegate of animal kingdom,

Be on the estrade of U.N. ;

Let ancient tung of green,

Recount the past and future.

Turn battleground into green prairie,

Eject letting prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun gives beautiful flower,

Put the painter's work into museum to reveal,

Ask pine and swan to come here be a guest.

Blue eye, black eye,

Expression is worn same kind of hope;

We have bear divine responsibility,

Turn the world into good terrestrial paradise!

6, how to protect nature?

Main show is environmental problem of China contaminant discharge capacity is quite large still, the self-purification force of far outclass environment; Task of industrial pollution processing still comparatives onerous, some appear again through the place of processing repeatedly, town life pollutes specific gravity to increase apparently.

Protect an environment we are OK:

1, life rubbish classification. The home is in a lot of countries to advocate and apply life rubbish is classified, can reclaim so a few but the reject of repeated usage, and cannot reclaim undertake corresponding processing, can reduce pollution so.

2, managing with report. Electric equipment need not when, besides shutting power source, must remember unplugging next outlet, because although power source is shut, actually still can power consumption arises.

3, reject one-time articles for use. A food basket is carried when buying food or shop car, do not want the polybag of those blue, green, these are extremely difficult degradation.

7, the adage about protecting nature?

1, the extensive in water is lichenous, the day has harships to come.

2, water jar wears skirt, heavy rain dripping.

3, black dragonfly is random, weather wants on land.

4, fish give water to jump, harships comes.

5, the bee puts in nest 's charge late, some day fine day is angry.

6, ant moves, morning and evening should fall.

7, swallow is low fly should fall rain.

8, chicken enters overcast and rainy of basket evening million.

9, south scintillation opens the door, boreal Shan Youyu is faced.

10, Slight Heat thunder, contrary to reason or one's expectation does Huang Mei.

11, Lei Hong is zenithal, although rain is not fierce.

12, star bright, some day fine.

13, do not blow east wind not rain, do not blow west wind not fine.

14, a kind of green tea has wind and rain before long, rain of the calm after rain is ceaseless.

15, black clouds bars east, no less than rain also have wind. Nimbus zenith is wrung, harships comes not small.

8, the logion about protecting nature?

Protect the logion of nature:

1, big country of numerable wildlife natural resources points to on the earth, while try every means protects them, also ground of have no alternative looks at them to suffer attack kill, trample, plunder... when the mankind is destroying an environment, also protect an animal in what destroy a state, giant panda. Element has " national treasure " say to wait a destiny a moment same not beautiful, if destroy zoology environment again, these for generations go back on his word to also suffer mad clean-out with the home of multiply, involve others in a criminal 9 a group of things with common features end is not rarely seen, the destruction that is callosity of our mankind cruelty they.

2, nature is like first one, a boundless music, every note contains pleasant swing, every syllable is taking lively rhythm, every sound paragraph contain Rou Meihe easiness, song does not lose feeling point however oneself, there is the fish that eat in be like water more, free, happy. This music is carrying secure of the person that listen attentively to to dream, the person that make listen attentively to feels the charactizing a fine spring day of the nature in music, the colorful fragrance of nature, feeling sinks into to make a person yearning so in nature in.

3, in the nature with picturesque beautiful scenery, you are met whole dissolve enters the body and mind oneself among them, go attentively the sound of listen respectfully nature, that is pleasant echo, that is pleasant air, that is nature for our mankind compose first one new movement.

9, the method with protective brief nature?

1, the administration that if build environmental protection,organizes arrange almsgiver and the system that monitor.

2, establishment of economic shift treatment of three wastes, remove dust establishment, sewage disposal establishment, noise prevents establishment; Afforest; Radioactivity protection; The environment monitors establishment; Answer cultivate builds cropland to wait. The origin of investment, have the following sides roughly: Build reach the engineering capital construction that corrects extend project to invest; Director branch and enterprise funds raised by oneself; Blowdown rake-off is expended, namely fund of environmental protection allowance.

3, the policy sex measure of source of environmental protection financing

10, the poetry about protecting nature?

Lan Xiechun hangs down in clusters, gui Huaqiu is bright and clear.

Thriving this business, it is festival from Er.

The person that who knows Lin Qi, wen Feng sits Xiang Yue.

The wood has this heart, why to beg beauty to fold. This is Zhang Jiuling of Tang Dynasty poet " feeling encounter " of one poem complete sentence. Disclosing in whole line about admiring nature, cherish and protect the feelings of nature.

Lan Xiechun hangs down in clusters, gui Huaqiu is bright and clear. Admire nature, intermediate part is the to nature love that write You Xin to admire and arises, the generates by nature of appreciation, love namely care that writes finally and the feelings that protect nature. So this is the poetry about protecting nature.

上一篇:照片怎么复制人物? 如何搜索照片人物?英文双语对照