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汽车金融概念股  物产中大(600704)  2012年5月12日公告,股东大会同意全资子公司物产元通以增资扩股方式,面向财务投资者引进长期资金10亿元。物产元通在原有10.65亿元注册资本基础上,增加注册资本4-5亿元(预估值)。增资扩股后,公司持有其70%-75%的股权,财务投资者持有25%-30%的股权。本次新增注册资本,全部由财务投资者以其持有的现金认购。本次募集资金全部用于投资物产元通汽车经销、售后服务网络、汽车金融服务建设项目。  庞大集团(601258)  A股最大的汽车经销商上市集团。公司的主营业务为汽车经销及维修养护业务。截至2011年年末,公司于中国26个省、市、自治区及蒙古国拥有1257家经营网点,较上年末增加331家。公司以斯巴鲁品牌汽车为代表的进口车经营模式,具有毛利率高、资金占用少、售后业务稳定等特点。  亚夏汽车(002607)  安徽省汽车经销商龙头:公司是安徽省最大的汽车经销服务商,在省内有着领先的市场地位。公司以乘用车销售和综合服务为主体,业务链覆盖乘用车销售服务、装潢、美容、配件销售及维修、驾驶员培训和保险经纪服务。  比亚迪(002549)  比亚迪试水“零元购车” 欲破电动公交推广难题,近日,比亚迪公司针对国内出租车及公交大巴市场推出了电动化解决方案,国家开发银行等为该方案提供金融支持。这一方案旨在解决出租车公司及公交公司一次性购买电动车的资金压力,以加速公交电动化进程。客户可采取“零首付+分期付款”的模式购车。  福田汽车(600166)  汽车金融:2012年4月,公司出资2亿元设立全资子公司中车信融融资租赁有限公司。成立后,可满足客户的需求,促进实体产品的销售。  江淮汽车(600418)  设立汽车金融公司:2011年12月,公司拟与西班牙桑坦德消费金融有限公司合资设立汽车金融公司,双方各现金出资2.5亿元,各占比50%。新公司经营范围:接受公司境外股东及其所在集团在华全资子公司和境内股东3个月(含)以上定期存款;接受汽车经销商采购车辆贷款保证金和承租人汽车租赁保证金;经批准,发行金融债券等。  广汽集团(601238)  公司主营业务包括汽车及配套产品的研发、制造、销售及相关服务,主要产品及服务包括乘用车、商用车、发动机及其他汽车零部件和汽车保险、汽车金融等汽车相关服务,拥有较为完整的产业链。公司是中国领先的汽车制造商之一,也是华南地区最大的汽车制造商。


Car finance concept in products big (600704)     on May 12, 2012 announcement, shareholder plenary meeting agrees with wholy-owned subsidiary products yuan in order to increase endowment spread means, face financial investor to introduce long-term financing 1 billion yuan. Products yuan in original register capital base 1.065 billion yuan to go up, increase register capital 4-5 100 million yuan (beforehand appraise is worth) . Increase endowment spread hind, company hold the equity of its 70%-75% , the equity of 25%-30% of financial investor hold. This second add newly register capital, hold some cash subscribe with its by financial investor entirely. This second collect capital is used at investing products entirely yuan service of banking of network of a car distribute, after service, car builds a project. Giant group (601258)     A the bazaar on the biggest car agency is round. Of the company advocate business Wu reachs maintenance conserve business for car distribute. Up to 2011 year end, company at China 26 provinces, city, municipality and Mongolia country own 1257 management sites, relatively on year end increases 331. The company tastes card car to manage mode for entrance car of the representing with Si Balu, have gross profit to lead tall, capital to take up the characteristic such as stability of the business after little, carry out. Inferior summerly car (002607) bibcock of dealer of car of   the Anhui province: The company is the business of car distribute service with the biggest the Anhui province, in provincial having lead market position. The company gives priority to body with taking the sale that use a car and integrated service, business chain is enclothed by the sale that use a car sale of service, decorate, hairdressing, fittings and maintenance, driver grooms and insurance broker serves. Biyadi (002549) Biyadi tries   water " buy a car 0 yuan " be about to defeat difficult problem of dynamoelectric and public transportation promotion, recently, biyadi the company was rolled out in the light of domestic taxi and market of public transportation bus dynamoelectric change a solution, the country develops a bank to wait to provide financial support for this plan. Case of this one party aims to solve taxi company and public transportation company one-time the capital pressure that buys electric car, in order to quicken public transportation and dynamoelectric change a course. The client can be adopted " 0 pay + instalment " mode buys a car. Blessing cropland car (600166)   car finance: In April 2012, the company is contributive 200 million yuan of cars in creating wholy-owned subsidiary believe endowment of happy and harmonious to hire limited company. After holding water, can satisfy the client's requirement, promote the sale of tangible product. Car of river the Huaihe River (600418)   establishs car banking firm: In December 2011, the company plans to consume financial limited company with heart of Spanish mulberry calm joint-stock establish car banking firm, bilateral each cash is contributive 250 million yuan, each are occupied than 50% . New company scope of operations: The partner outside accepting company condition and its seat group are in China wholy-owned subsidiary and churchyard partner 3 months (contain) above time deposit; Accept car dealer to purchase car loan earnest money and tenant car to rent bail; Classics approval, issue financial bond to wait. Wide steam group (601238)   company advocate the research and development that business Wu includes car and product of form a complete set, make, sale and relevant service, main product and service include to multiply mix with component of car of etc of car, commercial vehicle, engine serve related the car such as finance of car insurance, car, own relatively complete industry chain. The company is one of China's banner car manufacturer, also be the car manufacturer with Hua Na the biggest area.
