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1 供油量不足。


2 油路中有漏油处,进入空气或者燃油滤清器堵塞,来油不畅通,发动机工作无力。

3 出油阀密封铜垫破裂漏油;出油阀关闭不严;出油阀弹簧折断等,导致供油量减少,发动机无力。

4 柱塞副磨损,供油量不够,往往伴有启动困难和小油门时工作不稳现象。


5 柱塞调节臂松脱,或者柱塞弹簧折断,或者供油拉杆上的调节叉松动,也会影响供油量,使发动机工作无力。

6 喷油器漏油或者喷孔堵塞,雾化质量不好,喷油后燃烧不良,发动机无力,并有敲击声和排气管冒黑烟现象。

7 供油提前角不对。

8 空气滤清器堵塞,吸入汽缸内的空气量不足,造成不能完全燃烧,发动机冒黑烟,无力。

9 输油泵供油不足。

10 排气管路堵塞,影响废气排除,排气终了时的汽缸内压力高,影响新鲜气体的吸入,喷油后燃烧不好。







有C9 圣达菲2款!汽油机有1.8T手动两驱 2.7L自动四驱柴油有2.0T 自动 手动两款(分两驱跟四驱)1.8T汽油百公里油耗大概9.5L2.0T柴油百公里8L左右12.98W起价!












不是, 华泰汽车集团是一家集汽车研发、核心零部件生产和整车制造于一体的综合性汽车制造企业。










China peaceful negotiable securities and the concern that Hua Tai combines car of negotiable securities, China peaceful?

Hua Tai combines the subsidiary that card is Hua Tai card , china peaceful car and both did not concern. China peaceful negotiable securities namely Inc. of Hua Tai negotiable securities, predecessor saves stockjobber for Jiangsu, held water in December 1990, it is Chinese card inspect turn around those who approve sanction is integrated kind of certificate business, also be the whole nation obtains innovation the earliest one of certificate business of pilot qualification. In July 2007, china peaceful negotiable securities is in be met by Chinese card inspect in grade of certificate business classification first assess is A kind class A, obtained A in July 2008 kind AA class qualification. Group of China peaceful automobile is component of research and development of car of a collect, core production and truckload make the omnibus car at an organic whole create a company. The group held water 2000, existing total assets 12 billion yuan, employee 7000 more than person. Headquarters is located in Beijing, set center of Beijing car research and development and Shandong flourish to become, Er of Inner Mongolia another name for Hubei province is much this, car of Tianjin China peaceful, Jilin extends a limit base of 4 cars production and plant of a mould is set in Inner Mongolia Baotou.

Is China peaceful car faint reason?

The following kinds likelihood:

1 fuel delivery is insufficient.

A powerful person of the control that answer oil in pump lid oil duct is shut lax, engine work is right now flabby, serious when slightly bear with respect to flameout, and the difficulty that start.

There is leakage oil to be in in 2 oil path, enter air or fuel filter jams, come oil is not expedite, engine work is faint.

Sealed copper fills up 3 delivery valve burst leakage is oily; Delivery valve is shut lax; Delivery valve bedspring breaks off etc, bring about fuel delivery to decrease, engine is faint.

4 force plunger deputy wear away, fuel delivery is insufficient, flabby phenomenon often works when companion has the difficulty that start and small accelerator.

In addition, force plunger or movement of gyro wheel body send sluggish, elastic force of force plunger bedspring is too weak, also affect fuel delivery, make engine work faint.

Plunger arm of 5 force plunger loosens, or force plunger bedspring breaks off, the control fork that perhaps goes up for oily pull rod becomes loose, also can affect fuel delivery, make engine work faint.

6 fuel injector leakage are oily or spray orifice jams, pulverization quality is bad, the combustion after fuel injection is undesirable, engine is faint, knock sound and vent-pipe risk black smoke phenomenon.

7 shift to an earlier date for oil part is wrong.

8 air filter jams, the empty tolerance inside inspiratory cylinder is insufficient, cause cannot burn completely, engine risks black smoke, faint.

9 fuel feed pump offer oily inadequacy.

10 exhaust pipeline jams, influence waste gas eliminates, the pressure inside the cylinder when exhaust cease is high, those who affect new gas is inspiratory, the combustion after fuel injection is bad.

Hua Tai 100, china peaceful negotiable securities, is China peaceful car belonged to same a company?

