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3、长城。长城(Great Wall),又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大、坚固而连绵不断的长垣,用以限隔敌骑的行动。1961年3月4日,长城被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位 。1987年12月,长城被列入世界文化遗产。



其他的还有:河北承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙,山西平遥古城,云冈石窟,陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑,云南丽江古城,江苏苏州古典园林,重庆大足石刻,湖北武当山古建筑,甘肃莫高窟,西藏布达拉宫(大昭寺、罗布林卡),河南龙门石窟,山东曲阜孔庙 孔林 孔府,明清皇家陵寝(明显陵、清东陵、清西陵、明孝陵、十三陵),四川青城山-都江堰、安徽皖南古村落(西递、宏村),高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬,澳门历史城区,殷墟,开平碉楼与村落 ,福建土楼,河南登封天地之中古建筑群,元上都遗址,云南红河哈尼梯田,新疆天山。





中国文化遗产是由中华人民共和国国家文物局为保护保存在中国境内的珍贵的历史文物、历史遗址、艺术形式而启动的计划。 包括周口店北京人遗址、四川都江堰、陕西兵马俑、山东泰山、北京故宫等。




  东莞是广东历史文化名城。距今1700多年前的三国时期建郡,是岭南文明的重要发源地、中国近代史的开篇地和改革开放的先行地。民族英雄袁崇焕、抗日名将蒋光鼐、著名画家邓白、举重冠军陈镜开等都是东莞籍人,著名的岭南画派也发端于东莞可园。  东莞历史源远流长。史载:新石器时代,其境内东江沿岸已有原始人群聚居。公元前辈20世纪的夏代,东莞属南交地。春秋战国时,东莞属"百粤地"。公元前214年,秦始皇统一中国,东莞属南海郡番禺县地。东汉顺帝时,分番禺立增城,东莞属增城。公元222-228年中,分增城立东官郡。入晋,废东官郡,东莞分属番禺、增城。东晋咸和六年(公元331年),东莞立县,初名宝安。唐肃宗至德二年(757年)更名东莞,县治置于涌(今莞城)。以东莞作县名由此始,相传因境内盛产水草(莞草)而得名。东莞具有光荣的革命传统。160多年前,林则徐在东莞虎门销烟,写下中国近代史的光辉篇章。抗战时期,东莞是东江纵队的抗日根据地之一。民国期间,先后隶广东省粤海道、粤中行政区、第一行政区和第四行政区。  东莞为广东省历史文化名城,以广州方言演唱的粤曲、粤剧在东莞有悠久历史,它是本土民间音乐吸融中原文化,并借鉴西方演奏技巧的产物,现为当地民间流传最广的地方音乐和戏剧,东莞素有粤曲、粤剧之乡的美誉。中国曲艺之乡、东莞木鱼歌、东莞木偶戏。  赛龙舟  2001年,东莞市提出打造“文化新城”的战略,并大力发展社会公益文化;2008年东莞被评为“全国文明城市”;2009年深受群众喜爱的百子论文公益文化活动被评为“中国文化创新品牌”;2010年,东莞制定文化强市战略,全力打造文化名城。   东莞的绘画,受岭南画派先驱居巢和居廉的影响,注重写生,吸收西方素描运用色彩的技法,为岭南画派的奇葩。




  美国   梅萨维德印第安遗址 1978   独立大厅 1979   卡俄基亚土丘历史遗址 1982   大烟雾山国家公园 1983   波所黎各的古堡与圣胡安历史遗址 1983   自由女神像 1984   查科文化国家历史公园 1987   夏洛茨维尔的蒙蒂塞洛和弗吉尼亚大学 1987   陶斯印第安村 1992



























13、莫高窟 (甘肃敦煌市沙鸣山)




15、龙门石窟 (河南省洛阳市)




17、明清皇家陵寝 (明显陵、清东陵、清西陵、明孝陵、十三陵、盛京三陵)




19、皖南古村落 (安徽西递村)

























One, what does historical culture bequest of China have?

