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吉林旅游文案? 吉林旅游报价,去吉林旅游要多少钱?英文双语对照


吉林旅游文案? 吉林旅游报价,去吉林旅游要多少钱?英文双语对照














1. 长白山镇:位于长白山脉脚下,是探索长白山国家级自然保护区和长白山风景区的理想起点。您可以欣赏到壮丽的山峰、原始森林、温泉和瀑布等自然景观。

2. 亚布力镇:是一个四季皆宜的度假小镇。这里有著名的亚布力滑雪场,是中国最重要的滑雪胜地之一。而在夏季,您可以体验户外活动,如高尔夫、漂流和徒步等。

3. 通化小镇:通化是一个历史文化悠久的城市,有许多古老的建筑和传统街巷。游览通化老街、通化博物馆以及夜观通化江的美景都是不错的选择。

4. 白山市小镇:白山周边的小镇有许多值得一游的景点,如靖宇烈士陵园、碧水湖风景区和美人峡等。此外,您还可以品尝当地的美食和购买特色的手工艺品。

5. 白城小镇:白城是一个水乡小镇,有许多水系景观和历史建筑。游览胡松峰陵园、草原庄园和鸳鸯湖等景点,可以感受到白城独特的魅力。




































1. 推荐2. 因为吉林省拥有丰富的旅游资源,端午节期间,吉林省各地都会举办各种各样的活动,如长春市的龙舟比赛、吉林市的荷花节、延边州的朝鲜族传统活动等等,各具特色,值得一去。3. 此外,吉林省还有许多自然景观和人文景观值得游览,如长白山、吉林市的净月潭、通化市的铁狮子馆等等,可以在端午节期间顺便游览。











1. 长春市:可以游览长春世界雕塑公园、长影世纪城、南湖公园等景点。

2. 长白山:是夏季旅游的好去处,可以体验滑草、漂流、攀岩等项目,还可以游览天池和长白山瀑布等景点。

3. 吉林市:可以游览伪满皇宫、珲春市、吉林市博物馆等景点。

4. 四平市:可以游览铁西街、四平市博物馆、天山动物园等景点。

5. 龙井市:可以游览龙井湖、长白山风景区、龙井滑雪场等景点。

6. 白城市:可以游览白城市博物馆、松花湖、天池等景点。

7. 延边朝鲜族自治州:可以游览长白山天池、延边州博物馆、图们江国际漂流等景点。



Table of Jilin travel article?

Jilin crane dance looks for celestial being footprint to sea Yu Lin Puwei, landscape of wild goose Wu Hexiang meets.

Ji Guxiang bell prevails sacred place, rural and honest Bai Yun is sealed.

Have a good swim white hill beautiful scenery, appreciate border land amorous feelings.

The dream searchs zoology landscape, affection puts in harmonious Jilin 's charge.

Jilin travel quotes, go how many money does Jilin travel want?

This is not certain.

1, provincial swim, provincial swim, inside Shanghaiguan guest, certain price is different.

2, even-numbered days swims, 7 days swim, the price is not same also.

3, the price of city of Jilin province, Jilin is differred again other bigger.

Say so, do not have specific arrangement to cannot decide.

Strategy of travel of Jilin small town?

Jilin has a lot of beautiful small towns, every small town has his distinctive glamour and tourist attraction. It is the brief overview of strategy of travel of small town of a Jilin below:

1.Grow Bai Shan to press down: Be located in below foot of long white mountain range, it is exploration groove guard of nature of level of state of long white hill and the good starting point that grow white hill beauty spot. You can admire the natural landscape such as gallant mountain peak, virgin forest, hot spring and chute.

2.Yabuli presses down: It is a the four seasons all of appropriate go vacationing small town. There is famous Yabuli here ski field, it is one of China's most important ski resorts. And in the summer, you can experience outdoors activity, mix like golf, float pedestrian etc.

3.Turn small town: Connect changing is the city with long culture of a history, have a lot of old buildings and traditional market alley. Visit influence old market, change museum and nocturnal view to connect changing the beautiful scenery of the river is right choice.

4.Small town of white hill city: The small town of white hill periphery has a lot of tourist attractions that are worth to swim, like Jing Yu beauty spot of lake of water of cemetery of revolutionary martyrs, green jade is mixed beauty gorge. In addition, you still can sample local cate and the handicraft that buy characteristic are tasted.

5.White city small town: Bai Cheng is small town of an a region of rivers and lakes, have a lot of water system landscape and historical building. Visit Hu Songfeng cemetery, prairie is manorial wait for a tourist attraction with lake of an affectionate couple, can experience Bai Cheng's distinctive glamour.

When Jilin travels, retain sound program tenor, understand the tourist attraction of every small town and characteristic beforehand. In the meantime, pay close attention to weather situation and scheduling, carry necessary article, ensure safety is mixed comfortable. The most important is, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jilin small town and amorous feelings to the top of one's bent!

