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美食城小吃? 杭州美食城在哪?英文双语对照


美食城小吃? 杭州美食城在哪?英文双语对照









































推荐餐厅:客串出品、一本小蔬、Café sir、蓉城串串香





 1、店名:新东方美食城。地址:中山区港湾广场3号。电话:82706999。特色:大连首屈一指的吃海鲜的地方。就餐环境上佳。  2、店名:光彩酒家。地址:星海街。特色:大连菜,如果有外地朋友来可以带去那里吃大连菜,三鲜焖子挺好吃。个人推荐:虾球白菜、全家福、溜虾仁、葱爆海螺、家常焖黄鱼、飞蟹。  3、店名:大连富哥海鲜坊。地址:民生街。电话:82810799  4、店名:丰宁海鲜。地址:金三角华联旁。特色:绝对新鲜、味极鲜美。装修豪华,明堂亮社。价格合适。  5、店名:双盛园美食广场。地址:黄河路近家乐福。特色:大连海鲜料理的鼻祖。鱼翅煲、软炸肉、火句鲍鱼。  6、店名:大连天天渔港。地址:同泰街。特色:大连的海鲜。鲍鱼、鱼翅、烤大虾、龙虾……名品、中档的菜应有尽有。电话:84549000  7、店名:海底捞。地址:甘井子。特色:海肠子、鱼杂、基尾虾、夏夷贝、生拌海参、葱油飞蟹、爆炒鸟贝、各类海鲜鱼类绝对美味  8、店名:品海楼。地址:二七广场贸易大世界附近。特色: 海鲜、家焖大头宝、翡翠蟹肉汤、大厅赠送馒头  9、店名:九州小吃城。地址:儿童公园北门旁。特色:各式时令海鲜。  10、店名:台北1+1。地址:沙河口区星海广场e区5号。特色:东北菜和海鲜。当归老母鸡汤和鲑鱼翅椰子盅、日式烤鳗、乳鸽和粉肠拼盘、蒜蓉蒸蛏子。电话:84801333  11、店名:中山园鲍翅炖品店。地址:出入境管理局斜对面。特色:海鲜、鲍鱼、鱼翅。  12、店名:大盘小渔村。地址:星海会展中心后身,南大亭。个人推荐:鱼锅饼子19元/份。具有大连风味特色。  13、店名:万宝海鲜舫。地址:城市广场。特色:大连海鲜,新开的店。就餐环境极好,适合商务宴请。  14、店名:万紫千红。地址:东北路立交桥附近。特色:大连海鲜,价位尚可。  15、店名:浪琴酒楼。地址:海军广场市委旁边。特色:是浪琴酒楼新开的店,大连海鲜,红油里脊、溜虾仁、大花卷。  16、店名:枫林国际。地址:三八广场家乐福西50米,15路和407终点站。特色:以大连海鲜、东北菜、川菜为主。电话:82786688 82740588










One, is cate city fastfood?

Inside cate city fastfood have varied, have rock candy calabash for example, indian flying cake coils cake, still have barbecue, still have all sorts of cutting the cate such as cake.

2, is Hangzhou cate city in?

Keep market of road cate.

Contest Zhou Lumei feeds a market.

Street of lane of river of river lane street.

Tall Yin Hangmei feeds a market.

Keep market of road cate

The road that protect contains a lot of distinctive cafeteria, introduce a few pretty good restaurant to consult in order to offer now: Address of Liu Jiaxiang hot house: West lake area keeps distance 116 recommend reason: Bring the plain dish house of some of Hangzhou characteristic. Characteristic dish: Chop of fish of neck of sweet hot crayfish, strong-smelling preserved bean curd, duck, pickled Chinese cabbage, beggar piece plain characteristic face: Piece tongue of plain face, 3 delicacy face, delicate duck, sweet hot crayfish

Road of boat of contest of street of cate of contest boat road is in recent years new arisen cate street, be located in Hangzhou city on the west area. Street both sides has many small restaurants, decorate so that have a characteristic very much, flavour also has distinguishing feature each. Just situation is a few more out-of-the-way. Introduce a pretty good restaurant below. Firewood feeds lane to recommend reason: In order to do Shang Xi (Jin Hua and the place that north slants among orchid brook) dish is its characteristic, small the taste that hot taste suits contemporary urbanite very much. Characteristic dish: Hoof of ox of a thick soup of lees of chicken of hot pepper of acerbity beans horn, walnutmeat, the five spices, green in March 1000 pieces.