Chinese culture bequest has:

1, Beijing the Imperial Palace. Beijing the Imperial Palace is Chinese bright Qing Dynasty the royal palace of two generation, old call Forbidden City, the center of the axes in be located in Beijing, it is the elite that palace of Chinese ancient time builds. Be existent scale is the largest on the world, save one of most whole woodiness structure ancient structures.

2, the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace, period of Chinese quiet day is royal gardens, predecessor is clear ripples garden. It is with Kunming lake, 10 thousand birthday hill is base location, it is chief source with Hangzhou west lake, gardens of a when devise technique and build of gardens of derive Changjiang Delta large landscape, also be to save center of drive of a the most complete royal make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital, be known as " royal gardens museum " , also be tourist attraction of national emphasis travel.

3, the Great Wall. The Great Wall (Great Wall) , weigh Great Wall again, it is the martial defence project of Chinese ancient time, be together lofty, solid and continuous ceaseless long wall, in order to is restricted to lie between enemy riding move. On March 4, 1961, the Great Wall is announced to be cultural relic of the first batch of whole nation keys to protect an unit by the State Council. December 1987, the Great Wall is included world culture bequest.

4, the Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven, world culture bequest, countrywide key cultural relic protects an unit, area of scene of travel of national AAAAA stage, demonstrative dot of area of travel of countrywide civilized scenery. In Beijing south, the city zone always decides the ave inside the door east east side. Cover an area of about 2.73 million square metre. The Temple of Heaven only then build Yumingyongle 18 years (1420) , the Ceng Chongxiu when Qing Qianlong, smooth mood rebuilds. For bright, clear two acting monarches are sacred emperor day, pray the place of golden harvests.

5, relics of Peking Man of week mouth inn. Museum of relics of week mouth inn is located in Beijing city southwest foot of a hill of keel of inn of area week mouth issues Fang Shan, it is museum of relics of an ancient mankind, only then built 1953. 1929, the gentleman in Pei Wen of Chinese palaeoanthropology home sends disinter in keel hill the first complete " Beijing pithecanthrope " cranium fossil, shook whole world.

Other still have: Heibei bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa is reached all round cloister, shanxi makes the same score Yao ancient city, cloud ridge grotto, imperial tomb of emperor of Shaanxi Qin Shi reachs hole of military forces tomb figure, ancient city of Yunnan Li Jiang, jiangsu Suzhou is classic gardens, chongqing is big sufficient carved stone, wudangshangu builds Hubei, hole of Gansu Province Mo Gao, tibetan the Potala Palace (big clear temple, Luobulinka) , henan the Longmen Grottoes, lin Kongfu of aperture of Shandong Qu Fu Confucian temple, emperor's resting place of Home Ming Qinghuang (apparent hill, Qing Dongling, Qing Xiling, Ming Xiaoling, the Ming Tombs) , sichuan is green Chengshan the Gu Cun austral Anhui of Jiang Yan, Anhui falls (give on the west, grand village) , city of Gao Gouli king, Wang Ling reachs aristocratic grave, macao history the city zone, yin Dynasty ruins, open smooth watchtower and dorp, fujian ground floor, the mediaeval building that Henan enters the ground that seal a day group, yuan go up relics, terraced field of Ha Ni of Yunnan red river, xinjiang day hill.

2, what does bequest of Chinese history culture have?

Yang Shuo is a city, belong to the city of a travel of Guilin. And a city is impossible to be labelled China or be world bequest. Because have expansibility. 3 elder sister of Liu are Yang Shuo's most well-known figure. A few tourist attractions of Yang Shuo may be labelled the world or Chinese culture bequest, and urban itself cannot be bequest. The hope can help you.

3, what brief introduction does bequest of Chinese history culture have?


Chinese culture bequest is relics of the precious historical cultural relic that protects existence China churchyard for protection by bureau of cultural relic of country of People's Republic of China, history, artistic form and started plan. Include relics of Peking Man of week mouth inn, Sichuan the Imperial Palace of Mount Taishan of tomb figure of military forces of Jiang Yan, Shaanxi, Shandong, Beijing.


