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1. "父母是孩子最好的老师和朋友。" - 蒙台梭利

2. "孩子们的童年就像一块未雕刻的石头,父母是雕刻家,塑造他们的未来。" - 罗伯特·英格索尔

3. "育儿并不是简单地满足孩子的物质需求,更重要的是满足他们的情感和心理需求。" - 伊莎贝尔·法瑞尔

4. "爱是培养孩子性格和自信心的基石。" - 尤金妮·洛克哈特

5. "亲子关系是建立在相互尊重和理解基础上的。" - 李子柒

6. "在孩子的成长过程中,培养他们的独立性和自主性非常重要。" - 爱因斯坦

7. "尊重孩子的个体差异,注重个性的发展,是培养孩子终身成长的基础。" - 弗洛伦斯·埃环

8. "父母的陪伴和关注是孩子成长中最重要的礼物。" - 潘笛

9. "通过鼓励和赞赏来建立孩子的自信心和积极性。" - 玛丽亚·蒙特梭利

10. "做好家庭教育,是为孩子树立一面明亮的大旗,引领他们生命的航程。" - 约翰·杜威











Yo how does the expert rear the child?


   Yo the develops the child method that the expert recommends:

1, the behavior convention with good education and moral character. If wait filial, honest be as good as one's word, polite, time keeping, conscientiously. Parents should be passed teach by personal example as well as verbal instrution, edification guiding, let the child know true viewpoint of value and behavior standard.

2, the affection demand that takes the child seriously. Parents should pay close attention to affection change of the child, give them adequate care, support and safe sense. Want to let the child know, no matter encounter what problem, parents can give beside help and encourage.

3, the ego government ability that develops the child. The child needs to learn ego management, include the field such as time government, mood management, attention management, decision-making management, it is very important to this kind of ability grows to what the child did not come and develop.

4, the knowledge that enhances the child and skill education. Learning knowledge and skill is the foundation that the child grows, parents should set out from interest drop of the child, the course that helps them choose to suit and groom project, specific aim ground raises intellectual level of the child and skill level.

5, the gregarious ability that develops the child. Gregarious ability is the key with child successful tomorrow, the parent is OK from inchoate begin to guide the child, give child opportunity to contact different person, thing, content more, help them build good human relationship and communication ability.

Authoritative Yo what does the expert have?

Li Yue, original name Li Yuechun, unripe on April 1, 1958, come from Ningxia Yinchuan, famous children teachs an expert, home of art educationist, canvas, ever was seleted " Chinese canvas 300 " ; By art education turns into preschool education after, shanghai goes department of preschool education of college of be good at profession hires a professor especially; Ceng Wei " parents " magazine education answers doubt expert, CCTV is little channel autograph makes an appointment with an expert. Establish " Li Yue Ba lyceum " .

Sun Ruixue, children teachs an expert, go up oneself 80 time begin the century pursue children psychology, pedagogic research, established the mainland the first Mengtesuo benefit nursery school and the first Mengtesuo benefit international school, mengtesuo founded again later benefit teachs a research center. In recent years she and her group makes commonweal chair to a lot of cities on invitation, the Yo that changed a lot of parents view, also changed the life of a lot of children.

Zhang Yalian, china is famous close child educational expert, china teachs a TV station " pregnant baby expert " column give a lecture, ministry of Education is become before teaching association to learn, groom base director, national labor and division of profession of baby of Yo of social security ministry groom expert, committee of the generation below Chinese care points to betrothal child educational instructor.

Yo expert opening remarks?

Each parent, everybody good evening, special today honor invited famous domestic Yo master, bring a few very practical Yo for everybody knowledge, to each parent, this is the main chance that deserves study very much, can help our better education child, also can help our better management family, the hope can help each parent cherish this precious opportunity, serious attend a lecture, make nice note.

Yo before is the expert ranked 10?

Our country's famous Yo the first great musical composition loves the expert beautiful professor, she is Yo the top class expert of the domain, was to foster more large quantities of student.

The 2nd Song Hongbo is taught, work is very much.

The 3rd Ms. Zhang Li.

The 4th Mr Zhang Zidan.

The 5th Mr Zheng Yaoxian.

The 6th Ms. Zhang Meihua.

The 7th Ms. Meng Yan.

The 8th Ms. He Qing.

The 9th tall of one mind is taught.

The 10th Ms. Liu Yiqing.

Domestic Yo what does the expert have?

Our country's famous Yo the first great musical composition loves the expert beautiful professor, she is Yo the top class expert of the domain, was to foster more large quantities of student.

The 2nd Song Hongbo is taught, work is very much.

The 3rd Ms. Zhang Li.

The 4th Mr Zhang Zidan.

The 5th Mr Zheng Yaoxian.

The 6th Ms. Zhang Meihua.

The 7th Ms. Meng Yan.

The 8th Ms. He Qing.

The 9th tall of one mind is taught.

The 10th Ms. Liu Yiqing.

Yo expert celebrity logion?

1." parents is the child's best teacher and friend. "- benefit of unconscious stage shuttle

2.The childhood of " children resembles not carven stone, parents is sculptor, shape their future. "- Robert Ingersoll

3." Yo the corporeal demand that is not simple contented child, more important is the feeling that satisfies them and psychological demand. "- Fa Ruier of · of Er of Yi Sha shellfish

4." love is the cornerstone that develops child disposition and self-confident heart. "- Ni · Lock breaths out Eugene special

5." parentage is to build what go up in mutual respect and understanding foundation. "- plum seven

6." is in growing process of the child, the independent character that develops them and autonomy are very significant. "- Einstein

7." respects individual difference of the child, pay attention to the development of individual character, it is education the child is lifelong the foundation that grow. "- Florence Ai annulus

8.The company of " parents and attention are the child the mainest present in growing. "- Pan Di

9." builds self-confident heart of the child and enthusiasm through encourage and admiring. "- Maria Mengtesuo benefit

10." does good family education, it is to be the child to establish the old standard with bright one side, lead them the range of life. "- John Dewey

Yo is expert Zheng grandma a doctor?


Yes. Zheng Yuqiao, by broad mom kind praise for " close Yo expert " . Zheng grandma is a retired doctor, she has substantial medical knowledge and experience. Hope to be helped somewhat to you!

Watch Yo the feeling after is expert video watched?

To the safety of darling, report, how to take care of darling to have knowledge

Yo does the expert teach you how desalt child " unusual psychology " ?

You should understand the reason with child maladjusted psychology, do not give the child pressure, you should undertake modulatory on certain thing, do not look for the child to talk face to face, the child cannot accept such likelihoods quite, note a few movements of the child, with teacher communication, but do not let a teacher look for her, should let a teacher observe together with you, when the child is abnormal, want hard to help him, do not use scold dozen, hope you can understand the child's psychology, do not let the child hate you in psychology, you are a good parent, hope your child body and mind is healthy, also hope you and child become a good friend, make demonstrate tube with the child.

Cherry only individual plant can result, beg an expert to solve?

Only individual plant also can result, autogamous but the result is bad to return be two above to had been compared.

Without insect pollination must artificial pollination, artificial pollination can want to be able to stick pollen only with what above OK, I give beautiful pollination is autograph having cotton. If be the flower of two mutual pollination, should go up from touch pollen, on the gynoecium that sticks another flower next with respect to OK.

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