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1、黔南 都匀景点:秦汉影视城(西南最大影视城,陈道明、古天乐、陈坤、倪妮、林允、吴磊等多数大咖主演电视在此拍摄)、毛尖小镇、茶博园、青云湖国家森林公园、南沙州公园(建议晚上)、斗篷山景区美食推荐:王记香辣虾(都匀彩虹桥食汇街,百度地图可搜,有“体验贵州辣,王记香辣虾”之美誉,人均35元左右),我去时,第一天吃虾,第二天吃的蟹,真是超级好吃。

2、黔南 荔波小七孔(5A级景区,荔波中国绿宝石之称,小七孔更是贵州巨美之地,和黄果树齐名,绝不后悔旅游胜地),里面有数十个景点,足够游玩一整天。美食推荐:臭酸(臭酸又名丑酸,是荔波县最具特色的菜肴。人均65元左右),美食推荐虾酸牛肉。



5、黔东南 凯里西江千户苗寨:特色寨子,但自从“爸爸去哪儿”拍摄后,人就多了很多。远离市中心,较为偏远,适合自驾游游客。


TOP1 贵州茅台酒


TOP2 都匀毛尖茶


TOP3 贵州三宝


TOP4 威宁火腿


TOP5 蜡染












在线旅游(即 Online Travel Agency)简称OTA,又称为电子旅游,是由互联网与旅游业之间融合发展而产生的新型旅游业态。从消费的角度来讲,“在线旅游”是指旅游消费者通过旅游服务企业提供的网络预订平台购买旅游产品和服务的旅游消费方式;从供给的角度来讲,“在线旅游”是指旅游服务企业通过具有旅游信息传播、旅游产品与服务订购、旅游体验评价等功能的旅游电子商务网站进行线上旅游咨询与购买、线下旅游消费体验的旅游商业模式


Does Guizhou bright swim does online travel company rely on chart?

Rely on chart

Limited company of the travel below Guizhou bright You Tian is the home that examines and approve via national tourism bureau travel service consults a company, it is the has Guiyang area travel that examines and approve via Guizhou Province municipal government serves one of advisory companies.

Limited company of the travel below Guizhou bright You Tian (force of the nation below abbreviation bright You Tian) , held water in May 2016, register fund 5 million, scope of operations: Law. Code. Regulation of decision of the State Council ought to be permitted (examine and approve) , after be being approved via examining and approve mechanism by the license (examine and approve) the file is managed; Include domestic tourism, travel runs software technology development and sale; Era orders a public house. The business such as entrance ticket of area of acting travel scene serves.

This company is held to from beginning to end " it is with sincere letter this, the service is consummate, go all out in work consecratory, always contend for the first " service spirit, acute meaning innovates, development enterprising; This company will as always according to " credit the first. Quality the first. Client the service concept of the first; . Provide excellent service for travel consumer.

How does Guizhou travel is Guizhou travel tired?

Guizhou travel tourist attraction has a lot of to play, tired, how to say, tired happy move, go Guizhou travel climbs affirmation is tired, climb do not have unwearied, but also others experience is less than ascend a the sort of joy, do not want to climb really can sit telpher perhaps go sightseeing car. Fear tall person going Guizhou travel also is possible, do not go as far as possible the tourist attraction amuse oneself with high height above sea level also very can happy play to be breathed out!

Online travel feature?

The feature of online travel. Can see more travel tourist attractions. Cate. And the district culture of travel. Can see the landscape with better more.

Guizhou travel alias?

Guizhou, alias: Expensive, guizhou

. Provincial capital Guiyang, be located in hinterland of area of Chinese southwest inland. It is hub of Chinese southwest traffic, economy of the Yangtse River brings main component. Big data of level of first state of countrywide experiments integratedly area, destination of travel of world famous country and country travel are saved greatly, division of test of civilization of national organisms' habits, inland and open model economic test division. Bound at north latitude 37 ′ of 24 ° 29 ° of ~ 13 ′ , the east longitude 36 ′ of 103 ° 109 ° of ~ 35 ′ , north receives Sichuan and Chongqing, east Guangxi of adjoin Hunan, Na Lin, Yunnan is connected on the west. Guizhou travels 10 big tourist attractions have: Promote justice the pond of stockaded village of Dong of peak of 10 thousand peak forest, double breast, Xiaohuang, Xuan, terraced field that add a list of names posted up, downy 1000 islands lake, 1000 Miao Zhai, buddhist clean hill, press down ancient town and yellow fruiter chute.

