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尼康18-140镜头报价? 尼康数码相机可以装镜头吗?英文双语对照


尼康18-140镜头报价? 尼康数码相机可以装镜头吗?英文双语对照


















目前尼康在售的85mm/1.8镜头有两款,它们分别是早期的Nikkor AF 85mm f/1.8D和后期带镜身马达的Nikon AF-S 85mm f/1.8G ,价格两者差距不大,都在2700元左右,老的D头略低,新G头则略高。

AF 85mm f/1.8D设计制造年代久远,虽然很有名气但毕竟是胶片时代的产物,和新的G头比,对焦精度和镀膜水平差距都很明显,如果购买还是建议买最新的G头。



1、Nikon AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6G,最廉价的尼克尔镜头,它的价格只有700—800元左右,但成像质量还是不错的,尤其是70-200段。曾被称为尼康最厚道的镜头。

2、Nikon AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 ED ,此镜头和Nikon AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6G光学结构相同,但是它在光路中使用了超低色散的ED镜片,以改善长焦端的色散和锐度。有了ED这块金子招牌,当年此款镜头报价在2500元左右,是AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6G的三倍多。现在此头早已停产,2手价格多在1000元左右。3、Nikon AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED,这款镜头很多人说是AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 ED镜头的G型YR版,其实不是,它们的光学结构不一样,最大光圈也不一样。AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G设计很均衡,是个不错的镜头,新镜头价格大约在3200元左右。4、Nikon AF-P DX 70-300/4.5-6.3G ED VR,是尼康专为APS-C画幅的机器推出的长变焦镜头,我没使用过,据反映说很好,不比Nikon AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G表现差,镜头报价大约1700元左右。













尼康 D40配18-55mm,70-300mm镜头。



One, quote of camera lens of Ni Kang 18-140?

The quote of camera lens of Ni Kang 18-140 is controlled in 3000 yuan about. 1, this price is mediumer in Ni Kangjing head, the price is compressed relatively apparently; 2, according to the information that we search, this camera lens exceeds to anxious speed fast, can match well the type such as D7000 is used, performance is excellent, it is right choice.

2, can camera of Ni Kang number install camera lens?

Any camera must want mount scene, ability takes a picture. to photography, the eye that camera lens is equivalent to a person is euqally important.

Look from the angle of camera lens and airframe, camera is divided kind, namely, airframe and camera lens secure the camera that be together, call " camera of fixed camera lens " .

Common is the card chance that common weighs and mobile phone photography. Additional, still have the long anxious watch for an opportunity of big diploid scorch. For instance Ni Kang, beautiful can the scorch of the 20 multiple of etc brand, grow the camera of above of focal length of Jiao Zhi 1000mm, appearance is more adjacent turn over at sheet.

Another kind is the camera of type of exchangeable camera lens. A lot of more phyletic, from inchoate large dry edition machine, to 120 film and 135 film machine, all have this kind of watch for an opportunity of different sort.

From this and theory, the digital camera that Nikangke exchanges camera lens form OK and also must mount a camera lens. And the camera of Ni Kang number of type of fixed camera lens also cannot not need the camera lens with redundant reload.

By the way, add lens does not belong to the limits of camera lens.

3, is 200-600 of Ni Kangjing head newest quote?

Very feel sorry, I cannot offer the newest quoted price of 200-600 of Ni Kangjing head for you. You can ask Nikang the government to website or the distributors that contact Ni Kang accredit will get newest quoted price through visitting. In the meantime, ensure you compare different product and price carefully before buy please, choose calculable businessman to do business.

4, quote of camera lens of Ni Kang 200-600mm?

Camera lens of Ni Kang 200-600mm is newest quote is a RMB one hundred and nine thousand nine hundred yuan. 200-600 of Ni Kangjing head was to use lens of 3 low chromatic dispersion, 1 is strengthened model lens of low chromatic dispersion, still 2 fluorite lens and 2 La Guanggao refract lens, can compensate all sorts of discrepancy effectively, offer clarity to be become keenly picture.

