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首先声明·本人就是湖南科技大学商学院的,读了一年 感觉还可以,我是会计专业,市场营销专业不是很了解,我们这届市场营销只有两个班,我认识的学市营的人还是很优秀的。




























One, business school of college of Hunan science and technology how?

State him · is business school of college of Hunan science and technology above all, it is OK still to read a year of feeling, I am accounting major, market sale major is not to understand very much, we this market sale has two classes only, the person of the battalion learning city that I know is very outstanding still.

School environment is more superabundant than falling than going up to be not worth, I feel to read here still is more comfortable, the word of the persons qualified to teach, I dare have not made much assessment, the also basically attends class to oneself only teacher of understanding, had had have difference, this is every school metropolis some, ah. Do not know such answer original posters are satisfactory not, what problem still can ask me ah ∩ of _ of ∩ of · · O() O~

2, is business school of college of Hunan science and technology ranked in the whole nation?

The business school is ranked in the whole nation is the 33rd, class of professional heavenly body is 4 stars class.

3, a few business school of college of Hunan science and technology belongs to ah?

Business school of college of Hunan science and technology is the 2 class institute of university of Hunan science and technology, the business school is university of science and technology of directly under Hunan, because this business school is a component of university of Hunan science and technology, so business school and department of courtyard of other of university of Hunan science and technology are to belong to! Business school of college of Hunan science and technology is conformity of university of science and technology institute of a the courtyard is composition related this university 2 class, it is the component that university of science and technology cannot be short of! is not an independent institute! One by one

4, address of Hunan business school?

Hunan business school has a campus only, the address saves highway of Ou Yuelu of Yue Lu of the Changsha City in Hunan 569. The new student also reports for duty to this address. Hunan business school is located in the Changsha City of historical culture famous city, high mountain of the Southern Dynasties thes foot of a hill or mountain, hunan river is considered east. The business school is one so economics, management learns to give priority to, cover classics, canal, labour, manage, law, article, art the province that waits for course belongs to full-time common colleges and universities, it is Hunan Province undergraduate course college of a batch of recruit students. The school only then built 1949, campus covers an area of 1432.08 mus, floor area 510 thousand more than square metre. Existing total value equipment of instrument of more than yuan 120 million education, scientific research, nearly 2 million library collects books. Set 14 education courtyard (ministry) , the independence that first approval establishs orgnaization of 75 scientific research and Ministry of Education institute -- boreal ferry institute.

5, history of Hunan business school?

The school only then built in December 1949, by military control of the Changsha City meeting commerce is in the training class of cadre of finance and trade that establish, to 1951 more the name is Hunan trade school, after many historical changes, established school of cadre of office of Hunan Province trade 1963, 1983 more the name is Hunan business schools, 1993 more the name is Hunan commerce advanced schools, in Feburary 1994, advanced schools and Hunan commerce run Hunan business cadre institute is amalgamative, establish Hunan business school

6, Hunan business school is a few, hunan business school how?

It is 2 universities

Hunan business school is incognito now for Hunan industrial and commercial university.

Industrial and commercial university is located in Hunan Hunan Province the Changsha City, be one so economics, management learns to give priority to, cover classics, canal, labour, manage, law, article, art the province that waits for course belongs to full-time common colleges and universities.

7, a few is business school of international of Hunan business school?

Hunan business school belongs to 2 universities.

Hunan business school is saved originally in Hunan is recruit students of the 2nd batch, the area is being divided in other greater part also is undergraduate course the 2nd batch of recruit students, if Heibei province, Shanghai province and Zhejiang are saved, in last few years the line of action collection mark since is in Hunan business school 2 lines above, call Hunan business school 2 universities so.

1, international economy and commerce

One of major of ace of Hunan business school, the pupil basically learns the knowledge related economics and commerce between semester greatly, enterprise of management department of trade of economy of governmental concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals, foreign trade, production company is in after graduation, 3 endowment the job such as orgnaization of scientific research of enterprise, education.

8, the predecessor of Hunan business school?

The military control of the Changsha City that source result established Hunan business school in December 1949 meets trade department cadre training class, taught via former state 1994 appoint approval, by institute of cadre of government of Hunan Province business and Hunan commerce advanced schools is incorporated establish Hunan business school. 2013, the school becomes master's degree to award authority the unit. June 2019, more the name is Hunan industrial and commercial university.

9, a few is Hunan business school?

Above all, teach a branch and saying Hunan business school is one still is 2, do according to recruit students of Hunan business school newest the news that announce is knowable: Hunan business school is in Hunan is recruit students of the 2nd batch, say Hunan business school is 2 universities normally so. If not be Hunan examinee, the province that Hunan business school is in is undergraduate course the word of a batch of recruit students, can say Hunan business school is an university.

Hunan business school is one so economics, management learns to give priority to, cover classics, canal, labour, manage, law, article, art the province that waits for course belongs to full-time common colleges and universities, it is Hunan Province undergraduate course level of job of teaching of undergraduate course of college of a batch of recruit students, Ministry of Education evaluates outstanding college, doctor's degree to award project approving construction unit, " 935 " the country is produced teach shirt-sleeve development college of project application undergraduate course.

Campus covers an area of 1432.08 mus, floor area 510 thousand more than square metre. Existing total value equipment of instrument of more than yuan 120 million education, scientific research, nearly 2 million library collects books.

10, university of science and technology of a few Hunan does Hunan have?

Have 1 only, in lake of rain of city of Hunan Province Xiangtan Ou Taoyuan road

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