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Examination / Exam: 考试

Test: 测试

Assessment: 评估

Qualification: 资格

Degree: 学位

Certificate: 证书

License: 执照

Multiple Choice: 选择题

Short Answer: 简答题

Essay: 论文

Case Study: 案例研究

Laboratory Test: 实验室测试

Grading: 评分

Syllabus: 教学大纲

Preparation: 准备

Study: 学习

Performance: 表现


Participating in exams is an integral part of academic life. Exams serve as a pivotal tool for evaluating a student's understanding and mastery of a subject. They are designed to test knowledge, analytical skills, and the ability to apply concepts in various contexts. Preparation for exams is a critical aspect, involving diligent study, practice, and revision of the syllabus. The process can be stressful, but it also fosters discipline and time management skills.

Exam formats vary, including multiple-choice questions that assess factual recall, short answers that require concise explanations, and essays that demand comprehensive understanding and argumentation. The anticipation of exams can be nerve-wracking, yet they are opportunities for personal growth and a reflection of one's academic journey. Ultimately, exams are not just about obtaining a grade; they are about learning, challenging oneself, and preparing for future endeavors.




❶ 准备考试。Get ready for the test.

同类表达 Close your book. 合上书。

❷ 考试时间为一小时。The test will last one hour.

同类表达 The test will be timed. 考试有时间限制。

❸ 这次考试是开卷还是闭卷?Is the test open-book or close-book?

这样回答 The test is close-book. 这次考试是闭卷考试。

❹ 考试允许使用计算器。Calculators will be allowed in the test.

同类表达 You should only have a pen or pencil and an eraser on your desk. 桌上只能有一支钢笔或铅笔和一块橡皮。

❺ 你是不是在作弊?Are you cheating on the test?

同类表达 Don't look at your neighbor's paper. 不要看你邻桌的卷子。

❻ 考试期间如果有什么问题或需要,请举手。If you have a question or need something during the test, raise your hand.

同类表达 Keep quiet during the test. 考试期间请保持安静。

Be good! 好好的!

❼ 突击测试!Pop quiz!

对话 A: Will we recite this prose tomorrow? 我们明天要背诵这篇散文吗?

B: I'm not sure yet. We might have a pop quiz. 我还不确定,明天可能会有突击测验。

❽ 考试期间,请盯着自己的试卷。Keep your eyes on your own paper during the test.

同类表达 Focus on your own test. 好好答自己的试卷。

Stop looking around. 不要东张西望。

❾ 答题完毕后,请把试卷拿到前面来。When you're finished with the test, please bring it to the front.

同类表达 I ran out of time and didn't get it finished. 我时间不够用,并没有答完。

❿ 把笔放下,把卷子往前传。Put your pen down and pass the test forward.

同类表达 Time is up. 时间到。
