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1. 飞机:从长治机场乘坐飞机到合肥新桥国际机场,再转乘飞机到黄山屯溪机场。然后从机场出发可以选择打车或者乘坐公共交通工具到达黄山风景区。

2. 高铁:从长治乘坐高铁到合肥南站,再转乘高铁到黄山北站。然后从黄山北站可以选择打车或者乘坐公共交通工具到达黄山风景区。

3. 长途汽车:从长治汽车站乘坐长途汽车到黄山市汽车站。然后从汽车站可以选择打车或者乘坐公共交通工具到达黄山风景区。


1. 长治市区出发,乘坐火车或长途客车前往合肥。大约需要7-8小时的车程。

2. 抵达合肥后,可以选择在合肥市区休息一晚,探索合肥的名胜古迹,如合肥包公祠、合肥老街等。

3. 第二天早上,从合肥乘坐火车或长途客车前往黄山。从合肥到黄山的车程大约需要2-3小时。

4. 抵达黄山后,可以选择住在山脚下的杭州或者黄山市区附近的酒店。然后可以乘坐公共汽车或出租车前往黄山风景区。

5. 在黄山风景区,可以选择步行或乘坐缆车上山。在山上可以欣赏到壮丽的山景,参观云谷寺、大观云台、莲花峰等著名景点。

6. 建议在山上住宿一晚,可以欣赏到黄山的美丽日出景观。山上有多家宾馆可供选择。

7. 第二天,可以继续游览黄山其他景点,如光明顶、天海、仙人桥等。

8. 游览完黄山后,可以乘坐火车或长途客车返回合肥或者其他目的地。




1. 交通方式:

- 飞机:从黄山机场乘坐飞机前往厦门高崎国际机场,然后转乘船只或者陆路前往平潭岛。

- 火车:从黄山火车站乘坐火车前往福州火车站,然后从福州乘坐船只或者陆路前往平潭岛。

- 长途汽车:从黄山汽车站乘坐长途汽车前往福州长途汽车站,然后从福州乘坐船只或者陆路前往平潭岛。

2. 平潭岛景点:

- 平潭海峡大桥:这座世界上最大跨度的钢管拱桥之一,提供了壮丽的海景和迷人的日落景色。

- 南音文化村:体验闽南地区的传统音乐、舞蹈和戏曲表演。

- 天成奇石博物馆:欣赏各种形状独特的奇石和玉器展品。

- 平潭国家森林公园:探索自然风光,可以徒步穿越山林,欣赏壮丽的瀑布和湖泊。

3. 住宿推荐:

- 平潭岛拥有各类酒店、度假村和民宿供选择,根据自己的需求和预算进行选择。

4. 美食推荐:

- 平潭岛以海鲜为主要特色,可以品尝新鲜的海产美食,如虾、螃蟹、贝类等。

- 还有闽南地区的特色小吃,如沙琪玛、蚶仔煎、卤面等。

5. 注意事项:

- 准备好有效的身份证件和船票/登机牌等相关文件。

- 查看天气预报,在出发前了解当地的天气情况,并适时调整行程。

- 在出行前提前预订住宿和交通工具,以避免不必要的麻烦。









Nanjing arrives Huang Shan, travel strategy?

Nanjing has the bus that arrives directly at yellow hill beauty spot, very convenient need not transfer additionally. Person of 230/ of yellow hill entrance ticket, telpher 80/ person is one-way, person of 13/ of scene area bus is one-way; The accommodation below hill differs between 50-150/ at ordinary times, the accommodation on hill defends 140/ bed alone, between the 620/ between mark. You can arrive the first day Huang Shan, live on the soup mouth guard of the foot of a hill, the word with early time is OK the circumjacent tourist attraction of amuse oneself foot of a hill, go up early in the morning the following day hill, recommend by hind on Shan Yungu temple, ci Guangge issues hill before, can fluctuate that day, also can withstand in hill after one evening has seen sunrise the 3rd day early in the morning again downhill, return trip.

Does Ning Bo travel to Huang Shan strategy?

