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亲近大自然的好处? 亲近大自然的标语?英文双语对照


亲近大自然的好处? 亲近大自然的标语?英文双语对照
















《惠崇春江晚景二首 / 惠崇春江晓景二首》

宋 · 苏轼



唐 · 韩愈


《渭城曲 / 送元二使安西》

唐 · 王维



唐 · 杜甫



唐 · 贺知章



唐 · 张志和



唐 · 刘昚虚



南北朝 · 谢灵运



唐 · 李白


《春中喜王九相寻 / 晚春》

唐 · 孟浩然



宋 · 叶绍翁



汉 · 汉乐府



宋 · 朱熹



唐 · 张若虚



唐 · 李白



南北朝 · 谢灵运


《春中喜王九相寻 / 晚春》

唐 · 孟浩然



唐 · 李白


南朝宋 谢灵运《登池上楼》 喧鸟覆春洲,杂英满芳甸 寄语洛城风日道,明年春色倍还人 云霞出海曙,梅柳渡江春。淑气催黄鸟,晴光转绿苹 不知细对谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。

唐 贺知章《咏柳》 林花扫更落,径草踏还生。 唐 孟浩然《春中喜王九相寻》 二月湖水清,家家春鸟鸣。

唐 盂浩然《春中喜王九相寻》 闻道春还未相识,走傍寒梅访消息 。唐 李白《早春寄王汉阳》 寒雪梅中尽,春风柳上归。

唐 李白《宫中行乐词八首》 东风随春归,发我枝上花。 唐 李白《落日忆山中》 东风洒雨露,会人天地春。























One, the advantage of close nature?

1, close nature is richer imagination, nature has the running water of Chan Chan, bright-coloured flower, twitter of sweat and agreeable, thick woods, these will bring beautiful fun and daydream to everybody, the imagination that allows authority is richer.

2, observation is met more acumen, the season that Chun Nuanhua opens, 100 flowers bloom, 100 Hua Zhengji is fought colourful, glow. Observe the distinction that peach blossom, oriental cherry, apricot spends, in the process of the figure that the child spends in resolution, color, observation rises insensibly.

3, attention more concentration, investigate discovery, the child is daily and average the flower exceeds 6 hours in the time on electronic media, think move buries a child attention at computer or TV, recipe is outside the door. Consider to make clear, walk in nature 20

2, the catchphrase of close nature?

Be close to nature, let us move plant friend to get along well!

Be kind to the earth, be kind to oneself namely!

The earth is my home, everybody cherishs it, do each a bit, home of benefit ten million!

Limited natural resources, infinite loop!

Rebuild with nature harmonious, with earthly become reconciled!

Destroy an environment, disaster reachs through the ages, protect an environment, result lid a thousand years!

Protective environment protects productivity namely!

Homage nature, awe-stricken life!

3, the line of close nature?

The peach blossom outside bamboo 29 branches, warm duck of Chun Jiang water is prophetic

" evening scene of Hui Chongchun river 2 / Hui Chongchun Jiang Xiaojing 2 "

Su Shi of · of the Song Dynasty

If embellish of weather market spit is crisp, careless lubricious Yao looks to be not had however nearly

" early spring shows water department piece 18 outside (firstly) "

The Tang Dynasty · Han Yu

Small this world of of rain of government of city of short for Weihe River, the guest abandons green green Liu Sexin

" music of city of short for Weihe River / send yuan 2 install to make on the west "

The Tang Dynasty · Wang Wei

Two Huang Li cry emerald green willow, group as just judge on egret

" a poem of four lines "

Don Dufu

Jasper makeup Cheng Yishu is tall, 10 thousand lop green silk silk ribbon

" the willow that chant "

The Tang Dynasty · He Zhizhang

The egret before Xi Saishan flies, fish of mandarin fish of peach blossom water is fat

" fisherman's song child "

The Tang Dynasty · Zhang Zhihe

Fall from time to tome the flower comes, far along with running water sweet

" Que Ti "

The Tang Dynasty empty of · Liu

The pond gives birth to Chun Cao, garden willow changes songbird

" ascend a pool to go upstairs "

· of the Northern and Southern Dynasties thanks effective use

If Chun Cao has feeling, the Shanghan in hill is green

" golden gate answers Su Xiucai "

Don Libai

Lake water is clear in Feburary, domestic home Chun Diao cries

" Wang Jiu searchs Chun Zhongxi / evening spring "

The Tang Dynasty · Meng Hao like that

Spring scenery does not close field completely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come

" pleasance nots worth "

Old man of carry on of leaf of · of the Song Dynasty

Spring cloth De Ze, everythings on earth gives birth to brightness

" long song goes "