Street of lane of river of river lane street

Street of lane of river of river lane street is shopping mall of archaize of a Mingqing, it is OK to write down village of ham of fan factory, Banding to wait for old name besides Qing Yutang having moustache, Wang Xing outside looking around, the prime cause that amuse oneself goes to before a lot of tourists still is cate. Not long market has many traditional and fastfood vendor's stand on the road, what gets the better of cake, green to wrap cake of Chinese juniper, strong-smelling preserved bean curd, short to be worth to be tasted surely. The shopping mall goes after all to still have many hotel, measure much more delicious material benefit, be worth to try. Address of Changjiang Delta red building: Dish of characteristic of date of 57-4 of river lane street: Address of house of medicinal food of crab of lake of evaporate of shrimp of river of evaporate of flesh of Zuo duck, sauce, bacon, bacon: Alley of big well of river lane street recommends reason 92 numbers: Absolutely and peaceful have dinner environment, taste and service are good. All sorts of medicinal materials are inside soup or Bao, very healthy food.

Tall Yin Hangmei feeds a market

Fast silver-colored lane and clear river lane are parallel, and apart is not far. Over there delicious restaurant is too much, make the person does not know what to choose really good. Arrive dinner time, narrow narrow street both sides stops full illicit home car. Emperor meal address: 53-57 of alley of tall silver of clear river lane recommends reason: Very other people exceeds a restaurant of a value. Characteristic dish: Fish of vinegar of Qianlong fish head, west lake is small stick person: Must not having a meal go when the height, should wait very long just have place. Secret Ji: Slope flesh adds green oily noodles served with soy sauce east, just 8 money, taste however outstanding. 5, river east road cate street

3, how to drive cate city?

1. optional location. Cate city generally speaking bits scale will be large, the choice of storefront should choose guest discharge much, reach the place of aperient benefit. At the same time also. . .

The design decorates 2. storefront. According to the dimensions of cate city, and management type has reasonable position, decorate a style to want to accord with cate city theme, . . .

3. manages mode. Driving cate city is he is managed, still be oneself provide a room, the businessman that makes other cate relevant is entered halt, . . .

4. attitude of attending to guests. Promote the attitude of attending to guests of employee and standard, come round like that the client of repast can experience enthusiastic and considerate service, . . .

5. cate is phyletic. Since be cate city, so it is good that the sort of cate is about to be jumped over more more, people comes what cate city is can sample namely

4, rank of Changsha cate city?

1, slope child street

Slope child the street is one of street alley with most old Changsha, also be the fastfood market that Changsha has name quite.

Address: Slope of area of Changsha day heart child street

Recommend dining-room: Palace of dumpling of boiler of ground rice of fierce dad strong-smelling preserved bean curd, 4 elder sister, Xiang Qun, fire

Comment on: This market is not remote from the yellow shopping mall that start a journey. Since clear minor details, the concentration that is industry of whole town banking and medical village course of study all the time area. Slope child the street has a lot of cate, avery kind of is worth us to try, if you come the word of Changsha amuse oneself, OK and a bit more floriferous time comes this market goes.

2, street of peace and tranquility

Address: Street of peace and tranquility of day heart area (Changsha subway the road in 2 Xian Xiangjiang stands)

Recommend dining-room: Blast of the introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad bomb that note bomb, bubble hundred years, Yuan Jihu bakes company of deepfry of chicken, old Changsha

Comment on: Repose at south of old the city zone of the Changsha City, not only of old brand collect the ground, also be the cate center of Changsha, besides net red cate, still having a few is the cate that historical precipitation comes down, old street is contracted as concomitant as commerce.

3, south the doorway is fastfood street

Address: The doorway austral Changsha is located in cabinet of heart of day of the Changsha City south the roundabout of the road austral city of about 200 meters of place, the Changsha City and Huang Xinglu, it is namely south doorway.

Recommend dining-room: Fastfood, gold writes down flourishing flourishing Tuo of candy oily Tuo, search snail to write down stall of screw pink, Wen Miaoping blast

Comment on: As long as it is Changsha " old cut " know market of a cate. In Changsha, no matter be to be full of expectant visitor, still be do a familiar work with ease " old Changsha " , south doorway this place is " fame is outer " . Especially cate must be to fall not to get the ground more more! That one learns in growing county especially, take a small shop casually, that is authentic " Changsha flavour "

4, east street of melon hill cate

Address: The street austral abundant of area of Changsha day heart

Recommend dining-room: Flavour of sweetmeats of bowel of flesh of wax gourd hill, wax gourd, happy の , Dan Dan heats up bittern

Comment on: Here is belonged to basically " night life " the category of open, because major store is in the evening 7:00 do business, if coming over by day so, basic very much cate does not eat. Wax gourd hill is taken even if be taken by banger of hill of a wax gourd of fire, even if discharge again long line,also want to eat on a few strings.

5, street

Address: Changsha street, gao Zhengjie rises south, be linked together with Tian Xinge, north and equestrian king street are conterminous, full-length 314 meters.

Recommend dining-room: Gues-star manufacture, city of Sir of é of a small greens, Caf, Chengdu is strung together string sweet

Comment on: At area of lotus of the Changsha City western to emancipatory road, it is one of old streets with famous Changsha. Week of inn that write down pink getting online inside is Changsha long the old store of negative great reputation. The ground rice of his home is authentic Changsha ground rice, fascia is the shredded meat of former juice raw ingredient and hamburger evaporate egg. Rice line breaks broth to taste more slippery tenderer, there still is food of characteristic of a lot of Changshas on this street, cheap delicious.