Is Guizhou travel ordinal?

When Guizhou travels, can plan according to the following order the journey:

Guiyang city: As the provincial capital of Guizhou Province, guiyang city has a lot of tourist attractions to be worth to swim. The ground sign that can see Guiyang urban district first is built, museum of the beautiful garden that is like Guiyang downtown, Guizhou Province. The beauty spot of pool of the Milky way that still can view and admire Guiyang environs area, those who appreciate beauty is laky with landscape scenery.

City of abide by justice: Set out from Guiyang city, can head for city of abide by justice, this is the 2nd big city of Guizhou Province, also be the important history area of Chinese revolution. Be in city of abide by justice, can see the important history tourist attraction such as town of memorial hall of Red Army long march, Maotai.

Huang Guo cultivates chute: Be located in autonomous prefecture of the Dong nationality of Miao Zu of southeast of Guizhou Province Guizhou, it is one of China's biggest fall. Flow of water of yellow fruiter chute is boundless, the scenery is grand, it is one of main tourist attractions that Guizhou travels.

Li wave county: Be located in south Guizhou Province Guizhou autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of the Bouyei nationality, having rich natural landscape. Li wave county has famous " Li wave 7 aperture " and " Li wave big gorge " , can admire magnificent gorge sight and peculiar geological landscape

Guizhou travel strategy?

1, tourist attraction of the Dou Yun austral Guizhou: City of movie and TV of Chinese of the Qin Dynasty (city of southwest the biggest movie and TV, the Chen Daoming, Gu Tianle, Chen Kun, Ni Ni, Lin Yun, majority such as Wu Lei is great TV of Ga main actor films here) , Mao Jian is small park of forest of country of lake of garden of rich of town, tea, high official position, south: Wang Jixiang hot shrimp (rainbow bridge feeds Dou Yun collect a street, baidu map but search, have " experience Guizhou is hot, wang Jixiang hot shrimp " beautiful praise, average per capita is controlled 35 yuan) , when I go, the first day has shrimp, the crab that eats the following day, really super and delicious.

2, Guizhou Na Libo is small 7 aperture (area of 5A class scene, of beryl of Li wave China say, small the ground that 7 aperture are Guizhou gigantic beauty more, cultivate with Huang Guo eponymous, do not regret to travel absolutely resort) , there are 10 several tourist attractions inside, enough amuse oneself is daylong. Cate recommends: Smelly acid (smelly acid name ugly acid, it is the cooked food that Li wave county provides distinguishing feature most. Average per capita is controlled 65 yuan) , cate recommends shrimp acerbity beef.

3, park of Guiyang Guizhou clever hill (entrance ticket 5 yuan, student 3 yuan, sexual price compares freeboard, inside you can be mixed 0 distances contact the monkey, all over the mountains and plains of on 1000 monkeys) , warmth reminds: Must not carry the portable bag that holds food, be reaved carefully to breath out by monkey elder brother. Cate recommends: Chicken of Guiyang hot pepper is the food that provides Guizhou distinguishing feature extremely together. This dish can be fried dish of the daily life of a family, also can be chaffy dish.

4, An Shunhuang fruiter is one of scene areas with the famousest Guizhou, it and above says Li wave is small 7 aperture are complete two extremes, of great momentum, bold and flowing, the sort of shock cannot use a language completely to convey, small of course 7 aperture tourist attraction is some more than yellow fruiter. Cate recommends: Meat of beautiful river dog (the meat of beautiful river dog that originates in county involving mountain range to spend Jiang Zhen formerly, make a law be paid attention to originally, have some nourishing effect plus place of dog meat itself, make people go after sth like a flock of ducks, taste for fast. )

5, southeast Guizhou Kailixi Miao Zhai of Jiang Qian door: Characteristic stockaded village, but since " where does father go to " after filming, the person is a lot of more. Be far from downtown, relatively out-of-the-way, suit to be driven oneself swim tourist.