Conclusion: Ning Bo travels to Huang Shan very convenient, but need balance time and budget. Reason explanation: Cong Ningbo arrives Huang Shan, have Gao Tie, car, plane and drive oneself etc means is optional, but time and budget are met according to different vehicle differ somewhat. Gaotie and plane are opposite for time is shorter, but the budget also is met taller; Car and drive a need oneself more time and travelling expenses are devoted. In the meantime, the tourist attraction that needs to understand Huang Shan ahead of schedule opens price of time, entrance ticket to wait for information, so that plan better the journey. Content is outspread: Huang Shan is one of China's famed travel resorts, have beautiful scene and numerous tourist attraction not only, still have rich culture details and history are vestigial, because this can consult travel strategy of place is mixed,recommend a course, in order to fill the charm of the beauty of fission check landscape and culture. In the meantime, still need to pay close attention to weather and risk to be on guard wait for a problem, ensure viatic safety is mixed comfortable.

Does Beijing travel to Huang Shan strategy?

1. traffic means:

Set out: Train K1109 Beijing - Huang Shan (last a period of time 19 when 53 minutes)

Return trip: Plane collect brook - capital T2 (last a period of time is controlled 10 minutes 2 hours)

2. lodges:

The distance in 1 kilometer can choose center of change of the distance below yellow foot of a hill, want discretion too far

3. wears outfit equipment (temperature 20-30 spent that day) :

Trousers of shorts of move short sleeve all but, be afraid that Leng Ke wears skin garment to prevent bask in the garment or light jacket, also can not take

Whole journey walks 1.5L water is enough, 350-500ml function beverage is optional

Does Fuzhou travel to Huang Shan strategy?

Make clear conclusion: Fuzhou travels to need plans ahead of schedule and be arranged to Huang Shan, unfavorable and blind set out. Explain a reason: Fuzhou is apart from to Huang Shan further, need long distance. In the meantime, tourist attraction of yellow hill travel is numerous, visit need time to be arranged adequately, bring about time easily to be used not quite otherwise, miss main tourist attraction, the influence visits an experience. Content is outspread: 1. The proposal examines Huang Shan ahead of schedule each tourist attraction opens time and entrance ticket price, make detailed excursion plan, avoid to waste time as far as possible. 2. Book fine public house and vehicle ahead of schedule, the difficulty that cannot expect appears in avoiding trip. 3. Safety should notice in journey, had protected the interest of oneself and other.

Does Guangzhou travel to Huang Shan strategy?

Travel to Huang Shan from Guangzhou, you can undertake according to the following strategy:

The first day:

In the morning: Set out from Guangzhou, take plane or train to head for Huang Shan. If choose a plane, guangzhou Bai Yun International Airport has many airliners to fly to airport of brook of yellow mountain village. If choose the train, from Guangzhou the station austral railway station or Guangzhou takes Gao Tie or the train heads for Huang Shan to stand.

Midday: After arriving at Huang Shan, a dining-room can search to sample inside the urban district local characteristic cate, if Huang Shan stews carbonado of chicken, dried bamboo shoots,wait.

Afternoon: Head for yellow hill beauty spot, can choose to rent a car or join local journey group.

In the evening: Public house of a room searchs inside scene area, prepare to go up the following day hill is visited.

The following day:

In the morning: After breakfast, take the hill on cableway, admire on the way scenery. Cableway terminus is Dan Xiafeng, can admire gallant scenery of Huang Shan here.

In the morning: Visit the Dan Xiafeng, tourist attraction such as lion peak, admire the beautiful scenery such as sunrise of stone of strange peak different, sea of clouds.

Midday: A dining-room searchs to sample on hill lunch, can try characteristic dish of place.

Afternoon: Continue to visit other tourist attraction, if pen of loose cotton a depressed place, dream gives birth to peak of flower, pen rack,wait. If have time, still can support in order to head for light, those who admire Huang Shan is grand and panoramic.

In the evening: Downhill hind public house of a room searchs to rest inside scene area.

The 3rd day:

In the morning: After breakfast, toward Huang Shan Beijing University door visits area of scene of Beijing University door before, admire on the way scenery.

Midday: A dining-room searchs to sample inside area of scene of Beijing University door lunch.

Afternoon: Return the urban district, end the travel of happy Huang Shan. If time allows, still can ramble inside the urban district, buy the characteristic souvenir of a few place.

Above is the strategy that travels to Huang Shan from Guangzhou, hope to be helped somewhat to you. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Fosan travel to Huang Shan strategy?