Government office of Chinese · Han Le

Get the better of day to search fragrant Si brink, immensity about one stylish

" spring day "

Zhu Xi of · of the Song Dynasty

Shui Lianhai makes the same score Chun Jiangchao, maritime bright moon in all tide is unripe

" Chun Jianghua is moonlight "

The Tang Dynasty empty of · Zhang Re

Use up in cold Xue Mei, return on spring breeze willow

" the word indulges in pleasures in palace 8 "

Don Libai

Spring late green wild show, collect of cliff tall Bai Yun

" mouth of lake of the gourd ladle that enter Peng "

· of the Northern and Southern Dynasties thanks effective use

Lin Hua is swept more fall, diameter grass steps to still be born

" Wang Jiu searchs Chun Zhongxi / evening spring "

The Tang Dynasty · Meng Hao like that

East wind is followed spring return, send the flower on my branch

" setting sun recalls hill in "

Don Libai

4, the poetry of close nature?

The Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties thanks effective use " ascend a pool to go upstairs " Chun Zhou of noisy bird Fu, miscellaneous Ying Manfang path of sun of wind of city of pasture the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces sending word, next year spring scenery times return person rosy clouds to go to sea dawn, mei Liu crosses Jiang Chun. Kind and gentle gas urges Huang Diao, fine light turns green Ping does not know fine cut into parts to who piece,

Tang He knows a rule " the willow that chant " Lin Hua is swept more fall, diameter grass steps to still be born. Tang Menghao like that " Wang Jiu searchs Chun Zhongxi " lake water is clear in Feburary, domestic home Chun Diao cries.

The Tang Dynasty jar grand like that " Wang Jiu searchs Chun Zhongxi " Wen Daochun has not been acquainted, go draw near message of cold Mei Fang. Tang Li is white " early spring sends Wang Hanyang " use up in cold Xue Mei, return on spring breeze willow.

Tang Li is white " the word indulges in pleasures in palace 8 " east wind is followed spring return, send the flower on my branch. Tang Li is white " setting sun recalls hill in " east wind asperses bounty, the heaven and earth that meet a person spring.

5, close nature mood?

Can manage to find time go mountaineering, breathing fresh air is loosened, the sort of close nature mood is happy.

6, close nature catchphrase?

Walk into nature, make heart and green close.

Nature, interior harbour.

Nature, our collective home.

Nature often is the best, let us be close to nature, experience nature!

Nature is green, can let you be reluctant to leave. Go!

In nature: Wind, more pure and fresh; Charactizing a fine spring day, it is by the side of ear around. Act now, go embracing nature!

7, be be close to nature or close to nature?

Be close to or be close to nature, actually meaning is about the same. Present person is in blatant city, busy job, day after day, year answer the life of a year for happiness, that bit of ceaseless off hours that uses close surplus promotes him, go all out in work with the effort that rests ceaselessly. Body and mind is met whacked.

Probably we are working, him rein in footstep, walk into nature, go be close to, the one grass that understands nature one wood.

Develop the beauty of nature, probably our mood is met different, may have unexpected results.

8, the optimal way of close nature?

Cold summer vacation is taking the child to travel or turn to countrywide each district to international circuit, this knows a window of the world namely, also be the best way of close nature.

Often look after children go out, with respect to the realised nature beautiful scenery that makes the child intuitionistic, you knew the auspicious land of the motherland, if went also knowing abroad, there is national earth to be able to acquire a lot of knowledge on the earth, so travel is a window of child understanding world.

9, the sentence that the child is close to nature?

The overhead is so high, so blue, there are a few Bai Yun on high blue sky. Blue the world is the rice field that hopes to be less than an edge.

Rice is ripe, glistening, resembled spreading one ground gold, there is a pond on the side of the rice field, there is a Chinese parasol tree on the edge of the pond, a Huang Xie falls down from the tree;

10, the place that Chongqing is close to nature?

Because Chongqing is the city of a landscape,have, rich is very rich, a lot of suit to be close to natural place. For example, have inside Chongqing city south hill, north hill, magnetism implement the tourist attraction such as hole of buccal ancient guard, Hong Ya, also have tourist attraction of travel of a lot of countryside, if bridge makes the same score bamboo sea,wait. In addition, chongqing city periphery still has the scene area with a lot of natural beautiful scene, for example Qu pond gorge, Wu Longtian gives birth to 3 bridges, beautiful Shan Jinbing hill, suit to be close to nature very much. Be worth what carry is, the rich of Chongqing city special diversification, have landscape view not only, also have rich and colorful change plant and natural zoology landscape, be worth thorough exploration.