Guizhou travel special local product?

TOP1 Guizhou Maotai

Maotai is traditional specialty alcoholic drink of China, it is one of wine of 3 big distill name, it is 3 name wine of Chinese at the same time " Mao Wujian " one of. Maotai uses scientific and distinctive conventional technology to elaborate wine is made and be become, the wine that brew gives has sauce sweet body of outstanding, wine full-bodied, aftertaste long, empty cup stays sweet hold characteristic of kick one's heels. Tips: Invite the Maotai agency brand shop of accredit of Guizhou Maotai Inc. to buy.

Pointed tea of wool of TOP2 Dou Yun

Appearance of pointed tea of Dou Yun wool all alone close ties, soft on the human body is shown, foliaceous copy is pale green, "Bright of delicacy of abiding, sweet clear smell, grow answers Li Xiang pleasant " original tea is sweet, brought up " dry tea is green in take yellow, Shang Se green in send copy of yellow, page green in show yellow " " 3 green 3 yellow " character, in tea more contain a lot ofa variety of microelement such as zinc, Selenium, can says " the highest grade in tea " .

TOP3 Guizhou 3 treasure

Guizhou the tuber of elevated gastrodia, glossy ganoderma, the bark of eucommia calls Guizhou 3 treasure. If want to send an old person, guizhou 3 treasure are right choice, the price is likely, the large supermarket of Guizhou all has carry out.

TOP4 power peaceful ham

Power peace ham is the traditional special local product of Guizhou, be apart from already had 600 old histories today, alcohol of because the flesh is qualitative admirable, flavour is sweet, already made a name a long time ago global. Refreshing of scent of power peace ham, delicate to extremely, if use evaporate,fry, that is aroma more 4 excessive, carry easily, present relatives and friends, it is god-given beautiful is tasted.

TOP5 wax printing

The culture connotation with the tonal, beautiful grain appearance with simple but elegant, rich wax printing, in the develop a school of one's own in Guizhou folk art, it is ethical tradition arts and crafts is tasted.

Wax printing craft circulates in Guizhou minority area very wide, already became a kind of indispensable art in minority woman life.

Above is the special local product with more classical Guizhou, buy special local product to where be, buying special local product in the supermarket actually is opposite relatively be at ease, the price also moderate. No matter shop where must goods compares 3. Hope everybody is bought happily, can buy oneself to consider bought special local product.

Is Guizhou social security online year of careful flow?

Guizhou social security is online year of careful need is the following measure:

1, log onto Guizhou manpower resource and net of official of social security bureau above all;

2, number of the card of input social security that register, password and code of test and verify, click login enter the system is declared on the net;

3, what after entering, show is the following page, click left unit to handle affairs the yearly check is declared, declare relevant data next.

What is online travel?

Online travel is to point to adopt Internet technique, use network platform to realize mode of a kind of when travel serves new-style travel. It can be offerred for the tourist online book entrance ticket of tourist attraction of circuitry of airline ticket, hotel, travel, travel to wait for a service, the program that makes a tourist OK can finish travel to plan in the home and carry out.

What is online travel?

Online travel (namely OTA of abbreviation of Online Travel Agency) , call electronic travel again, be by the new-style tourism that confluence develops between Internet and tourism and arises voice. Will tell from consumptive angle, "Online travel " it is to show travel consumer serves the network that the enterprise provides to book platform to buy the travel of Wu of travel product kimono to consume means; to be told from the angle of supply through travel, "Online travel " it is to show travel serves an enterprise to be ordered through having product of travel information transmission, travel and service, the website of travel electron business affairs of the function such as travel experience evaluation undertakes the travel on the line seeks advice with buy, the travel business pattern that spending of the travel below the line experiences
