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挺好的浙江财经本部,靠近钱塘江环境优美周边还有杭师 金融 工商学习环境氛围好








浙江财经大学下沙校区是浙江财经大学的一个校区,位于浙江省杭州市下沙区学源街 18 号。下沙校区占地面积较大,约为 1200 亩。该校区是浙江财经大学的主要校区之一,设有多个学院和部门,包括会计学院、财务与会计学院、金融学院、经济学院、商学院、法学院等。下沙校区环境优美,校园内有宽敞的草坪、茂密的树林和清澈的湖泊,是学生学习和科研的理想场所之一。


;公交线路:地铁1号线 → 401路,全程约19.1公里;


2、乘坐地铁1号线,经过10站, 到达文海南路站;


4、乘坐401路,经过3站, 到达下沙高教东区站;





浙江工商大学下沙校区位于杭州市下沙高教园区东区,东临钱塘江,远眺萧山观潮城。校区占地面积1709亩,其中后勤生活区占地面积547亩,可容纳20000名学生,目前下沙校区已建成房屋面积约73万平方米。 校园地形呈东西向长,南北向短的梯型结构,教学区东西长约为1500米,南北宽约为450米。教学区现绿化总面积达25万平方米









浙江工商大学下沙校区位于杭州市下沙高教园区东区,东临钱塘江,远眺萧山观潮城。校区占地面积1709亩,其中后勤生活区占地面积547亩,可容纳20000名学生,目前下沙校区已建成房屋面积约73万平方米。 校园地形呈东西向长,南北向短的梯型结构,教学区东西长约为1500米,南北宽约为450米。教学区现绿化总面积达25万平方米


One, area of campus of the sand below university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

Campus issueing sand covers an area of about 1200 mus, campus environment is particularly beautiful.

University of Zhejiang finance and economics is the finance and economics with Zhejiang first-rate province kind one of universities, zhejiang province builds a college mainly, famouser major has accounting, cameralistics, economics, finance to learn, zhejiang saves economy to develop quite, of all kinds big medium and small businesses is numberless as the sand, finance and economics kind rate of professional graduate obtain employment is high, demand exceeds supply.

2, does university of Zhejiang finance and economics issue sanded campus how?

Hold out cadre of good Zhejiang finance and economics, stand by environment of money pond river it is good that beautiful periphery still has Hangzhou division finance to be versed in business studies environmental atmosphere

3, is sanded campus specialized subject below university of Zhejiang finance and economics attend class in the campus?

Zhejiang finance and economics has 3 campuses to issue sanded campus: A this 2 all major are issueing sanded campus (warden of sanded Gao Jiaodong installs a campus below Hangzhou: School of east of 3 independent schools is in this campus, be located in Hai Ning.

Article China campus: The old campus of finance and economics, in Wen Yixi road, continue to teach an institute to be become namely now religion over, still common management Master and Master of industrial and commercial management are in over there, undergraduate course is absent that campus.

4, how many person does sanded campus have below university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

University of Zhejiang finance and economics always shares 4 campuses, teachers and students of campus issueing sand always shares 8000 much people.

The school sets next sand, Wen Hua and Chang'an 3 campuses, cover an area of 2300 mus, total floor area 970 thousand square metre. Have 15 colleges, 2 education department, an independent institute, 51 research organizations, have doctor, Master, baccalaureate to grant recruit students of student of authority and international student, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan right. Existing and common full-time is in the school school undergraduate students and graduate student 24000 more than person (become independent among them colleger 9651 people) .

5, does sanded campus cover an area of an area below university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

Sanded campus is a campus of university of Zhejiang finance and economics below university of Zhejiang finance and economics, be located in Zhejiang to save Hangzhou city to issue sanded area to learn source street 18. Campus issueing sand covers an area of an area bigger, it is 1200 mus about. This campus is one of main campuses of university of Zhejiang finance and economics, set many institutes and branch, include courtyard of institute of accountant institute, finance affairs and accountant, finance college, economy institute, business school, law to wait. Environment of campus issueing sand is beautiful, have inside campus capacious lawn, thick woods and clear laky, it is one of good places of student learning and scientific research.

6, Hangzhou east how does the station issue sanded campus to go to university of Zhejiang finance and economics?

; Public transportation circuitry: The subway → of a line 401, whole journey makes an appointment with 19.1 kilometers;

1, from Hangzhou east the station makes an appointment with 440 meters on foot, arrive at the train east station;

2, take the subway a line, through 10 stations, reach station of article Hainan district;

3, make an appointment with 240 meters on foot, reach article Hainan road 2 aves mouth stands;

4, take 401, through 3 stations, arrive at Gao Jiaodong issueing sand the area stands;

5, make an appointment with 320 meters on foot, arrive at university of Zhejiang finance and economics to issue sanded campus

7, is university of Zhejiang finance and economics become teach He Wenhua of campus issueing sand the campus which good?

Upstairs look even if in misdirect student, how was article China campus selling all the time, read over before me, wen Yixi road university of 83 Zhejiang finance and economics, be originally the old campus that all enrols, now is university of Zhejiang finance and economics continues to teach a college, the eye sees listen for solid ear for empty, can look on the spot, my individual is to feel of article China campus a bit better, it is to be in the urban district after all, traffic, go out to play ah convenient, the campus is a bit older nevertheless still a few students stay every day now inside the school.

8, is Zhejiang industrial and commercial is the campus issueing sand of the university good not?

Sanded campus is located in Zhejiang below industrial and commercial university the sand below Hangzhou city teachs garden high the area east area, qian Tangjiang is faced east, overlook desolate hill watchs wet city. The campus covers an area of a face to accumulate 1709 mus, among them logistics life division covers an area of a face to accumulate 547 mus, can hold 20000 students, at present next sanded campuses already built building area to make an appointment with 730 thousand square metre. Campus landform shows a stuff to long, north and south to short ladder structure, education division from east to west grows to be 1500 meters about, north and south is wide it is 450 meters about. Education division shows afforest gross area to amount to 250 thousand square metre

9, what is sanded campus has below Zhejiang medium institute?

Issueing sanded campus to contain is each below:

Broadcast direct artistic institute: Broadcast with chair art, broadcast with chair art (dub of movie and TV) , broadcast with chair art (formal culture)

TV art institute: Broadcasting television playwright-director, broadcasting television playwright-director (literary playwright-director) , broadcasting television writes and direct (the TV program is made) , photography of movie and TV and make (pickup) , photography of movie and TV and make (illume is artistic) , recording is artistic

Film institute: Photography of movie and TV and make (film-making)

Animation institute: Digital media art

International culture transmits an institute: Broadcast chair art (English-Chinese and bilingual broadcast) , broadcast chair art (French-Chinese bilingual broadcast) , broadcast chair art (day Chinese bilingual broadcast)

10, does sanded campus have Zhejiang below industrial and commercial university how old (area) ?

Sanded campus is located in Zhejiang below industrial and commercial university the sand below Hangzhou city teachs garden high the area east area, qian Tangjiang is faced east, overlook desolate hill watchs wet city. The campus covers an area of a face to accumulate 1709 mus, among them logistics life division covers an area of a face to accumulate 547 mus, can hold 20000 students, at present next sanded campuses already built building area to make an appointment with 730 thousand square metre. Campus landform shows a stuff to long, north and south to short ladder structure, education division from east to west grows to be 1500 meters about, north and south is wide it is 450 meters about. Education division shows afforest gross area to amount to 250 thousand square metre

上一篇:旅游业的发展现状? 今年旅游业发展现状和前景?英文双语对照