5, Ni Kang how many money of quote of 2470 camera lens?

This camera lens is not cheap, and do not drop price all the time.

Be in basically 10 thousand 1 or 10 thousand 4, former it is 1 generation, latter is 2 generation, their distinction is diameter of lens of camera lens filter, can see in front of former camera lens: 1 generation is 77mm; 2 generation are 82mm, apparent, those who choose 2 generation do not buy a fault.

6, Ni Kangjing head 851.8 quote how many money?

At present Ni Kang has two in the 85mm/1.8 camera lens of carry out, they are inchoate Nikkor AF 85mm F/1.8D and the Nikon AF-S 85mm F/1.8G with motor body of lens of later period belt respectively, the price is both difference is not big, control in 2700 yuan, old D head slightly low, new G head criterion slightly tall.

Production time of design of AF 85mm F/1.8D is ages ago, although have name very much but the child that is film times after all, compare with new G head, apparent to anxious precision and difference of plated film level, if buy,still suggest to buy newest G head.

7, beg Jie Nikang camera lens how much are 70300 quote?

70-300 camera lens of Ni Kang has several, there are 3 in what produce at present.

1, Nikon AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6G, the cheapest Buddhist nun overcomes Er camera lens, its price has 700 only, 800 yuan or so, but into pretty good still like quality, especially 70-200 paragraph. Ever was called Ni Kang's most honest and kind camera lens.

2, Nikon AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6 ED, this camera lens and optical structure of Nikon AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6G are identical, but it used the ED lens that exceeds low chromatic dispersion in smooth road, in order to improve the chromatic dispersion of long Jiao Duan and acutance. Had ED this gold fascia, in those days quote of this camera lens is controlled in 2500 yuan, be AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6G 3 times much. Now this already stop production, 2 hands price is controlled in 1000 yuan more. 3, Nikon AF-S VR 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6G IF-ED, a lot of people say this camera lens is edition of the G of camera lens of AF 70-300mm F/4-5.6 ED YR, not be actually, their optical structure is different, the biggest aperture is different also. Design of AF-S VR 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6G is very balanced, it is a good shot, price of new camera lens is controlled in 3200 yuan about. 4, Nikon AF-P DX 70-300/4.5-6.3G ED VR, it is the long scorch camera lens that Ni Kang rolls out for the machine of APS-C picture only, I had not been used, say according to report very good, behave difference unlike Nikon AF-S VR 70-300mm F/4.5-5.6G, camera lens quotes about 1700 yuan are controlled.

8, how does digital camera camera lens answer Ni Kang not to show camera lens mistake is solved?

Shake camera lens repeatedly, still can switch on the mobile phone repeatedly, close machine.


Be no good go repairing.

The maintenance of Ni Kang after service is very expensive.

Look for a number to maintain inn to repair next trying.

9, how does digital camera camera lens enter Ni Kang not to do?

Camera of Ni Kang number cannot switch on the mobile phone a few to have likely:

1, camera did not install batteries or n is insufficient, cannot start watch for a chance;

2, camera did not insert SD to get stuck (partial watch for a chance has this function) , camera cannot be started;

3, camera has trouble, cannot start so. Camera lens mistake calls the police -- " FEE " the common phenomenon that is D of use Ni Kang camera lens. The reason is a hand the quoit that use light is in without set position of the smallest aperture (the F/16 that is special color normally or F/22 end) , only set is when the smallest aperture, airframe passes the gift that move staff the aperture value of self-adjusting D camera lens. G camera lens won't appear this kind of phenomenon. Additional, camera lens reachs the designated position to also can appear without installation camera lens mistake hints.

10, what scene does Ni Kang D40 mix? Does Ni Kang D40 quote?

Ni Kang D40 matchs 18-55mm, 70-300mm camera lens.

The sheet that Ni Kang D40 is an introduction level turns over camera, have pretty good portable sex and low price, and sheet turns over camera into also compare high-end family expenses to consume like the effect machine is expensive, at present businessman of machine of double lens headgear anounces 4999 yuan price very let a person one's mind disturbed.

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