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  • 大仲马(Alexandre Dumas,1802年-1870年)是法国著名的作家,以其丰富多彩的文学作品闻名于世。他的作品涵盖小说、剧本、游记等多种文学形式,深受读者喜爱,影响深远。

    Alexandre Dumas, born on July 24, 1802, in Villers-Cotterêts, France, was a renowned French writer celebrated for his diverse literary works spanning novels, plays, and travelogues. He gained fame for his captivating storytelling and profound influence on literature.

    Alexandre Dumas于1802年7月24日出生于法国维尔索区的维列内纳。他的父亲是法国将军Thomas-Alexandre Dumas,母亲是黑奴Marie-Louise Elisabeth Labouret。由于父亲的非裔血统,大仲马的成长经历中饱受种族歧视的影响。

    Dumas' literary career took off in the 1830s with the creation of several popular historical adventure novels, such as "The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo". These works achieved great success not only in France but also globally, translated into numerous languages and adapted into films, TV series, and stage plays.

    大仲马的文学生涯开始于1830年代,他创作了一系列广受欢迎的历史冒险小说,如《三个火枪手》(The Three Musketeers)和《基督山伯爵》(The Count of Monte Cristo)。这些作品不仅在法国,而且在全球范围内都获得了巨大成功,被翻译成多种语言,并被多次改编成电影、电视剧和舞台剧。

    Dumas was also politically active, participating actively in the July Revolution of 1830 and supporting the movement for Italian and French unity during the Franco-Prussian War.


    He passed away on December 5, 1870, in Marly-le-Roi, France, at the age of 68.



    • 《三个火枪手》(Les Trois Mousquetaires)
    • This novel follows the adventures of the young adventurer d'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers: Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.
    • 这部小说讲述了年轻的冒险家达尔塔尼昂(D'Artagnan)与三位火枪手:阿拉密斯、波尔多斯和阿多斯的冒险故事。
    • 《基督山伯爵》(Le Comte de Monte-Cristo)
    • This novel revolves around themes of revenge and justice, narrating how the protagonist, Edmond Dantès, achieves vengeance through cunning and wealth after being wrongly accused.
    • 这部小说以复仇和正义为主题,讲述了主人公艾德蒙·唐泰斯(Edmond Dantès)在错遭陷害后如何通过智谋和财富实现复仇的故事。
    • 《茶花女》(La Dame aux Camélias)
    • This novel, a tragic love story, portrays the love affair between a French courtesan and a young nobleman, inspiring the famous opera "La Traviata".
    • 这部小说是大仲马的爱情悲剧,讲述了一个法国妓女与一名年轻贵族之间的感情故事,启发了后来著名的歌剧《茶花女》。


    Dumas' works not only captivated readers during his time but also left a lasting impact on subsequent literature. His novels, known for their thrilling plots and exploration of themes such as justice, revenge, friendship, and love, have been widely translated, adapted, and revered across generations.


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