End to in July 2019, china already had 55 worlds culture, landscape and natural heritage to include " world bequest directory " , among them world culture bequest 32, bequest of world culture landscape 5, world culture and natural and double bequest 4, world natural heritage 14.

4, what does the culture bequest of Dongguan history have?

Dongguan is famous city of Guangdong history culture. Be apart from today the period of 1700 many the Three Kingdoms year ago builds county, the land of opens a ground and reforming and opening go ahead of the rest that is mordern history of the civilized principal home austral mountain, China. Chen Jing of champion of Deng Bai of Jiang Guangnai of the ethical hero Yuan Chonghuan, famous general that fight day, famous artist, weight lifting leaves etc is Dongguan book person, style of the drawing austral famous mountain is inchoative also at Dongguan but field. Dongguan history is of long standing and well established. Shi Zai: The Neo-lithic Age, its churchyard east the river is coastal already had primitive crowd live in a compact community. BC generation the Xia Dai of 20 centuries, dongguan is belonged to south make the land. When age the Warring States, dongguan belongs to " " of ground of 100 another name for Guangdong Province. BC 214 years, qin Shi emperor unites China, dongguan belongs to Nanhai county time Yu county ground. When the Eastern Han Dynasty arranges the Supreme Being, divide a Yu to stand add a city, dongguan is belonged to add a city. 222-228 of the Christian era in year, cent adds a city to establish Dong Guanjun. Join advance, abandon Dong Guanjun, dongguan cent belongs to a Yu, add a city. The Eastern Jin dynasty is salty with 6 years (the Christian era 331 years) , dongguan establishs a county, first renown Baoan. Tang Su Zong Zhide 2 years (757 years) more renown Dongguan, the county treats park to emerge (today Guan city) . Make prefectural name with Dongguan from this only then, according to legend teems with aquatic because of churchyard (Guan is careless) and get a name. Dongguan has glorious revolutionary tradition. 160 old before, forest criterion door of tiger of Xu Zaidong Guan sells cigarette, write down the brilliant canto of Chinese mordern history. Fight war period, dongguan is east one of base area fighting day of river column. During the Republic of China, early or late the canton in path of sea of another name for Guangdong Province of province of Guangdong of be subordinate to, another name for Guangdong Province, the first canton and the 4th canton. Dongguan visits historical culture famous city for Guangdong, the song of another name for Guangdong Province that sings with Guangzhou dialect, Guangdong opera has long history in Dongguan, it is native land folk music culture of Central Plains suction be in harmony, draw lessons from the west to perform the production of skill, circulate for local folk the widest place music is mixed now Thespian, the beauty of the native place that Dongguan element has music of another name for Guangdong Province, Guangdong opera praise. Puppet show of song of wooden fish of the countryside of Chinese quyi, Dongguan, Dongguan.   of contest dragon boat 2001, dongguan city puts forward to make " culture new city " the strategy, develop social commonweal culture energetically; Dongguan was judged to be 2008 " countrywide civilized town " ; Loved 2009 by masses 100 child activity of paper commonweal culture is judged to be " brand of Chinese culture innovation " ; 2010, dongguan formulates strategy of culture strong city, make culture famous city with all one's strength. The brushwork of Dongguan, suffer the picture austral mountain to send pioneer to reside mew and the influence that reside cheap, pay attention to paint from life, absorb western sketch to use colorific ability method, to the strange flower of the clique is drawn south mountain.

5, what does historical culture bequest have?

Bone of armour of Yin Dynasty ruins, reside Yan Hanjian, dunhuang classics coils, archives of bright Qing Dynasty, museum of Yin Dynasty ruins, samSung piles museum, museum of imperial tomb of Qin Shi's emperor, mo Gao hole, confucian temple, kong Lin, kong Fu, confucius museum, museum of the Imperial Palace,

6, what does historical culture bequest of the United States have?