Jilin travel catchphrase?

One city is classical landscape, chiliad is elegant 4 smooth.

All admire long white Shanjindalai, have a good swim graph people river gold triangle.

Swim in Jilin, love " enjoy " 4 smooth. Jilin travels, white Shan Songshui, forthright Jilin, lucky treasure ground, colorful Jilin.

Strategy of winter Jilin travel?

Winter is Jilin travel is off-season, but it also has a few distinctive glamour and beautiful scenery. It is strategy of travel of Jilin of a few winter below:

Mist Song: Jilin mist Song is one of China's famous travel tourist attractions. In winter, air temperature is low, humidity is big, suit the formation of mist Song very much. The tourist can head for and other places of Jilin city, loose former city view and admire mist Song.

Section of ice and snow: Section of hiemal Jilin ice and snow is a happy festival, the tourist can enter activities of all sorts of ice and snow here, like ski, skate, snowball.

Cate: The winter of Jilin is the season of a cate, the tourist can sample local cate, if fish of ground of ski, snow, Yanji is cold the face.

Tourist attraction: Jilin has a lot of famous tourist attractions, if grow Bai Shan, Yabuli ski field, Songhua River. In winter, these tourist attractions turned silver-coated winter into the tourist attraction, attracted a lot of tourists to come round to admire.

Traffic: Jilin winter traffic is relatively disadvantageous, before the tourist can choose to take the train, plane to perhaps be driven oneself, go to destination. As a whole, winter Jilin is the place that a beautiful scenery and cate coexist, the tourist can enjoy unique winter experience here.

Does travel recommend Jilin summer?

Jilin 10 big summer resort


Grow Bai Shan


Only month pool


Check dry lake


Grow shadow century city


Preserved egg lake


Jilin dragon bay group national forest park


Government-owned horse cave


Park of forest of country of Jilin red stone


East of Shanhaiguan the first float


Museum of bogus full palace

Does Jilin carry midday travel to recommend?

1.Recommend 2. Because Jilin province has rich travel resource, during dragon boat festival, jilin saves each district to be able to conduct various activities, the activity waits the tradition of the Chaoxian nationality of the lotus section of city of the dragon boat match that is like the Changchun City, Jilin, city that extend a limit a moment, each have distinguishing feature, be worth to go. 3. In addition, jilin province still has a lot of natural landscape and humanitarian landscape to be worth to visit, the only month pool that is like city of long Bai Shan, Jilin, connect the iron lion shop that turns city to wait a moment, can visit incidentally during dragon boat festival.

Does 2021 Jilin National Day travel?

Long Bai Shan travels

Long white Shan Tianchi is OK from boreal slope, on the west slope, slope can see day pool to the summit south, the slope austral boreal slope needs to take station car to ascend a top, on the west slope arrives through walking along a flight of stairs finally the summit.

Cereal of red autumnal leaves of city of river of Jilin flood dragon

Annual cereal of red autumnal leaves of city of flood dragon river is open during the National Day, inside area of scene of cereal of red autumnal leaves, still have brook water, chute, be reluctant to leave forget to return.

The hill that play a way travels, the hill that play a way has the world hole of swimming of the 2nd air, have more than 100 holes allegedly, configuration each different.

Strategy of travel of Jilin north hill?

If be the word that should go to the boreal hill park of Jilin travelling, best circuitry is the front door from boreal hill goes in, a bridge is passed later, reach 9 dragon door next, down 9 dragon door this go up directly boreal hill, enter the cloister with boreal famous hill group, here concerns temple of the Supreme Being, still have ripely hall, wait for famous cloister

Does Jilin summer travel strategy?

It is strategy of Jilin summer travel below:

1.The Changchun City: Can visit town of century of park of Changchun world sculpture, lasting vague impression, south the tourist attraction such as lake park.

2.Grow Bai Shan: It is the good place that the summer travels, can experience the project such as slippery grass, seaborne, Pan Yan, still can visit the tourist attraction such as day pool and fall of long white mountain.

3.Jilin city: Can visit the tourist attraction such as museum of city of bogus full palace, Hui spring, Jilin city.

4.4 smooth city: Can visit iron on the west the tourist attraction such as zoo of hill of museum of street, 4 smooth city, day.

5.City of Dragon Well tea: Can visit the tourist attraction such as field of ski of beauty spot of lake of Dragon Well tea, long white hill, Dragon Well tea.

6.White city: Can visit pool of lake of white city museum, preserved egg, day to wait for a tourist attraction.

7.Delay autonomous prefecture of edge the Chaoxian nationality: Can visit museum of the long white Shan Tianchi, city that extend a limit, figure people the tourist attraction such as river international float.

Summertime air temperature is higher, the attention is prevented bask in, filling water, also want to notice to avoid rainstorm and thunder weather at the same time.

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