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旅游数据怎么统计? 浙江丽水旅游?英文双语对照


旅游数据怎么统计? 浙江丽水旅游?英文双语对照










1. "浙江,自然与历史的交相辉映之地"在浙江,你可以在美丽的自然风景中感受到悠久的历史底蕴。从西湖的清澈如镜的湖水,到江南水乡的古老街巷,浙江处处散发着自然与历史的魅力。来浙江,让自然和历史带领你穿越时空,领略这片土地的独特魅力。2. "奇峰异秀,浙江世界之称"浙江拥有令人叹为观止的自然奇观。无论是奇峰峻岭的黄山,还是悠远古老的普陀山,这些令人屏息的自然景观,使浙江成为了世界的瞩目之地。来浙江,亲身感受这些奇景的震撼之美,你将惊叹于大自然的创造力。3. "江南水乡,浙江诗意之旅"浙江以独特的江南水乡风光闻名于世。从千年古镇乌镇到精美的西塘小镇,这里的古老街巷、曲桥流水,处处都透露着浓厚的文化氛围。漫步其中,仿佛进入了一幅江南的诗画世界。来浙江,让这些古镇带领你领略江南水乡的浪漫与静谧。4. "文化之邦,浙江传统艺术的瑰宝"浙江是一个汇聚了丰富传统文化的地方。从举世闻名的戏曲、茶道、丝绸制造到独特的龙舟赛、剪纸艺术,浙江的传统艺术呈现出多样而精彩的一面。来浙江,你将有机会亲身参与其中,感受这些传统艺术的魅力。5. "绿意盎然,浙江的生态乐园"浙江以其得天独厚的自然条件,拥有着丰富多样的生态资源。从神奇的云雾山到特色的湿地保护区,这里的自然生态保护区域各具特色。来浙江,你将有机会近距离接触各种珍稀植物和动物,与大自然亲密接触,感受大自然的独特魅力。无论你是追寻自然奇观,还是领略古镇风情,亦或是体验浙江的传统文化,浙江都将带给你一次别开生面的旅行体验。来浙江,一起探索这片神奇而充满魅力的土地吧!











瘦西湖景区举办了精彩的游园活动,春节七天乐,每天都精彩;个园水榭草坪上,千秋粉黛兔年贺岁精彩上演,清曲、古筝等一场场充满扬州韵味的表演,让外地游客流连忘返;何园景区举办“金虎辞旧 玉兔迎新”春节系列活动,推铁环、踢毽子、跳绳、扔沙包等趣味游戏让游客重拾儿时记忆;茱萸湾动物园举办“百兽闹春、瑞兔送福”活动,让小朋友们了解更多与兔相关的小知识。





一般的户外杂志和旅游杂志,我觉得划分是这样 3天以内,跨越距离一般不出市的活动都是短途。3-7天,跨越距离较长,一般不出省的一般叫中途 7天以上,跨越多个省区,好像都叫长途~~


Travel data how statistic?

Statistical method is sampling investigation

The core data of travel statistic " countrywide travel total person-time " , its statistic method is sampling investigation. "Main statistic means is resident investigation, in the whole nation according to certain urban and rural proportion example door enquires frequency of go on a journey and go on a journey are cost, come computative whole nation person-time of total go on a journey and travel gross earnings " .

The travel data that different statistical kind brings about each province is added one case with the whole nation abhorrent, at the same time the tourist travels to often span much ground, make repeat statistic inevitable.

Zhejiang does beautiful water travel?

Beautiful water travels you can go, jin Yun Xian, the cloud and terraced field, mine of the gold that satisfy prosperous plays

What is net of official of bureau of Zhejiang province tourism?

Zhejiang travel net " already integrated save culture and travel hall website to Zhejiang, click a link to enter Ct.zj.gov.cn, can.

Table of Zhejiang travel article?