Above all 3 this when you say are nonexistent relation, just the name is photogenic resemble, 1. Hua Tai 100 it is platform of service of news of finance of Internet of a P2P.

Negotiable securities of 2. China peaceful is a negotiable securities trades company.

Car of 3. China peaceful is car brand.

Hope the answer can help you!

Does emperor of China peaceful car amount to the model of phenanthrene?

Shengdafei having C9 2! Gasoline engine has 1.8T hand to move two drive 2.7L automatic 4 drive derv has 2.0T automatic hand to move two (cent drive follows 4 drive) 1.8T benzine 100 kilometers oily bad news probably 12.98W of left and right sides of 100 kilometers 8L has 9.5L2.0T diesel oil valence!

Does blue tooth of China peaceful car hook up don't have sound?

1, the car carries navigator or the volume on the mobile phone does not have open; Means of settlement: Enter a mobile phone " setting " -- " sound " , find " media " option, will " media " volume shift is big, the car carries navigator to be the same as manage. 2, certain mobile telephone (like Iphone) the butt joint code that music broadcasts process designing and certain model is illogical, can receive only so listen to a phone to cannot hear music; Means of settlement: The proposal changes blue tooth broadcasts frequency paragraph, can use normally; 3, the multimedia music that carries blue tooth without open car; Means of settlement: Multimedia option is found on screen, go in inside choice blue tooth broadcasts music. 4, the media frequency on the mobile phone was not put out, bring about blue tooth function to generate signal interference; Means of settlement: The blue tooth that enters a mobile phone installs an interface, put out among them media frequency to withhold mobile phone frequency.

Is China peaceful car hit do not catch fire?

Key lamp shines, explain system of guard against theft is passed without self check. Namely the guard against theft of the chip in the key and car was not piled up to going up, this kind of circumstance puts out the key to be opened afresh only. Additional, insert on the key has to computer is started and scan process, want to wait for 5-6 second restart.

Saying of ad of China peaceful car?

The ad saying: of China peaceful car? Idle of  of ┢ of  of  of pregnant Pai loose  ?

China peaceful car is held to from beginning to end " rich collects numerous long, own innovation " management guiding principle, stand fast " high end of development car technology, creation is own brand, industry dedicates oneself to the service of his motherland " company mission, innovation makes the world-class car brand that China manages independently. Da Fei SUV of car of Hua Tai B11, Hua Taisheng and Hua Tai spy are had to pull calorie of SUV below the banner.

Does emperor of China peaceful car amount to phenanthrene actor defect?

. Emperor of China peaceful car amounts to phenanthrene advantage: Configuration is complete, the space is large, price advantage, derv engine motive force is powerful.

Defect: Model style is old old, 4 fast hands from gear-box of an organic whole insufficient smooth-going, indisposition is very much

Are China peaceful car and China peaceful batteries?

Either, group of China peaceful automobile is component of research and development of car of a collect, core production and truckload make the omnibus car at an organic whole create a company.

The group held water 2000, existing total assets 12 billion yuan, employee 7000 more than person.

Headquarters is located in Beijing, set center of Beijing car research and development and Shandong flourish to become, Er of Inner Mongolia another name for Hubei province is much this, Jilin extends a limit base of 3 cars production and plant of a mould is set in Inner Mongolia Baotou.

China peaceful car dedicates oneself to the service of his motherland with the industry for oneself, advocate technology, creation is savoured, develop low charcoal technology, perform social duty, with making world-class in high-end car brand is a target.

Already had at present produce per year Ⅳ of 300 thousand Europe / Ⅴ clean derv multiplies 450 thousand the engine that use a car, automatic transmission, 350 thousand truckload production engineering capability.

Are Hua Tai negotiable securities and China peaceful share distinguished?

Industry and district.

China peaceful share is founded 1993 Shandong east battalion, it is papermaking of a collect, chemical industry, presswork, the large group of an organic whole of pyroelectricity, forestry, content shedding, trade. Chinese manufacturing industry appeared on the market 2020 company value 500 strong ranks the 483rd.

China peaceful negotiable securities is founded 1990 Jiangsu Nanjing, be one integrated kind of certificate business, accuse a partner to save a country to believe limited company of asset management group for Jiangsu. China appeared on the market 2020 company 500 strong the 111st.

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