5, cate city brief strokes?

Like picture castle? That horn is with the image picture of small snacks above the castle, the figure that uses an ice cream for instance paints a building, again for instance candied appearance paints a building, painting a building with a biscuit, combine together finally, in proper picture place other small cate let look whole picture to look at in other places harmonious

6, is Dalian cate city in that?

1, inn name: City of new Oriental cate. Address: Square of Zhongshan area harbour 3. Phone: 82706999. Characteristic: The takes seafood place of Dalian the first of all. The beautiful on repast environment. 2, inn name: Glorious wineshop. Address: Astral sea street. Characteristic: Dalian dish, if nonlocal friend will can be taken,go there take Dalian course, 3 little boil in a covered pot over a slow fire child quite delicious. The individual recommends: Shrimp ball Chinese cabbage, a photograph of whole family, smooth shelled fresh shrimps, green explodes yellow croaker of stew of conch, the daily life of a family, flying crab. 3, inn name: Lane of seafood of Dalian rich elder brother. Address: Street of the people's livelihood. Phone: 82810799     4, inn name: Fengning seafood. Address: Golden triangle by China couplet. Characteristic: Absolutely and fresh, flavour is extremely delicious. Decorate luxurious, ming Tangliang company. The price is likely. 5, inn name: Square of Shuang Chengyuan cate. Address: Le Fu of close home of Yellow River way. Characteristic: The originator of Dalian seafood arrange. Flesh of fim Bao, soft blast, fire sentence abalone. 6, inn name: Fishing port of day of big reaching the sky. Address: With peaceful street. Characteristic: The seafood of Dalian. The abalone, fim, prawn that bake, langouste... the name is tasted, intermediate dish have everything that one expects to find. Phone: 84549000     7, inn name: Sea floor is scooped up. Address: Gan Jing child. Characteristic: Sea intestines, fish is miscellaneous, base shellfish of end shrimp, Xia Yi, unripe mix flying crab of oil of holothurian, green, explode fish of the shellfish that fry a bird, of all kinds seafood is absolutely and delicate   8, inn name: Taste sea floor. Address: Near macrocosm of 27 square commerce. Characteristic: Broth of crab of boil in a covered pot over a slow fire of seafood, home is big treasure, halcyon, hall gives steamed bread   9, inn name: A poetic name of China is fastfood city. Address: By door of children park north. Characteristic: Various season seafood. 10, inn name: Taipei 1+1. Address: Area of E of square of sea of star of sanded bayou area 5. Characteristic: Northeast dish and seafood. The eel of type of soup of angelica old hen and handleless cup of salmon wing coco, day that bake, breast is columbine with razor clam of evaporate of Chengdu of powdery bowel assorted cold dishes, garlic. Phone: 84801333     11, inn name: Wing of Zhongshan garden Bao is stewed taste inn. Address: Discrepancy condition management board is inclined on. Characteristic: Seafood, abalone, fim. 12, inn name: Grail little fishing village. Address: Astral sea can exhibit central the back of a person, na Dating. The individual recommends: Piscine boiler pancake 19 yuan / portion. Have Dalian gust distinguishing feature. 13, inn name: Boat of seafood of 10 thousand treasure. Address: Urban square. Characteristic: Dalian seafood, new-blown inn. Repast environment is wonderful, suit business affairs fete. 14, inn name: A variety of colour. Address: Near northeast road crossroads. Characteristic: Dalian seafood, price is passable. 15, inn name: Wine shop of billow musical instrument. Address: On the side of naval square municipal Party committee. Characteristic: It is new-blown of wine shop of billow musical instrument inn, dalian seafood, red oily tenderloin, smooth shelled fresh shrimps, old steamed twisted roll. 16, inn name: Maple forest international. Address: Le Fuxi of 38 square home 50 meters, 15 are mixed 407 terminus. Characteristic: Give priority to with Dalian seafood, northeast dish, plain dish. Phone: 82786688 82740588

7, does phoenix cate city have how old?

Cate street is full-length 666 meters, cover an area of 34 thousand square metre, build an area 3.2 square metre, road square afforest covers an area of 17 thousand square metre

8, does Taiyuan where have cate city?

The dietary market of Taiyuan is food market and become civilized temple then, still have gong bay. In Taiyuan willow alley westerly of suitable belfry street goes to be able to see food market

9, where is Guangzhou cate city?

In Guangzhou dark feed rich to collect (the Asia is the biggest cate city) , lu Bo of An Yuandong of area of the Milky way collects a street street of a cate: Xi Hualu, Hui Fudong road, Tong Fudong road, macrobian road, civilized road

10, what does cate castle need to prepare?

Hamburger, potato, coke, cake, sweet circle

上一篇:风景的文案大自然? 乡下大自然风景文案?英文双语对照