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你好,1. “时尚不仅是一种外在的表现,更是内在的态度。”——来自时尚姐妹花的信条。

2. “我们不仅是姐妹,更是时尚的伙伴。”——时尚姐妹花的默契。

3. “时尚是一场永不停歇的旅程,我们愿意一起前行。”——时尚姐妹花的决心。

4. “在时尚的世界里,我们不仅是观察者,更是创造者。”——时尚姐妹花的自信。

5. “时尚让我们自由自在,展现最真实的自我。”——时尚姐妹花的感悟。

6. “时尚不分年龄,我们永远年轻。”——时尚姐妹花的态度。

7. “时尚是一种态度,我们用自己的方式演绎。”——时尚姐妹花的风格。

8. “时尚是一种语言,我们用时尚来表达。”——时尚姐妹花的文化。

9. “时尚让我们相聚,更让我们更加美丽。”——时尚姐妹花的魅力。

10. “时尚是一种生活方式,我们用时尚来过好每一天。”——时尚姐妹花的生活。













2.壶多久没洗了可能长了青苔类似的东西 堵到了






象鼻藤(学名:Dalbergia mimosoides Franch.),是豆科、黄檀属的灌木,高4-6米,或为藤本,多分枝。羽状复叶长,小叶10-17对,线状长圆形。圆锥花序腋生,分枝聚伞花序状,花小,稍密集。花萼钟状,花冠白色或淡黄色,花瓣旗瓣长圆状倒卵形,翼瓣倒卵状长圆形,龙骨瓣椭圆形;荚果长圆形至带状,扁平,种子1-2粒;种子肾形,扁平。花期4-5月。








Picture of hairstyle of schoolgirl vogue bingle?

Head of 1. bingle egg roll

Air of grace of head of Han type egg roll, after be united in wedlock together with bingle hairstyle when hairstyle of egg roll head, collision gives nifty individual character. Cent grows bang to swing along cheek radian in, short wavy hair moves back and forth in cheek upper part, draw the outline of delicate little face.

Bang of 2. air sense

When massiness bingle of head of feeling wave wave changes an air to feel broken after bang, contracted and lightsome, catch palm black again, the feeling of atmosphere emerges and go out.

Marcel of 3. air sense

Bingle hair style is facile flat collapse, use air to iron a design, hair Shu Pengsong is stereo, style simple sense promoted instantly many.

Hair end is buckled inside 4.

Fleeciness inside buckle hair end to decorate pink tender little face, inclined bang grace is attractive.

Hairstyle of 5. short wavy hair

This also is the bingle hairstyle of a neuter wind, short wavy hair of the formative that show the specified number is pure and fresh and simple, give a person a kind of very relaxed and clean impression.

6. grows hair end

Break the bingle hairstyle that sends a design chose longish to deliver remaining part, fall from neck hang down loosely, feminine flavour is dye-in-the-wood.

End of 7. fleeciness hair

Want to have standard atmospheric hairstyle of goose egg face, cent is essential hairstyle element in, choose the fleeciness marcel that deliver remaining part again, face not only cabinet more show delicate sense.

8. chic bang

Bang of this bingle hairstyle is apart before the forehead, optional in contain guides popular feeling machine, chocolate quality short wavy hair more lining holds inviting malic flesh in the palm, provoking fondly.

Does fashionable sister spend article record?

Hello, 1. "Vogue is a kind of explicit expression not only, it is underlying mood more. " -- the credo that comes from fashionable sister flower.

2."We are sisters not only, it is fashionable associate more. " -- the tacit understanding that fashionable sister spends.

3."Vogue is one never stops those who rest is itinerary, before we are willing one case, go. " -- the determination that fashionable sister spends.

4."In fashionable world, we are observer not only, it is author more. " -- the self-confidence that fashionable sister spends.

5."Vogue makes us footloose, show the truest ego. " -- the comprehension that fashionable sister spends.

6."Vogue does not divide the age, we forever young. " -- the manner that fashionable sister spends.

7."Vogue is a kind of manner, we are deduced with our means. " -- the style that fashionable sister spends.

8."Vogue is a kind of language, we are conveyed with vogue. " -- the culture that fashionable sister spends.

9."Vogue lets us get together, more make us more beautiful. " -- the glamour that fashionable sister spends.

10."Vogue is a kind of lifestyle, we had passed each days with vogue. " -- the life that fashionable sister spends.

How is beautiful cotton-padded jacket tie-in give vogue?

