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安徽省及绝大多数省份是一本,但在上海、浙江省、江苏省是二本分数线;安徽财经大学(Anhui University of Finance and Economics )简称“安财大”。




  安徽财贸学院与安徽财经大学是同一所学校,安徽财贸学院是在2004年5月的时候更名为安徽财经大学至今。  安徽财经大学是一所以经、管、法学为主,跨文学、理学、工学、史学、艺术学八大学科门类,面向全国招生、就业的多科性高等财经院校,是我国首批具有学士学位授予权、第二批具有硕士学位授予权的高校,是安徽省重点建设的大学。  学校于1959年5月始建于安徽合肥,时名为安徽财贸学院。1961年迁址素有“珍珠城”美誉的淮河流域中心城市蚌埠,校址设在交通路。1983年,校本部迁至龙湖西校区,先后隶属于中华全国供销合作总社、商业部、国内贸易部。2000年2月,国务院决定,安徽财贸学院实行中央与地方共建,以安徽省政府管理为主。2004年5月,经教育部批准,学校更名为安徽财经大学;同年9月,学校迁入龙湖东校区。  校园风光图




One, is university of Jilin finance and economics?


University of Jilin finance and economics is 2. Country 2, the key major such as duty Wu is in the whole nation mostly province exceeds generally. University of Jilin finance and economics is university of Jilin province key, also not be 211 projects college.

9 years institute of Changchun duty Wu ranks the house in 605 colleges ranks the 428th integrated in the whole nation. Study a line Xinjiang is like also is money of an abbreviation Jilin big (JUFE) , it is the whole nation exclusive one so finance kind the university that is characteristic.

2, university of Anhui finance and economics is overall actual strength how, calculate, where is obtain employment?

University of Anhui finance and economics is not 211. Also not be " double top-ranking " or " small 211 " . University of Anhui finance and economics is school of one this academy, administer has independent college inside -- business school of college of Anhui finance and economics, 3. The Anhui province when university of Anhui finance and economics is provincial school of the first inside finance and economics, before mark of liberal art recruit students resides a province on average 2, mark of science recruit students resides complete province on average the 3rd. Besides add up to labour to be mixed greatly how big, bringing money is your right choice, but situation is opposite relatively slant, in Anhui north 100 useless wait for promote urban mussel port.

3, is university of Henan finance and economics school of one this academy?

University of politics and law of Henan finance and economics has recruit students of undergraduate course of the first batch to also have already in Henan recruit students of 2 batch undergraduate course, but it is undergraduate course for the most part a batch of recruit students, so we think university of politics and law of Henan finance and economics is an university normally.

If you are not Henan examinee, the province that university of politics and law of Henan finance and economics is in in you is undergraduate course the word of 2 batches of recruit students, you also can say university of politics and law of Henan finance and economics is 2 universities.

4, does university of Anhui finance and economics drive can you go in?

Driving can go in, but time asks, stop long should hand in those who stop fare.

5, is university of Anhui finance and economics a 211? Good obtain employment?

University of Anhui finance and economics is not 211. Also not be " double top-ranking " or " small 211 " . University of Anhui finance and economics is school of one this academy, administer has independent college inside -- business school of college of Anhui finance and economics, 3. The Anhui province when university of Anhui finance and economics is provincial school of the first inside finance and economics, before mark of liberal art recruit students resides a province on average 2, mark of science recruit students resides complete province on average the 3rd. Besides add up to labour to be mixed greatly how big, bringing money is your right choice, but situation is opposite relatively slant, in Anhui north 100 useless wait for promote urban mussel port.

6, a few is university of Anhui finance and economics?

University of Anhui finance and economics is provincial school of one this academy, outside the province 2.

Since 2010, the school enters a recruit students, scale of a source of student was amounted to 2017 98.4% .

Up to in November 2017, university of Anhui finance and economics sets 12 institutes, an education department, 62 undergraduate course are professional, 2 the 2nd baccalaureate is professional.

The school has on-the-job teach a worker 1394 people, its technical secondary school holds the post of 1018 people of pedagogic, have advanced title teacher 446 people, master doctor is changed rate amount to 86.82% . Be in school is average 21226 people of undergraduate students, master graduate student 1944 people.

University of Anhui finance and economics is the one much division that so a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of economics, canal, law gives priority to university of sexual finance and economics, it is our country first having baccalaureate awards the 3rd batch of authority, colleges that have master's degree to grant right,

7, is university of Anhui finance and economics 985?


University of Anhui finance and economics is not these two kinds, is seeming common? I go to school that moment still has 2 recruit students, do not know what condition now. There also is university of Chinese science and technology only inside the Anhui province at present, hefei industry university, and Anhui university is 985211 series, and advocate the campus is in Hefei, other universities are average college.

8, how many minutes is need of university of Anhui finance and economics is one still 2?

The Anhui province and great majority province are, but in Shanghai, Zhejiang province, Jiangsu is saved is line of 2 devoir number; University of Anhui finance and economics (Anhui University Of Finance And Economics) abbreviation " bring money big " .

The school in May 1959 only then build at Anhui Hefei, the name is institute of Anhui finance and trade when.

Change location element had 1961 " pearl city " beautiful praise city of port of mussel of city of center of region of river of the Huaihe River.

9, are institute of profession of Anhui finance and trade and university of Anhui finance and economics?

Institute of Anhui finance and trade and university of Anhui finance and economics are same place school, institute of Anhui finance and trade is in May 2004 when more the name is university of Anhui finance and economics up to now. University of Anhui finance and economics is one so classics, canal, law is given priority to, cross literature, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, labour to learn, historiography, art learns class of 8 colleges division, the much division sex that faces countrywide recruit students, obtain employment is advanced school of finance and economics, it is our country first having baccalaureate awards the 2nd batch of authority, colleges that have master's degree to grant right, it is the university that key of the Anhui province builds. The school in May 1959 only then build at Anhui Hefei, the name is institute of Anhui finance and trade when. Change location element had 1961 " pearl city " beautiful praise port of mussel of city of center of region of river of the Huaihe River, the location of a school is set in traffic road. 1983, school cadre change comes Long Hu on the west campus, early or late department of total company of collaboration of supply and marketing of whole nation of subject Yu Zhonghua, trade, inland trade ministry. In Feburary 2000, decision of the State Council, institute of Anhui finance and trade is executed in the center of build in all with the place, with the Anhui province governmental government is given priority to. In May 2004, via approval of Ministry of Education, the school more the name is university of Anhui finance and economics; Of the same age in September, campus of school ingoing Long Hudong. Campus scene pursues

10, when does university of Anhui finance and economics rise those who be?

University of Anhui finance and economics was opposite 2010 is a recruit students inside the Anhui province, 2013 besides develop individually province is 2 recruit students, had realized basically. It is government of people of the Anhui province and collaboration of supply and marketing of China whole nation the university that total company establishs capability of base of college of ministry of Chinese and Western of college, country to build key of project college, the Anhui province in all, finance and economics is top-ranking course alliance member, selected data China " 100 gyp Cheng " , higher education of the Anhui province promotes a plan " university of local characteristic high level builds a project " . The ace major of this school is an accountant. Education quality is good still.
