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本科学制四年,学习年限三至六年;专升本学制二年;专科学制三年。 经济学、国际经济与贸易、财政学、金融学、保险、金融工程、税务、法学、社会学、新闻学(经济新闻方向)、广告学、数学与应用数学(经济数学方向)、统计学(金融统计方向)、管理科学、信息管理与信息系统、工程管理(含房地产经营与管理方向、投资与造价管理方向)、工商管理、市场营销、会计学、会计学(含CPA方向、国际会计方向)、财务管理、财务管理(资产评估方向)、人力资源管理、旅游管理、电子商务、物流管理、行政管理、公共事业管理、劳动与社会保障等专业为4500元/人·年;汉语言文学(公关文秘方向)专业为3700元/人·年;英语(国际商务方向)、日语(国际商务方向)、计算机科学与技术专业为5100元/人·年;工商管理(国际商学院专业)为25000元/人·年;高职专科、高职高专升本科各专业5000元/人·年。





东北财经大学(Dongbei University of Finance and Economics),简称东财,位于辽宁省大连市,是财政部、教育部和辽宁省人民政府共建高校,辽宁省一流大学重点建设高校;











   西华大学(Xihua University),简称西华,位于四川省成都市,是国家中西部高校基础能力建设工程重点支持高校,入选教育部首批“新工科”研究与实践项目、教育部本科教学工作水平评估优秀高校,四川省首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校;四川省卓越工程师教育培养计划、四川省卓越农林人才教育培养计划、四川2011计划、四川省“双一流”建设计划,成渝地区双城经济圈高校联盟成员,是一所工、理、管、法、经、艺、文、教、农、医等多学科协调发展的四川省属综合性大学。







济南大学(University of Jinan),位于山东省济南市,是山东省人民政府和教育部共建的综合性大学,是山东省重点建设大学、首批山东省应用型人才培养特色名校、教育部“卓越工程师教育培养计划”高校、山东省“冲一流”建设高校、全国首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校、应急管理学院建设首批试点学校,入选国家“111计划”、国家级新工科研究与实践项目、国家级工程实践教育中心、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,为“一带一路”智库合作联盟理事单位。





江南大学(Jiangnan University),坐落于无锡市,是中华人民共和国教育部直属高校,国家世界一流学科建设高校,“211工程”、“985工程优势学科创新平台”重点建设高校,入选国家“111计划”、卓越农林人才教育培养计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、国家大学生创新性实验计划、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划、国家级新工科研究与实践项目,是高水平行业特色大学优质资源共享联盟成员、“一带一路”高校食品教育科技联盟成员、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、国家大学生文化素质教育基地、首批高等学校科技成果转化和技术转移基地。




One, about specialized subject of university of northeast finance and economics?

This science makes 4 years, learn fixed number of year 3 to 6 years; Promote this educational system 2 years only; Make 3 years scientificly only. Economy of economics, international and commerce, cameralistics, finance learns, Wu of project of safe, finance, duty, law, sociological, news learns (economic news direction) , advertisement learns, maths and applied maths (economic maths direction) , statistical (financial statistic direction) , management; Chinese character literature (direction of secret of public relations article) major is 3700 yuan / person · year; English (direction of international business affairs) , Japanese (direction of international business affairs) , computer science and technical major are 5100 yuan / person · year; Industrial and commercial management (international business school is professional) it is 25000 yuan / person · year; High post specialized subject, high post rises undergraduate course high only each are professional 5000 yuan / person · year.

2, what does specialized subject of university of Dalian northeast finance and economics have only?

This science makes 4 years, learn fixed number of year 3 to 6 years; Promote this educational system 2 years only; Make 3 years scientificly only.

Economy of economics, international and commerce, cameralistics, finance learns, Wu of project of safe, finance, duty, law, sociological, news learns (economic news direction) , advertisement learns, maths and applied maths (economic maths direction) , statistical (financial statistic direction) , management; Chinese character literature (direction of secret of public relations article) major is 3700 yuan / person · year; English (direction of international business affairs) , Japanese (direction of international business affairs) , computer science and technical major are 5100 yuan / person · year; Industrial and commercial management (international business school is professional) it is 25000 yuan / person · year; High post specialized subject, high post rises undergraduate course high only each are professional 5000 yuan / person · year.

3, another namer of northeast finance and economics?

University of northeast finance and economics (Dongbei University Of Finance And Economics) , abbreviation east money, be located in Liaoning to visit Dalian town, it is the Ministry of finance, Ministry of Education and government of Liaoning province people build a college in all, liaoning saves top-ranking university key to build a college;

It is an economic management course is advantage characteristic, the university of finance and economics that the much discipline such as classics, canal, law, article, manage develops; Selected humanitarian society studies 2011 plans, 111 plans, Ministry of Education scientificly mainly excellent student education plans course of base, foundation 2 base, " project of characteristic key course " construction college, country builds Gao Shuiping scholarship of government of project of graduate student of college public school, China comes China the student studying abroad receives school, international.

