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英语笑话:Two Copies 复印两份


英语笑话:Two Copies 复印两份

Two Copies

A young blonde executive was leaving the office one evening when she noticed the CEO standing in front of the shredder with a piece of paper in his hand.“Listen,”said the CEO,“this is important,and my assistant has left for the day.Can you make this thing work?”“Certainly,”she replied,flattered that the CEO had asked her for help.She turned the machine on,inserted the paper,and pressed the START button.“Excellent!”replied the CEO,“I’ll need two copies.”


1.Copies - 复印件

2.Young blonde executive - 年轻的金发主管

3.Leaving the office - 离开办公室

4.Noticed - 注意到

5.CEO - 首席执行官

6.Standing in front of the shredder - 站在碎纸机前

7.Piece of paper - 一张纸

8.Assistant - 助手

9.Left for the day - 当天离开了

10.Make this thing work - 让这个东西工作

11.Certainly - 当然

12.Flattered - 受宠若惊

13.Turned the machine on - 打开机器

14.Inserted - 插入

15.Pressed the START button - 按下“开始”键

16.Excellent - 很好

17.Two copies - 两份