Fosan goes Huang Shan travels 4 days _ lives sunrise of Huang Shan summit, view, admire a sea of clouds, the plane goes there and back

Does 1. Huang Shan pat strange loose: ?

Does 2. Huang Shan pat strange stone: ? A surname of commonplace of an ancient unit of weight of ⒑ of ā of  of bite of bogus of ⒚ of  of word of unlined upper garment of crab of moraine of  of Mu of instrument washing with watercolors! Does  of Qiong of ⑺ moisture in the soil exceed Er an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise at Kun of flesh Ⅰ  ?

Does 3. Huang Shan pat: of sea of clouds?

Does 4. Huang Shan pat strange peak: ? Dregs of rice fall from the sky of horny  Zi is Na Jiaokui?7, whole Huang Shan is the peak forest of a granite, have 36 big peaks since ancient times, 36 small peaks

Does 5. Huang Shan pat sunrise: ?

Watch the place: of sunrise? Zhui of ∮ of Ⅶ of Ge of boil in water for a while of awl of  of Sui of Yong of ㄗ of ⑹ of ā of solid of Piao of ⑶ of ぁ of food of actinium of ⑹ of pay Ju ァ ?

Does Shanghai travel to Huang Shan strategy?

3, eat: The food on hill is fall from hill carry go up, the price is accordingly more expensive: A bottle of water 10 yuan, boiled water wants 15 yuan to good convenient side, take oneself convenient add boiled water to want 10 yuan, a meal specially prepared for visitors at a canteen wants 30 yuan, fried chicken leg wait 10 yuan only. Because the hill on this has a meal,the problem wants somewhat psychological preparation, we want water of about 1500 milliliter each everyday, take oneself.

4, live: The accommodation on hill is very expensive, 1000 yuan of above want mostly between mark, also have 6 120 yuan---Of 8 people, in seamount village has tent to rent on the west, the price 40 yuan, but lend a quilt to want 50 yuan. Go up hill has a lot of ox to be in the accommodation that draw a customer, in Xihaibin the house has the house that wash a foot, the young lady says wash a foot 150 yuan, sleep not to wash a foot to want 100 yuan only. We are to be in the tent that seamount Zhuang Qian builds on the west, do not collect fees, the attention carries good id card, hotel security personnel wants to register, over there 3 are on the west the ` wall of seamount village, xi Haibin house is in front, because this is very safe, and there is not what wind in the evening, on toilet, wash gargle to be in guesthouse is communal wash gargle, very convenient, very cold in the evening, we are wearing thick assault garment to building sleeping bag to still calculate more comfortable, it is a little unaccustomed without the pillow.

Long control route of strategy of yellow hill travel?

Long ordering city is to be located in Shanxi to visit a mid town, and Huang Shan is a when be located in city of yellow hill of the Anhui province famous beauty spot. From grow the travel route that controls Huang Shan to be able to choose way of the following kinds of traffic:

1.Plane: From long treat the airport to take a plane to arrive Hefei new bridge International Airport, turn to reach airport of brook of yellow mountain village by plane again. Set out from the airport next the choice takes a taxi or can take public traffic tool to reach yellow hill beauty spot.

2.Gao Tie: From long treat take Gao Tie to arrive south Hefei station, turn to stand to yellow hill north by Gao Tie again. Can choose take a taxi or take public traffic tool to reach yellow hill beauty spot from station of yellow hill north next.

3.Long-distance car: From long treat a station to take long-distance car to reach Huang Shan city station. The choice takes a taxi or can take public traffic tool to reach yellow hill beauty spot from the station next.

During Huang Shan travels, can see the famous tourist attraction of area of yellow mountain the highest peak in a mountain range, peak of peak of the Dou Feng that be like a day, lotus, fish of a huge legendary turtle. Still can take telpher head for the tourist attraction such as Yun Gu temple, Ci Guangge. Additional, still can grow in order to head for treat the travel course between Huang Shan to be as follows:

1.Long treat the urban district to set out, take the train or intercity bus to head for Hefei. Need the car Cheng of 7-8 hour about.

2.After arriving at Hefei, can choose to rest in Hefei urban district one evening, explore the famous places and historical sites of Hefei, if Hefei includes old market of fair ancestral temple, Hefei,wait.