Pants of bound feet of floret coat collocation

Besides pencil pants, the jeans of tight bound feet also is darling people the cosset in the winter. Brief paragraph beautiful jacket is tie-in and tight pants of bull-puncher bound feet appears very along with the gender free and easy, and brunet make birdie leg for you, still can become beautiful in the winter leg.

Red poppyhead picture?

Red poppyhead is the 1000 divisions that bend dish, calyx be apart from a flower to belong to bush or inferior bush plant. Red poppyhead produces Mexico formerly. Chinese Beijing and other places has introduce a fine variety. Red poppyhead fights gender and adaptability strong, grow hale, rare plant diseases and insect pests, manage handy extensive, it is outstanding blossom undershrub.

How does the dress of fashionable environmental protection make a picture?

Design good form, skirt of the bitter fleabane that do bitter fleabane is the simplest, make connection with glue and adhesive plaster, it is good to had wanted to do how to wear go up in the body, had better be to do the around of section type to also part, after putting on, rise its join again, anyhow, learn a style, section went, want to be done good-lookingly nevertheless, still had better use a few useless cap, pull coal tub easily the adornment of what.

What beautiful picture is wash flower?

Vivacious herbaceous dicotyledon, open floret, taste is bitter.

"Wash flowers and plants " it is a kind of common weed that grows in edge of roadside, water. Just as its name implies, namely can " wash is washed " female body (" flower " ) , those who make do not profane, a kind when keep pure " careless " .

Is canal of pressurization of beautiful happy fashionable watering can slack?

1. gives water switch to close lax those who cause. Because there is constant pressure inside watering can. If give water switch place is airtight and lax, water can be given by gas extrusion, cause thereby slack.

How long didn't 2. crock wash a likelihood to grow lichenous and similar thing to be blocked up

That cap builds 3. spout too close, there is a small hole above that cap, it is cap likely the lid is too tight small hole did not follow the exit inside to going up.

4. is like watering can to be used for long, whether to if shake affirmative gush not to come out to check that straw in watering can first,join close together, there is a small bedspring to may be broken inside shower nozzle, the proposal changes shower nozzle.

Does god of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces spend gemmiparous picture?

Flower of god of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces submits conic shape or irregular form slightly, grow 2.5 ~ 4cm, the diameter makes an appointment with 2cm, calyx amaranth comes violet black, 5 crack, lobation wraps around needle form, the small bud that bottom cicatrizations with calyx it is thus clear that piece, about 10 crack, wrap around needle form, base what after the ministry has purify fructification, stay is empty. Corollaceous Huang Zong is lubricious, outside face is wired record streak, inside exterior radical ministry is cinnamon, see few and far between shag occasionally. System is small, qualitative fragile. Enrage small faint scent, flavour acid.

Does proboscis cane spend a picture?

Proboscis cane (formal name: DAlbergia Mimosoides Franch. ) , it is the bush that legume, yellow wingceltis belongs to, tall 4-6 rice, or for the cane this, much more ramose. Feather shape compound leaf is long, flocculus 10-17 is right, linear long circle. Panicle armpit is unripe, ramose cyme shape, the flower is small, a bit concentrated. Calyx bell shape, corollaceous white or flaxen, petaline division segment or section grows round shape to pour egg form, alar valve pours egg shape to grow a circle, long circle of elliptic; pod reachs keel segment or section banding, compressed, form of kidney of seed of; of seminal 1-2 bead, compressed. Florescence 4-5 month.

In clump of fill of hillside of scanty Linhuo of channel of unripe Yu Shan, altitude 800~2000 rice. Distributing to be mixed at China, India Sikkim

Does pig nose spend a picture?

Pig nose is spent renown demon flute.

Demon flute drafts the meaty plant that houseleek belongs to for red-spotted stonecrop division, medium or small breed, horticultural breed, can grow 15 centimeters of above.

Feature: Plant lotus shape, blade egg shape or canister shape, slightly thin, foliaceous front urgent needle, near blade canister record of Xie Xin, resemble pig nose a bit, abnormity leaf, foliaceous pink blue is big pink, xie Yuan is thin, yi Gong. Give state, individual plant wrap up, xie Se but complete pink.

Characteristics: Be fond of the environment with warm, dry, enough illumination, be able to bear or endure drought sex is strong, be fond of permeability of loose, catchment the soil of fine, without apparent rest period. Notice heat preservation under 5 ℃ , 30 ℃ need prep above block shade.
