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香喷喷的锅巴是高淳的特产, 蛋黄焗锅巴和烧汁锅巴是在高淳常见的两种烧法,勾过芡之后的汤汁,吸附在锅巴上,在口感清脆之余,又添加了咸鲜口味,令人回味绵长。








Gao Chun is located in Nanjing town south, be known as the garden after Nanjing, reached 8 places that Gao Chun should sample cate.

1, crab of solid city lake

Crab of solid city lake originallies namely city lake crab, originate in zoology of first " state level to set an example lake of city of solid of Gao Chun district of city of area " Nanjing, all through the ages is called the coronal in crab, it is a country industrial and commercial total bureau is maintained for Chinese well-known logo. Circumference of a hunderd li of water area of solid city lake, blue waves ripples, aquatic luxuriant, outspread and broad, the crab that grows here, configuration and flesh are in character crab is familial in particularly extraordinary, its flesh qualitative fertilizer is tender, delicious, nutrition is rich.

2, sweet bean curd of tall Chun Piao

Gao Chun teems with bean products, the bean curd whole nation here is famous. Tall honest bean curd is the craft that circulates through chiliad, through much talk working procedure, pure handiwork is made. Here wave the branch that sweet bean curd has bean curd doing and bean curd ball, local pork was joined inside bean curd bolus, taste sweet tender exquisite, beans is spicy full-bodied; Bean curd doing is divided again mix for smoked bean curd smelly dry, smoked bean curd is sweet salty sterling, glibly wears appropriate, perfume sweet; Smelly working is a kind of belt sweet smelly, the name is smelly and fact is sweet, taste do not provide gust, aftertaste boundless.

3, tall honest cured meat

Every arrive the twelfth month of the lunar year, gao Chun every family should prepare some of bacon cured meat, the cate derive that passes souse airing the nutrient of nature, become all the more is delicious and inviting, na Chunchun's flavor always can tick off a boy far away from home to think of the sincere feeling of countryside easily.

4, flesh of fork brook braise in soy sauce

In dish of tall honest farmhouse, most those who suffer deadbeat to love is flesh of braise in soy sauce of fork brook slow city. The young associate that eats the meat to liking people for, it is to not allow to miss more! Handpick and superior steaky pork, use farmhouse tradition to means is cooked and be become, fat and not the bare of sauce of thick oil of flesh of braise in soy sauce of be bored with, lubricious fragrance completely, make a person honest keep out its temptation hard.

5, tall honest rice crust

Appetizing rice crust is Gao Chun's special local product, yoke rice crust and the rice crust that burn juice is to be in Gao Chun's common two kinds to burn a law, had ticked off the soup juice after Gorgon euryale, adsorption is on rice crust, in mouthfeel ringing, added salty little taste again, continous of aftertaste making a person is long.

6, old street cake

Tall honest old market calls Chun Xi old street again, be known as " ancient street of Jin Ling * " , have " Jin Ling shrine of the 2nd master " say. Cake is regarded as lucky other people in Gao Chun, because this has " step tall Chun Xian to buy cake " common saying, will can denounce a good sign, 2 come cake also is old little all the beautiful of appropriate is tasted.

7, lotus root of polished glutinous rice piece

Gao Chun teems with beautiful sweet lotus root, beautiful sweet lotus root ever was royal articles of tribute, will beautiful sweet lotus root is abluent flay, the topmost incision size in lotus root two paragraphs, the fill after dip of polished glutinous rice goes up enters paragraphs big in, build next get on paragraphs small, with toothpick thorn prison, in putting it into the water that adds candy, burn boil, thoroughly cook section, drench on syrup, a dish of delicate glutinous sweet lotus root with respect to make it. Lotus root of polished glutinous rice piece taste soft glutinous faint scent, sweet and not be bored with, often eat still can appropriate blood gives birth to flesh, be good at lienal raise a stomach.

8, a thousand li is sweet

Every go to tall honest person to be able to be made in the winter bloat dish, those who do not eat bloat dish is met as temperature lift and ferment naturally, final meeting decay is like mud, but do not have slimy flavour absolutely, dip adds chili one bowl to be stewed in boiler eat, smell smelly, taste sweet. Bloat dish brine bloats namely dish decay is the following old bittern, can filter come out to stew fat bean curd, fry cowpea, do not have local color one time, so so-called " a thousand li is sweet " , person of every tall honest loves this one.