Heart of dimension of Sa of American   plum Yindian   of 1979 of hall of independence of   of relics 1978 Kaejiya wave of   of 1983 of park of country of hill of mist of opium of   of 1982 of mound history relics is multituded each ancient

7, what does the historical culture bequest of our country have?

Belong to historical culture bequest to have 21 place:

1, Ming Qinghuang palace (Beijing the Imperial Palace, Shenyang the Imperial Palace)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1987.

2, the Summer Palace (Beijing)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1998.

3, the Great Wall (Beijing)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1987.

4, the Temple of Heaven (Beijing)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1998.

5, bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa (Heibei bear heart, include all round cloister)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1994.

6, the Gu Cheng that make the same score Yao (Shanxi Ping Yao)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1997.

7, relics of Peking Man of week mouth inn (inn of Beijing week mouth)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1987.

8, beautiful Jianggu city (Yunnan Li Jiang)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1997.

9, Suzhou is classic gardens (Jiangsu Suzhou)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1997.

10, imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor and hole of military forces tomb figure (Shaanxi Xi'an)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1987.

11, big sufficient carved stone (Chongqing is big sufficient county)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1999.

12, Wudangshangu is built (city of Hubei red river)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1994.

13, Mo Gao hole (Sha Ming hill of city of Gansu Province Dunhuang)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1987.

14, the Potala Palace (Tibetan Lhasa)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1994.

15, the Longmen Grottoes (Henan visits Luoyang town)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational in November 2000.

16, Confucian temple, Kong Lin, Kong Fu (Shandong Qu Fu)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 1994.

17, emperor's resting place of Home Ming Qinghuang (apparent hill, Qing Dongling, Qing Xiling, Ming Xiaoling, the Ming Tombs, Cheng Jing 3 hill)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 2000.

18, black town hill - Jiang Yan (hill of Sichuan black town)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 2000.

19, the Gu Cun austral Anhui falls (Anhui gives a village on the west)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational on November 30, 2000.

20, cloud ridge grotto (Shanxi Great Harmony)

Was awarded bequest of world history culture by U.N. Educational 2001.

21, city of Chinese Gao Gouli king, Wang Ling and aristocratic grave (Jilin collect installs county of Huan Ren of city, Liaoning)

Hope this answer is helpful to you

8, what does the historical culture bequest of Shanxi have?

5 hill make the same score Yao ancient city

Cloud ridge grotto

Gong and drum of Jin Nawei wind

Zun Quan blossoms tone

Advance theatrical work

Ping Yao pushs smooth lacquer Xiu to act the role of craft

Advance ancestral temple

Go up party watchman's clapper


Make the same score positive wood-block New Year picture

Boreal road watchman's clapper

9, what does the historical culture bequest of Shandong have?

The bequest of world material culture of Shandong has temple of temple of father-in-law, another name for Taishan Mountain, clever cliff, Confucian temple, Kong Fu and Kong Lin. Shandong saves bequest of provincial immaterial culture more, include dance of folk literature, traditional music the numerous sort such as Thespian, quyi, traditional sports and athletics

10, what does the historical culture bequest of badge city have?

Culture of badge state history namely badge culture, it is one of 3 earth region culture of Chinese. Point to ancient badge city civilization of 6 counties material mixes one government office the summation of spiritual civilization, and do not be equal with Anhui culture.

Badge city culture and culture of river of the Huaihe River, Anhui river culture formed Anhui circle of 3 old culture, circle of 3 old culture closes and be one, floorboard Anhui culture, Anhui culture. This is the main component of China civilization not only, still be one of fountainhead of China civilization.

Badge city culture is an area culture that has local distinguishing feature extremely, its content is encyclopedical, abstruse, have the characteristic such as integral series sex, deep-felt the mystery that disclosed Oriental society and culture, holographic included the basic content of economy of folk of feudal society of Chinese later period, society, life and culture, be known as the representative sample that is feudal society of later period China. Academia studies to his, experienced most at least century, be known as is paratactic the place of the 3 big strike worlds of Chinese that learn with Tibet with Dunhuang is shown learn one of.