Up to in May 2021, the school always covers an area of 650 thousand square metre; Offer major of 41 undergraduate course; Have national emphasis discipline 3, national emphasis (breed) course 1; Flow of postdoctoral scientific research stands 6, doctoral degree program of one degree course 6, master degree program of one degree course 10, professional degree Master degree program 16; Have full-time teach a worker 1776 people; Have full-time student 1.7 more than person, among them 7115 people of 9901 people of undergraduate students, graduate student.

4, is northeast finance and economics good?

Northeast finance and economics is bad!

The reason has 3:

1) historical reason, technology of old industry base increases resource of the sources of energy city slow newlier dried up 2 times transition economy was not formed.

2) youth prediction of a person's luck in a given year is serious, especially technical qualified personnel.

3) the winter of half an year, climate chill, production and life cost are relative taller.

5, specialized subject of Xi Hua university?

The specialized subject major of Xi Hua university has: The car detects with maintenance model of cost of technology, construction project technology, project, product is designed, message of business affairs of technology of unifinication of Wu of sale of project of construction of irrigation works water and electricity, industrial and commercial business management, market, duty, Electromechanical, electron, computer manages, English of financial management, business affairs, etc.

 Xi Hua university (Xihua University) , abbreviation Xi Hua, be located in Sichuan to save the Chengdu City, it is college of support of engineering stress of construction of capability of base of college of ministry of national Chinese and Western, selected education radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries is approved " new engineering course " level of job of teaching of undergraduate course of research and practice project, Ministry of Education evaluates outstanding college, sichuan saves first deepening to innovate poineering education reforms demonstrative college; Sichuan saves outstanding engineer to teach education plan, Sichuan to save outstanding aricultural talent to teach education plan, Sichuan 2011 plans, Sichuan is saved " double top-ranking " construction plan, into change area twin city economy encircles college alliance member, it is a labour, manage, canal, law, classics, art, article, religion, farming, the Sichuan province that the much discipline such as cure coordinates development belongs to omnibus university.

Xi Hua university only then built 1960, when institute of machinery of renown Sichuan agriculture, 1972 more the name is institute of Chengdu agriculture machinery, 1983 more the name is Sichuan industry institute. 2003, sichuan industry institute and Chengdu normal school are advanced schools is amalgamative establish for Xi Hua university. Sichuan economy managed cadre institute to merge into 2008.

6, does Mba of northeast finance and economics contain Troy?

Quite tall. Ministry of campus of northeast finance and economics, Ministry of finance and government of Liaoning province people build a college in all, project of course of national characteristic key builds a college, liaoning saves top-ranking university key to build a college.

This school is selected " 2011 plans " , scholarship of government of project of graduate student of public school of college of national construction Gao Shuiping, China comes China the student studying abroad receives fellowship of institute of school, Confucius to receive innovation of school, whole nation to do poineering work network of typical experience college, whole nation teachs pilot unit, Liaoning to save first deepening to innovate poineering education, domestic head home is participated in and obtain " managerial certificate of quality of collaboration of China and foreign countries " college, top-ranking course builds finance and economics allied vice-president unit.

7, Jinan university specialized subject?

Jinan university is undergraduate course school.

Jinan university (University Of Jinan) , be located in Shandong to visit Jinan town, it is the omnibus university that government of Shandong province people and Ministry of Education establish in all, it is first university of construction of Shandong province key, Shandong school of name of characteristic of education of province application talent, Ministry of Education " outstanding engineer education develops a plan " college, Shandong is saved " strong top-ranking " construction college, whole nation first deepening demonstrative college of reform of innovation poineering education, lash-up manages, selected country " 111 plans " , practice of project of level of research and practice project, state teachs national level new engineering course innovation of undergraduate of level of center, state does poineering work training plan, for " one belt all the way " wisdom library unit of Co-operative Alliance director.

8, specialized subject of Great Harmony university?

Undergraduate course, 2 compare B kind, the undergraduate course school with unique Great Harmony!

9, specialized subject of Changjiang Delta university?

Changjiang Delta university is not a specialized subject however an university, 211, 985 keys build an university

Changjiang Delta university (Jiangnan University) , be located at having stannic city, it is college of directly under of Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China, national world top-ranking course builds a college, "211 projects " , " platform of innovation of course of 985 projects advantage " the key builds a college, selected country " 111 plans " , plan of training of education of plan of training of education of outstanding aricultural talent, outstanding engineer, country builds Gao Shuiping innovation of undergraduate of level of plan of experiment of sex of innovation of undergraduate of project of graduate student of college public school, country, state does poineering work form of training plan, state is new engineering course, it is university of characteristic of high level industry high grade resource shares allied member, " take all the way " scholarship of government of member of alliance of science and technology of college food education, China comes China the student studying abroad receives quality of culture of undergraduate of school, country to teach science and technology of first base, colleges and universities achievement is changed and technical move.

10, Changsha university specialized subject?

Changsha university is undergraduate course school, big hill campus basically exists without the specialized subject, only district of the school austral Changsha university is to continue to teach a college, the place of the student learning of adult the university entrance exam is over there. But if you are,rise only this, big 3 take an examination of coming in is in Hong Shan campus and undergraduate students attend class together.
