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Unit 1

Activity 1 Translation


从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。我进去登记。宿舍管理员给了我一串钥匙,并告诉了我房间号。我的房间在6 楼,可电梯坏了。等我们终于找到 8 号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。

但爸爸马上就从里面钻了出来。这个房间刚刚够一个住,一家人都进去,肯定容不下。我躺在床上,不动弹就可以碰到三面墙.幸亏我哥哥和我的狗没一起来。 后来,爸爸妈妈就走了,只剩下我孤零零一个人。周围只有书和一只箱子。接下来我该做什么呢?











早上9 点钟我要去听一个讲座。我醒时已经8:45 了。竟然没有人叫自己就醒了。奇怪。

我穿好衣服,急匆匆地赶到大讲堂。我在一个睡眼惺忪的女生旁边坐下。她看了看我,问:“刚起床?”她是怎么看出来的? 讲座进行了1 个小时。结束时我看了看笔记,我根本就看不懂自己写的字。











Unit 1

Activity 1 Translation


After setting out from the home, we drove the dormitory floor that very long period of time just reachs me to live. I go in register. Dormitory administrator gave me a string of key, told me room name. My room is in 6 buildings, but elevator is bad. When waiting for us to find 8 rooms eventually, mom has gone up red face, tired out of breath. I open door lock, we went in.

But father was gotten out from inside immediately. This room just lives quite, the family goes in, definite facial expression does not fall. I lie on the bed, not move can encounter 3 walls. Fortunately my elder brother and my dog did not come along. Later, father mother went, remain me only lone a person. There are book and a case only all round. What should I do next?

On Monday

In the morning, the coffee early tea party that one is held for one grade new student. I saw my teacher, his stature is high, shoulder is thick, seem to hit decided an idea to want rich and happy.

"Are you come from very far place? " he asks me. Edge of the conversation side him shakes bag of beat one's brains, coffee is aspersed cup hold in the palm in.


I feel a little hungry, this ability realizes I had not had a thing two days. I leave a floor, be informed a day of 3 eat I can eat in dining-room. I took cue to dining-room platoon.

"What does breakfast eat? " I ask the man student in front.

"Do not know. I come too late, breakfast of be unable to get something to eat. This is lunch. This is lunch..

Breakfast is self-help, today's cookbook is chicken, rice, potato, salad, vegetable, cheese, yoghurt and fruit. The schoolboy each in front take a few put to tray, paid cash, sit to eat. I also do not feel hungry again.

Mom calls come, ask I have a meal well.

On Wednesday

I should listen to a lecture in the morning at 9 o'clock. When I wake already 8:45. Called oneself to wake without the person actually. Strange.

I get dressed, hurry to big lecture room hurriedly. I sleep in sit down on the side of the schoolgirl of eye Xing Song. She sees me, ask: "Just got up? " how does she see? The lecture had a hour. I read note when the end, I look not to know the word that I write at all.

That schoolgirl is called Su Fei, with me, also be the student of English literature major. She looks whacking is clever. After listening to a lecture we a prattle. She tells me to be in empty shelves year (a year when the university on the move waits after high school graduates) in, she has read the book all on this semester book list. She left deep impression to me, I feel I am too ignorant, do not deserve to breathe same air with her even.

Mom makes a telephone call, ask I sleep well.

On Thursday

There is new student meeting today (mass organizations enrols new activity) . I and Su Fei run to see us can join a few clubs. We two think we should be much associate with friend, so I sign up joined club of club of companionship dance club, bell of artificial intelligence association, hand and ultimate motion. Su Fei signs up joined after-hours opera company and Mozart chorus.

I do not know I and Su Fei still can continue to become a good friend.

Mom telephoned. She tells me the elder brother ever tried to be in me that bedroom lease that live in goes. Mom assures to want me to need only to me, that room is me forever. She still says that is my home, they think me very much, especially my dog. I cried at a draught.

On Friday

I went to the library in the morning. But be like me,need can identify the certificate ability of my identity to enter the library. Do not know why, I need oath of beard and hair does not damage the book, regulation that does not violate the library, otherwise I am about to be become to do convict to send into the jail (what! ? because is talking voice too big? ) the library looks very old, the school is a person of extraordinary powers with this.

There is a Disco ball tonight, but I had been worn without clean dress. I know to throw dirty clothes into garment basket only, but not clear dress is how it is abluent, good to iron to make the same score and be folded be put into chest. Perhaps mom telephoned quickly.
