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The child's disposition grows and parental education cannot leave, clever parents is to the child's education already rigorous relaxed and happy, parents needs to teach the child with excellent wisdom, teach the child that come out the child that also can be a wisdom so.

Parents teachs the child 10 law:

1, attributive law: Assure the child to grow in healthy domestic environment

If domestic environment is important perhaps domestic personnel change is inevitable, the healthy kind that the parent needs to use the face will comfort dredge child, and cannot adopt scanty wait for extreme measure at certainly or doting or beyond the mark severity, more cannot because of domestic burst vent one's anger on sb who's not to blame Yu Zi daughter. To major domestic misfortune event, parents is necessary to choose right time and child to undertake sufficient communication, assist the child to comb potential mood.

2, hope law: Let the child see a hope forever

Cross much criticism, criticise with high pressure certainly can bring the child heavy psychological burden only, destroy the child's initiative. Maybe of high level strict requirement is just the opposite to what one wished, often can strangle a lot of hopes of the child only, make its depress. Parents ought to guide the child to see the active face of the thing, this is oral and homiletic not only inform. More in coming from the means that interacts with the child at ordinary times at parents, aeriform the belief system that transfers the child.

3, force law: Do not want forever as stronger as the child

The adult always has power than the child, no matter be,spell physical power or fight intelligence and experience. Because this adult and child are stronger,fight strong original with respect to imparity, won also dishonour. If the parent knows to the fault does not change or do not admit, feeling acknowledge a mistake before the child is humiliating, also can let the child learn bigotedly. This is parents teachs by personal example as well as verbal instrution unconsciously, say on outclass parents mouth, want to tell the child. Only those who become father and mother is willing nutation body, equality and child communication, power move of the child just is met stronger and stronger.

4, administer law: Before the child is minor, check is parental responsibility

Ability of minor child tutor oneself is still immature, because this parents must bear a responsibility,come check. If the parent is right at ordinary times everything the child's (school work, expression, hobby) too laissez-faire, seeming is to give the child more freedom, but the child can feel the parent is right however oneself " do not care " and generation is aloof.

5, listen attentively to law: Want to listen attentively to the sound of children

Treat the child equally, give them right to speak, listen attentively to their sound, they just can speak true opinion. If Your Excellency not to respect the child's opinion, ignore their aspirations, as time passes, their meeting dare not say true word to the parent, do not love to communicate with the parent.

6, model law: Teaching by personal example as well as verbal instrution is tremendous to example action of the child

"Set oneself an example to others, teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution " it is universally applicable. The child's breeding, interest, hobby, will grow environmental be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears habitat likely. If parents never reads the habit of this half one book, read aloud always however in child side side be favored with: You should read a book! Undoubted meeting draws on parents' lower in child heart example figure, immanent voice can say the child: You play a mobile phone by what, brush tremble sound, call me to read a book however! Pullback the focus to his body when parents, going is only blindly requirement child, however more those who foster oneself is good read a habit, let oneself be on oneself major more essence of life is entered, this itself is the most convincing education. Teaching scarcely is catchword, however benefit other people is fine breathed wholeheartedly alimentary.

7, law of seek common points while reserving difference: Esteem child is right the view of the world, understand them as far as possible

The child and adult view often differ, they can have a lot of not to accord with groovy illusion. Actually these are the lovely place of childishness, if adult thinks the child's think of a way is bizarre and throw a damp over, can strangle their imagination and curiosity, because cannot get,also can let them understand and disappointed.

8, careful with castigatory law: Pure penalty

Especially physical punishment, it is very negative with clumsy educational way, also be uncivilized, the child that is punished by force as a child, after be brought up, a lot of also can have tendency of sudden huge profits. Because this is not advocated,use castigatory method. Perhaps you can say, "Good person gives below gold rod " " does not hit " of grow into useful timber. The fact is the child under bludgeon has opportunity become a useful person probably, also cannot mix again however father and mother's real propinquity. Beating and scold is not the level that measures education absolutely, just our parents should fulfil whether real effective company and supportive child.

9, sequential law: Let the child understand the consequence that its behavior may produce

Occasionally, the child attracted what trouble or the issue that want what to do to do sth unconventional or unorthodox, did not make clear even the adult Hunan its consequence and harm, censure inscrupulously to the child or prevent; This cannot take a person of course. The independent ability that develops the child should be in the life the a bit begins. On one hand the child that parents wants to foster to paddle one's own canoe, on the other hand, does the is oneself in privative child again however conduct that makes parents assume the opportunity of consequence and responsibility?

10, structural law: Teach the child to understand the limit of morality and law as a child

Children get as a child all-around edification, there are a morality bottom line and law bottom line in the heart, often still can affect the parent conversely. If cannot set oneself an example to others establishs the model with abide by abide by the law discipline for the child, so the child also can look without authority, expression gets inordinate random quadrature.

The life is education, of test is parental wisdom, it is knowledge not merely, need certain material to become a basis, but also only money can not act well, every parents is met impart oneself life experience self-consciously to the child, this asks we do father and mother, letting his is the person of a continuous study above all, the person with a whole character.

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