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1、GLK300可能搭载30L V6自然吸气发动机。这台发动机最大可以爆发出245马力和300牛米的扭矩。这样的动力表现可以让GLK300在78秒内完成从零到百的加速。对于一款小型SUV来说,这样的加速能力也算是奔驰GLK300非常强大的一个特点了。


3.2隔音效果好。 GLK300在隔音方面做的不错。无论是发动机噪音、路噪还是风噪,都隔离得很好。很明显,在闹市中关窗和开窗,还有车内的安静,是有很大区别的。会与车外形成一种隔绝感。在这方面,奔驰GLK300颇有豪车的风范。





8、奔驰GLK300虽然自重18吨,但搭载的30升V6发动机动力相当强劲,加速也相当轻快。在市区走走停停不是负担。油门很轻,反应很快。它开起来不像一辆SUV,但感觉有点像汽车。 GLK 300 的底盘悬架很棒。此外,它是2013 年型号。

9. 如果你比较那两辆车,我会造一辆。油耗少,售后服务好,乘坐舒适。这是一个百年品牌。值得购买。奔驰glk300内饰做工怎么样?奥迪的嵌入式工艺很强大个人不是很喜欢奔驰的风格。它不像梅赛德斯- 奔驰那样优雅。可以说是娱乐对比。

10、GLK300因为定位奔驰产品而停产。取而代之的是同级别定位的GLC中型SUV。虽然这款车受到了很多人的欢迎,销量也不错,但最终还是因为GLC的出现而被换代。 GLC更圆润,更符合大家的审美,也能看出一款车型卖得好不好。



13、M272 948系列自然吸气发动机Naturally aspired英文Normally Aspirated是汽车进气的一种。它是自然吸气式的一种形式,大气压力将空气压入燃烧室,而无需通过任何增压器。没有增压器,这意味着空气只是通过空气过滤器节流阀。




1, GLK300 may carry 30L V6 nature inspiratory engine. This engine can give the torque of 245 horsepower and 300 oxen rice with erupting most. Such dynamical show can let GLK300 be finished inside 78 seconds from 0 to the acceleration of 100. To a small-sized SUV, such acceleration ability also is run quickly a characteristic with very powerful GLK300.

2, the dynamical aspect that changes in special human nature, 30L nature is inspiratory of engine most high-power promoted 14 soup than entrance edition, achieved 245 horse power, the biggest torque is 300 oxen rice together. What match to it is 7 fast hands from gear-box of an organic whole. Should know much kilometer falls continuously can average transmission case can not compare 4 archives, be forced to consult run quickly Glk300.

Effect of 3.2 sound insulation is good. What GLK300 does in sound insulation respect is pretty good. No matter be a confusion of voices of engine noise, road or wind a confusion of voices, keep apart very well. Apparent, close in busy streets window and open a window, still have a car inside quiet, have very big distinction. Meeting and car appearance become move of a kind of isolation. In this respect, run quickly the wind that GLK300 has car of a person of extraordinary powers quite model.

4, run quickly the weakness of GLK300 is as follows: Oily bad news, the first year average 156 oil, downtown is annual 14 oil are controlled, run high speed, lowest 88 oil, still have highest is 20 oil the 2nd space is little, this is the common fault of cross-country car. Good view is changed with the space, this also is me.

5, run quickly what class does Glk300 belong to? Run quickly what class does Glk300 belong to? This is to run quickly money of banner right-hand seat is compact model SUV. Motion feels dye-in-the-wood, distribution is equitable, do manual work is more careful, configuration is rich.

6, run quickly what drawback does GLK300 have? Eye shot is very good, be changed an empty buy is unit, this is me the cause that betrays it does not have electronic hand Buddhist templeput on the brakes, only.

7, model design runs quickly the emphasis that GLK changes a money more it is to be on the exterior, and act the role of a respect inside, be in detail, did more altering with makings and color respect. New fund GLK is more comfortable on interior trim match colors, optional color is very much, the color of steering wheel also can undertake changing according to the color of interior trim. New in accusing is not to be changed for the first time, but in fact.

8, run quickly although GLK300 is self-prossessed 18 tons, but the motive force of engine of 30 litres of V6 that carry is quite powerful, also comparative quickly light. Go to stop in the urban district stopping is not a burden. Accelerator is very light, reaction is very sharp. It leaves rise unlike a SUV, but the feeling resembles a car a bit. The chassis suspension of GLK 300 is very marvellous. In addition, it was 2013 model.

9.If you compare those two cars, I can build. Oily waste time is little, after service is good, take comfortable. This is a hundred years brand. Be worth to buy. Run quickly charge for the making of sth. of Glk300 interior trim how? Of Ao Di embedded technology is very powerful the individual is not the style that likes to run quickly very much. Sai Desi of its unlike plum - run quickly elegant in that way. Can saying is recreational contrast.

10, GLK300 runs quickly because of fixed position product and stop production. Those who replace is the GLC medium-sized SUV that locates with level. Although this car got the welcome of a lot of people, sales volume is good also, but because,be being returned finally is of GLC appear and by replacement. GLC is fruitier, more those who accord with everybody is aesthetic, also can see a model sells well.

11, very good, GLK300 has the most mature engine and transmission case, integral model is very stable also mature, fault rate is extremely low. Anyhow, very good, adopt please.

12, hello, the quality of GLK does not have a problem. It is better than Ao Di Q5, carry fast faster. Without air suspension. Compare with later period photograph, maintain cost lower. Apply to urban district besides. Oily bad news slightly tall, indisposition is little. Etc, do not suit office worker nevertheless, maintain cost is high, best car class also is done not have.

13, nature of M272 948 series is inspiratory Normally Aspirated of English of engine Naturally Aspired is a kind when the car takes energy of life. It is a kind of form of natural and inspiratory type, atmosphere force enters empty atmospheric pressure firebox, and need not pass any supercharger. Without supercharger, this means air to just pass inhaler throttle.

14, run quickly the design that E is GLK300 is to go up actually the design that generation runs quickly. Its interiorly and exterior respect did not catch up with the pace of the times. Nevertheless, ran quickly 2015 plan advocate make integrated product force taller run quickly GLC model. If it is mixed,run quickly if GLK is sold together, will naturally the sales volume of attenuant GLC.

15, oily bad news, the first year average 156 oil, downtown is annual 14 oil are controlled, high speed runs, lowest 88 oil, highest 20 oil. The 2nd space is narrow, this is the common fault of cross-country car. Good view is changed with the space, this also is I sell the account that does not take electronic hand check.

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