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HSL红色色相+50 饱和度+30 明亮度-7

橙色色相+12 饱和度+60 明亮度+27

黄色色相-100 饱和度+28 明亮度+18







色调分离 高光25° 10 阴影219°














1、花色  国产的以小金点和中金点为主,也即是中花和小花,这类的花色,比较适用于家庭,别墅类的建筑使用,也可以用于小门店,洗手台,食品加工区,或者是桌子。  而进口的黑金沙(主要是由印度进口)金点比较大,少有小花的。这类比较适合大型的工程,大酒店类的装修  

2、价格  即使是同样素质的原板材,进口的价格也会贵大概1/2。普通大板进口的大概是430左右一平方,而安徽,粤西黑,大概是在280-330左右。大板是指没有切割的,如果切的话要看你规格,特别是厚度和宽(因为涉及到材料的损耗)。一般进口板厚度都不超过3公分,如果有特殊要求的话,比较难以实现。国产的规格基本都可以满足。  3、硬度,光度  国产的,硬度稍微高些。其它的光度,密码,耐化学性能基本是一样的。


1 爱玛黑金和普通黑金在外观上有区别,爱玛黑金的表盘上有一个“EMMA MAEMBA”字样的标识,而普通黑金则没有。2 爱玛黑金是由Emma Maembong和Fossil联名推出的限量款式,是一种独特的设计风格,而普通黑金则是Fossil的常规款式。3 除了外观上的区别,爱玛黑金和普通黑金在功能和性能上没有明显的区别,都是采用Fossil的高品质材料制作而成,具有良好的质量和耐用性。




Is batteries Hei Jinhe the distinction of black gold?

Black gold batteries calls black lead Xi batteries again, it is to point to the cell of plumbic acerbity power that used data of alloy of black lead Xi. Its heat is conducted, cut off the function that waits for each respect is admirable, with current price case more expensive also can compares gold, "Black gold " this one appellation from this and come. Of the rare, function of material exceedingly good was destined the price of black gold batteries won't be low, when the price that says when the friend he connects batteries with general so bought batteries of a black gold I very questioningly, a minute of money everybody knows the truth of a minute of goods, what this kind of circumstance can conclude the friend is bought basically is not quality goods.

Although there is the brand manufacturer of banner of black gold batteries on the market,have a lot of, but batteries of black gold of research and development is very tall to technology and demand of capital actual strength. Especially technology of alloy of black lead Xi, the business that industry of electric car batteries masters this skill is not much. The technology that exceeds classics of power all previous 3 years captures, just make technology of alloy of black lead Xi gets perfecting further. Plus particular " Heng Dianzhu " structure, super- power batteries of edition of Hei Jinsheng class achieved performance stabler, service life is longer, this also is a lot of consumer are willing to choose to exceed power the reason of black gold batteries.

Parameter of black gold mix colors?

Exposure + 0.26

Contrast + 36

Gao Guang - 44

Shadow + 38

White rank - 12

Black rank + 8

Colour temperature - 4

Natural degree of saturation - 20

Degree of saturation + 6

HSL gules hue + 50 degree of saturation + 30 bright brightness - 7

Orange hue + 12 degree of saturation + 60 bright brightness + 27

Maize hue - 100 degree of saturation + 28 bright brightness + 18

Degree of saturation of hue of the others color is overall - 100

Grain + 32

Definition + 50

Go hazy + 24

Acute is changed + 22

Dot of a confusion of voices is eliminated + 14

Tonal and detached Gao Guang 25 ° 219 ° of 10 shadows

Black gold ring?

Kadeya (Cartier)

2005 when Kadeya once rolled out blacker-than-black gold female annulus to embed Ou Bo ring, but not auspicious now searched, black gold does polish of boldface lens face in the surface of platinum or gold namely, of this kind of ring maintaining is a problem.

Black gold what price?

Black gold (rhodium gold) the rare metal that is a kind of invaluably, basically be to distributing in south Africa. In the whole world, make an appointment with 25 tons of black gold every year to be extracted only.

Defect of black gold cherry?

Fruit face shows amaranth, violet black is presented when sufficient maturity, appearance is shining. Belong to the cherry of big build? . Mouthfeel is fragile sweet, without acidity. Additional, although cherry is good do not suggest to cross much edible. Defect is general begin a result 3 years, cheng Guo period probably 7- - 8 years. Black gold cherry produces fruit pole abundant. Helping advance somebody's career on management, want to carry clip, ability is reasonable control is laden. If too high yield, hang fruit is too much, build is small, mouthfeel can become poor.

How does black gold play?

Civil play inside one part person calls black gold to call coconut housing, because of major Hei Jinyuan stone resembles coconut shell, have the origin black gold of this code name so: It is one kind mixes model metal, slant as a result of color deep, so common says black gold mixes a metal to have violet gold, la Jin, black gold

Does wood of black gold wingceltis introduce?

Continent tree plants dispute of Hei Jintan wood, distributing to be mixed at West Africa Central Africa. Basically originate in Asian intertropical area, if Sulaweixi is island, Philippine. Cross section: Heart alburnum distinction is clear. Duramen lacquer black or black Brown. Alburnum close white. Grow annulus not apparent. Have view and admire value, the black decorative pattern that change not measures is like famous mountains and great rivers, be like natural and smooth writing, sheng Biyu fines jade precious jade, make impressionistic Great Master sigh oneself as.

How to import Hei Jinsha and homebred Hei Jinsha to differentiate?

Homebred Hei Jinsha and the distinction that import Hei Jinsha

1, the dot of the gold in be being mixed with Xiaojin dot with homebred design and color is given priority to, also be medium namely flower and floret, this kind design and color, apply to a family quite, villatic kind the building is used, also can use at wicket inn, wash one's hands stage, food machines an area, or table. And the Hei Jinsha of the entrance (advocate if be imported by India) golden drop is bigger, of rare floret. This analogy fits large project relatively, big public house kind decorate

2, the price even if the former board of same quality, the price of the entrance also is met expensive probably 1/2. Common big board of the entrance is 430 or so one square probably, and Anhui, another name for Guangdong Province on the west black, it is probably control in 280-330. Big board it is to point to those who do not have cut, if cut should see your norms, especially ply and wide (because involve the loss to material) . Commonly entrance board ply does not exceed 3 centimeter, if have special demand, come true hard quite. Homebred norms can be satisfied basically. 3, hardness, luminosity is homebred, hardness a little some taller. The luminosity of other, password, be able to bear or endure chemical function is basic it is same.

What does love Ma black Jin Hepu connect black gold to have to distinguish?

Black Jin Hepu of 1 love Ma connects black gold to there is distinction on the exterior, there is on the dial that loves Ma black gold " EMMA MAEMBA " the label of model of written characters, and common black gold is done not have. Black gold of 2 love Ma is the design of set limit to that rolls out jointly by Emma Maembong and Fossil, it is a kind of distinctive design color, and common the groovy design that black gold is Fossil. 3 distinguish besides apparent, love Ma black Jin Hepu connects black gold to do not have clear distinction on function and function, it is the high quality data that uses Fossil make and become, have good quality and durable sex.

Person the daily life of a family says gold, platinum still has black gold, what is black gold?

1 oil also is connected to call black gold. 2 black gold call black gold politics again is phenomenon of a kind of politics, black point to black path, gold points to Taurus, black gold uses the method such as force and practice bribery at an election to control local politics interest on behalf of politician, acquire official position or the position that popular wishes represents further. The politician of black gold one's previous experience, it is normally in the Cheng that take up a political career, often can fill again with the means such as corruption a fund that uses when the election or the support that pass on black path.

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