1." Zhejiang, the hands in photograph reflect ground " of nature and history is in Zhejiang, you can be in the feeling in beautiful natural scenery is insided information by long history. The clear glassy from the west lake lake water, to the old street alley of Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes, zhejiang is sending out everywhere the glamour of nature and history. Come to Zhejiang, let nature and history guide you to pass through spatio-temporal, appreciate the distinctive glamour of this land. 2. Different of " strange peak is beautiful, the says " Zhejiang has acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person natural marvellous spectacle of Zhejiang world. No matter be the Huang Shan of mountain of strange peak high, still be a long time ago and old general Tuo hill, the natural landscape that these your people hold his breath, make Zhejiang made the fix eyes upon land of the world. Come to Zhejiang, experience the beauty of the shock of these wonderful view personally, you exclaim the creativity at nature. 3. A region of rivers and lakes of " Changjiang Delta, the brigade " Zhejiang of Zhejiang poetic flavour with scene of distinctive Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes famed at the world. From chiliad the ancient town that press down black arrives elegant on the west pond small town, running water of bridge of the old street alley here, music, disclosing grumous culture atmosphere everywhere. Stroll among them, as if the poem that entered a Changjiang Delta draws the world. Come to Zhejiang, the romance that lets these ancient towns guide you to appreciate Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes and quiet. 4. The state of " culture, the gem " Zhejiang with Zhejiang artistic tradition is a place that gathered together to abound traditional culture. From world-famous opera, tea path, silk produces art of distinctive dragon boat contest, paper-cut, the traditional art of Zhejiang presents a diversiform and wonderful one side. Come to Zhejiang, you participate in organic meeting personally among them, experience the glamour of these traditional art. 5. " green meaning is abundant, the Zhejiang of zoology Eden " of Zhejiang with its advantaged natural condition, having the zoology resource of rich diversity. Arrive from hill of magical cloud and mist the wet groove guard of characteristic, the natural zoology here protects area to have distinguishing feature each. Come to Zhejiang, you contact organic meeting close quarters all sorts of precious rare plant and animal, kiss intimate contact with nature, experience the distinctive glamour of nature. No matter you are to pursue natural marvellous spectacle, still appreciate ancient town amorous feelings, also or the traditional culture that is experience Zhejiang, zhejiang will bring you the viatic experience of having sth new. Come to Zhejiang, explore this together magical and be full of the land of glamour!

Method of travel person-time statistic?

The travel person-time of an area is cent is two kinds: One kind is pass the night; One kind is not to pass of night.

Of pass the night by in a few individual place pass the night calculates a few days, be like: An area welcomed 10 people inside proper time, these 10 people were spent in this area 10 night, so travel person number is 10 × 10=100 (person-time) .

Travel number includes to enter a country international tourist number, leave the country dweller number and domestic tourist number.

Does tourist of yellow hill brigade count statistic?

On Feburary 22, travel of yellow hill beauty spot warms up continuously, round-the-clock welcome a visitor 18956 people. That day morning, the cloud and mist between yellow hill hill surrounds, elfland of seem dimly discernible, if high mountain, strange pine, strange Shi Reyin shows, have mysterious beauty extremely. Afternoon, scene area is greeted in to heavy snow, swim footpath, pine forest, mountain peak by thin thin Bai Xue is enclothed, come hill tourist strolls among them, admire Xue Guanjing, do not have interest one time.

Does father-in-law brigade tourist count statistic?

According to monitoring, on January 23, 2023 14 when to 24 days 14 when, tourist attraction of area of 19 travel scene draws district of scene of dot of area of the area of scene of class A travel that whole town brings into sampling investigation statistic, scene of travel of new job condition, rustic travel area, gules travel content welcomes a visitor in all two hundred and eighty-six thousand one hundred and ninety-one person-time, grow 123.48% compared to the same period. Among them, father-in-law scene area (contain into the father-in-law, temple that enter another name for Taishan Mountain) welcome a visitor forty-seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-two person-time, grow 146.01% compared to the same period; Receive father-in-law visitor thirty-four thousand nine hundred and seventy-two person-time, grow 132.93% compared to the same period.

Does Yangzhou brigade tourist count statistic?

Yangzhou recieves travel person to count 1.2 person-time in all.

Area of scene of thin west lake conducted wonderful pleasance activity, the Spring Festival 7 days happy, everyday wonderful; On lawn of garden waterside pavilion, hare of black of pink of a thousand years year He Sui is wonderful perform, a field such as clear music, Gu Zheng is full of the performance of Yangzhou lasting appeal, allow nonlocal tourist forgetting to return; Scene area holds He Yuan " golden tiger demit is old the Jade Hare-the moon see the New Year in " activity of Spring Festival series, push iron hoop, kick the gout game such as the shuttlecock, skip, bag that throw sand to make a tourist heavy pick up when memory; Zoo of bay of the fruit of medicinal cornal is held " 100 animal are troubled by spring, lucky hare sends blessing " activity, let children understand the little knowledge related more and hare.

Net of official of Han Dan vital statistics network?

This does not have government-owned net. Occupy message of census press conference the 7th times, on November 1, 2020 zero hour, han Dan city often lives population is 9413990 people, add 239307 people than the 6th census. Sexual comparing is 99.98.

How does the short distance travel in travel statistic, midway travel, long-distance travel differentiate?

This does not have final conclusion.

General outdoors magazine and travel magazine, I feel to differentiate is 3 days of such less than, span the activity that the distance does not give city commonly is short distance. 3-7 day, span the distance is longer, what do not give a province commonly is general call midway 7 days above, span many provinces area, seem to call long-distance ~~

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