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女性心理健康标语? 健康咨询中心职位有哪些?英文双语对照


女性心理健康标语? 健康咨询中心职位有哪些?英文双语对照
















心理测评室:对学生进行心理测评的场所。系统会对学生的回答进行统计分析,给出测评报告。 音乐放松室:音乐放松室是利用音乐放松椅,使来访学生在舒适、平静的状态下,达到精神放松

























One, catchphrase of female mental health?

Pay close attention to female mental health. It is the responsibility of whole society.

2, what does position of healthy referral center have?

Healthy referral center can divide the following departments, healthy management center, customer service center, check-up center, market center, financial center, center of human affairs administration. Post of staff of healthy referral center has health management division, health care seeks advice from division, healthy archives member check-up superintend and director guides. The title of health management division has health management division 3 class, health management division 2 class, health management division one class.

3, the content that female mental health teachs?

Suspicious, not self-confident, love moves sth about whether, proper pride is strong, selfish

4, the standard of mental health of university natural disposition?

The control of sexual knowledge: The undergraduate should have basic sexual knowledge, the knowledge of the respect such as difference of the construction that includes genital officer and function, sex, sexual behavior and sexual health, understand correctly and use these knowledge.

The health of sexual manner: The undergraduate should have healthy sexual attitude, the sexual right that includes to respect oneself and another person, abide by is abide by the law law plan, reject a gender to encroach annoy with the gender, equality of proper understanding sexual distinction.

Of sexual behavior responsible: If the undergraduate has sexual behavior, should have the attitude that bear the blame, include to use safety to cover etc safeguard, avoid needless risk, him esteem to wait with the apiration of the other side.

The balance of sexual psychology: The undergraduate should have the sexual mentality of the balance, include expression of ego self-identity and self-respect, ego and ego palm to accuse, mood adjustment and society get used to the ability that waits for a respect.

Anyhow, the undergraduate's sex mental health should be a comprehensive idea, need undertakes consider and be assessmented from many respects, promote in order to ensure its body and mind is healthy with what feel happily.

5, what function do mental health education and referral center have?


The organization coachs room, psychological evaluation room, music is loosened room

Does psychology evaluate room: ? Low Chen of O of  of ∷ of Lai Mou of Hun of Yu of harmonious of travel of  of  of v/LIT all over the ground  caves  of a mythical bird like the phoenix of ancient wine vessel of act of  of v/LIT all over the ground  official is tasted treat? to give out evaluation report. Does music loosen room: ? achieve spirit to loosen

6, does mental health of individual character tendentiousness teach substantival explanation?

Individual character tendentiousness belongs to individual character partially. It includes to need the content such as motive, hobby, interest, ideal, belief, viewpoint of value. What it reflects is individual the manner to social environment and behavior characteristic, he is the most active among individual character structure main factor, turn the dynamical system of moving take action.

Individual character tendency is deciding the person is right all round on the choice of world understanding and manner and tendency, decide what the person goes after. Especially good faith viewpoint of value often is mixed closely related acquired education, and still reacting social attribute of the person.

7, can the SOHO apply for healthy referral center what to requirement need?

Need has the nutrient division certificate that the country issues, certificate of approval of check-up of individual sanitation health.

The conduction requirement with specific various places also differs somewhat.

Have friend more easy to handle.

8, psychology of poineering individual character?

Poineering individual character psychology: It is to show a certain person discovers some is planted information, resource, opportunity or master some kind of skill, use or use corresponding platform or carrier, the message that its discover, resource, opportunity or control skill, with certain kind, change, creation becomes more fortune, value, realize the process of some kind of pursuit or target.

Poineering psychology is all with do poineering work the ability of all relevant psychological quality aspects, all poineering psychological quality ability that communicate communication respect with the person, and of poineering respect fight control capacity, and the ability of the respect that analyses a competitor, these are poineering psychology.

9, what is education of expansibility mental health, what characteristic does he have?

Education of expansibility mental health is to show middle school teaching staff or psychology coach on the foundation of the common law that staff develops in psychology of understanding high school student and age feature, the task that quality of level place area faces learns in be aimed at a student to be in, quality and individual differences, the education with bring to bear on certain and coach, make student psychology quality peddle appropriate to solve, the harmony of the sufficient play of psychological potential and individual character character develops, prevent disease of of all kinds body and mind thereby, stimulative body and mind develops healthily. Basically contain the following content.

(1) education of study mental health. Study is the student's bounden duty, because this develops student innovation ability and practice ability, arouse study motive of the student and study interest, let student control learn method and strategy, those who learn a smile to face study advancement road to go up " obstacle " establish active and hopeful study state of mind.

(2) the mental health education of affection and volition. Middle school period is character fictile important period, develop a characteristic to have character, affection and will according to the high school student's psychology coach, let a student learn to dominate his sentiment, do affective host, the society handles reason and impulse correctly, individual and society, the relation of setback and go through the mill, form good psychological quality and disposition characteristic.

(3) education of human relation psychology. In current society, our everybody lies multidimensional, in wrong Zong Fu's miscellaneous human concern net, can say harmonious, processing is human the relation is the high school student often is encountered, cannot evasive thing, accordingly, want to foster a student to be able to affirming the ability of knowledge, evaluation and project oneself, master the basic standard of human association and skill, nurturance is munificent magnanimous, tutor oneself; Respect the other, good quality that is happy to help a person.

(4) education of individual character psychology, model individual character and tree to establish true viewpoint of value to read aloud organic ground union to rise, let a student form correct world outlook and philosophy, viewpoint of value.

(5) adolescent education. Adolescence is the ordinary least of all period in life, as the ceaseless maturity of student physiology, psychology, a few special physiology appearances and psychological problem, especially sexual maturity problem of the student, often flinching tiredly they, accordingly, strengthen adolescent education, incorporate adolescent sex knowledge, sexual psychology education and sexual morality, sexual law is taught, let a student form the control ability of ego adjustment, had handled the between association of male, female classmate correctly, accomplish self-respect and each other honour.

10, feature of individual character psychology and what does individual character psychology basically include?

Feature of individual character psychology includes ability, temperament and nature. Feature of individual character psychology is a kind of of a variety of psychology characteristics that point to a person distinctive union, individual often, the psychological characteristic that steadily expression comes out.

Mirrorred the uniqueness of psychological appearance of the person, individual sex centrally quite.

1, ability is indicating the feature on the potential possibility when the person is finishing some kind of activity;

2, temperamental mark is worn when the person is having psychological activity, the individual otherness of the distinctive union of dynamic nature field waits in intensity, speed, stability, flexibility;

3, disposition is brightly more indication move person is opposite the individual feature on actual manner and the behavior means that suit to it.