3.The following day in the morning, take the train or intercity bus to head for Huang Shan from Hefei. Need 2-3 hour about to car Cheng of Huang Shan from Hefei.

4.After arriving at Huang Shan, can choose the hotel near urban district of yellow perhaps hill. Can take bus or taxi to head for yellow hill beauty spot next.

5.In yellow hill beauty spot, can choose to walk or take telpher on hill. Gallant hill respect can be enjoyed on hill, the famous tourist attraction such as peak of stage of cloud of temple of visiting cloud cereal, grand sight, lotus.

6.The proposal lodges on hill one evening, can admire beautiful sunrise landscape of Huang Shan. There is much home guesthouse to be able to offer an alternative on hill.

7.The following day, can continue to visit Huang Shan other tourist attraction, wait like bridge of sea of bright top, day, celestial being.

8.After visitting Huang Shan, can take the train or intercity bus to return Hefei other perhaps destination.

Sweet clew: Before heading for Huang Shan, had better examine weather forecast ahead of schedule, reasonable arrangement journey, carry appropriate baggage and equipment, ensure the safety of journey is mixed successful.

Does Huang Shan travel to smooth Tan Dao strategy?

Island of pool of yellow hill peace is famous travel tourist attraction of China, it is Huang Shan below the travel strategy to smooth Tan Dao:

1.Traffic means:

- plane: From Huang Shan the airport takes a plane to head for International Airport of Xiamen Gao Qi, turn next by go to before the ship is overland perhaps smooth Tan Dao.

- the train: From Huang Shan the railway station takes the train to head for Fuzhou railway station, take from Fuzhou next go to before the ship is overland perhaps smooth Tan Dao.

- long-distance car: Before from Huang Shan the station takes long-distance car, past Fuzhou grows road station, take from Fuzhou next go to before the ship is overland perhaps smooth Tan Dao.

2.Make the same score pool island tourist attraction:

- big bridge of smooth pool channel: One of steel tube arch bridge of the biggest span on this world, offerred gallant seascape and attractive sunset view.

- Na Yinwen changes a village: The traditional music that learns the area austral Fujian, dancing and opera are performed.

- museum of Tian Chengji stone: Admire item on display of the strange stone with all sorts of distinctive appearance and jade article.

- park of forest of smooth pool country: Explore natural scene, OK and pedestrian pass through mountain forest, the chute with gallant appreciation and laky.

3.Accommodation recommends:

- smooth Tan Dao owns of all kinds hotel, go vacationing the village offers an alternative with civilian constellation, undertake choosing according to oneself demand and budget.

4.Cate recommends:

- smooth Tan Dao is main distinguishing feature with seafood, can taste the marine cate of delicacy of have a taste of what is just in season, wait like shrimp, crab, shellfish.

- the distinguishing feature that still has the area austral Fujian is fastfood, wait like face of decoct of young of Sha Qi Ma, blood clam, bittern.


- prepare effective identity document and steamer ticket / the relevant file such as boarding check.

- examine weather forecast, weather situation of place understands before set out, timely adjust the journey.

- accommodation and vehicle are booked before giving a premise, in order to avoid needless trouble.

These are Huang Shan the basic message to strategy of travel of smooth pool island. Hope to be helped somewhat to you! If you have other issue, quiz at any time please.

Does Xuzhou arrive travel strategy of Huang Shan?

The first day: Receive station → freely to enter hotel → in the evening swing, watch collect brook old market freely;

The following day: Toward Huang Shan beauty spot → visits → of jade screen building to receive day of overlook of guest loose → before the → such as top of light of → of sea of day of → of 100 paces scaling ladder stays in Dou Feng → yellow hill summit;

The 3rd day: → of day of a gleam of of 100 paces scaling ladder is visited to watch Xi Haifei to come nearly after experiencing → of yellow hill sunrise stone → free plays on the west sea big gorge, controlled an urban district at 4 o'clock afternoon probably, enter public house of yellow hill urban district;

The 4th day: Before taking a car early, go to be known as " bring the first island newly " gallery of Xin Anjiang landscape, famous ancient time is built group " badge city Gu Cheng " and the ancient dorp with long history " male village "

The 5th day: You Hui sends building landscape ancient village, Shui Mohong village, understand ground of badge culture bequest, experience local customs of badge city countryside, the journey ends afternoon, return.

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