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Position / Job Title: 职位名称

Responsibilities: 工作职责

Requirements / Qualifications: 任职要求

Location: 工作地点

Salary Range: 薪资范围

Working Hours: 工作时间

Company Culture: 公司文化

Career Prospects: 发展前景

Job Description: 职位描述

Application Process: 申请流程

Benefits Package: 福利待遇

Job Opening: 职位空缺

Skillset: 技能集

Experience: 经验


In today's competitive job market, understanding job position information is crucial for both job seekers and employers. Job position information encompasses a variety of details that paint a comprehensive picture of the role and its requirements. This includes the job title, which clearly states the position's identity within the company structure. The responsibilities outline the core duties and tasks expected of the candidate. Qualifications are the prerequisites in terms of education and experience that the candidate must meet. The location specifies where the job will be performed, which can be a specific office or a remote work arrangement.

Salary range provides insight into the financial compensation, while working hours dictate the time commitment expected. Company culture gives a sense of the work environment and values, which are essential for job satisfaction. Career prospects highlight the potential for growth and advancement within the company. A well-crafted job description not only attracts the right candidates but also sets clear expectations for the role.




❶ 我们提供翻译的职位。We have a position for a translator.

同类表达 We have a position open for a translator.

We have a post available for a translator.

❷ 能上夜班者优先考虑。Being able to work on the night shift is a distinct advantage.

同类表达 Computer major is preferred. 计算机专业优先考虑。

❸ 我们在寻觅一位富有经验的销售经理加入公司。We're looking for an experienced sales manager to join us.

同类表达 There is a vice president vacancy in company's headquarters.公司总部副总裁的职位现在空缺。

We're seeking for an executive who must have more than ten years of work experience in this field. 我们欲寻一位在这个领域有超过十年工作经验的主管。

❹ 这家新公司有很多职位空缺。There are a lot of job openings at this new opening company.

同类表达 I want to know how many people you plan to employ. 我想了解一下你们公司打算招聘多少人。

❺ 这里急需有速记技巧的行政助理。Administrative assistants with shorthand skills are badly needed here.

❻ 欢迎有良好沟通技巧的人应聘该职位。People with good communication skills are welcomed to apply for the position.

❼ 我们需要一个有在外国公司工作经验的人。We require a person with working experience in a foreign company.

❽ 我们将为你提供很大的发展空间。We will give you a lot of room to advance.

同类表达 Here is a job which offers you a chance for advancement. 这里有一份能够让你提升的工作。

❾ 我们将为你提供合理的薪资和福利待遇。We will give you fair pay and benefits.

❿ 该职位只对有三年以上营销工作经验的人开放。This position is only open to those with over three years' experience in marketing.

同类表达 We need a recommendation from your former employer. 我们需要一封你前任雇主的推荐信。

下一篇:英语笑话:The Corruption Trial 腐败的审判