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Children health teachs: Develop the life style of child health

Children health is the parent and the focus that the society pays close attention to from beginning to end. Undertake to children integrated health is taught, conduce to the habits and customs with their good nurturance not only, and can help them avoid a few common healthy problems in growing process.

The target that children health teachs is the life style that develops child health, covered the knowledge of the respect such as food, motion, mental health and skill among them. In dietary respect, educational child chooses balanced nutrient food, control snacks is absorbed; In athletic respect, teach the athletic convention with child good nurturance, maintain proper carry momentum; In mental health respect, educational child handles a mood correctly, establish positive human relationship.

Dietary education is the serious content that children health teachs. The child's health and dietary be closely bound up, because of this parent and school should joint efforts, let the child know composition of alimental sort, nutrition and the food that how choose health. In addition, teach the dietary convention with child good nurturance even, reduce alimental of high in syrup, tall fat to absorb as far as possible, increase vegetable and fruity intake.

Athletic education is likewise important, the child is inherent lively good mover, but as electronic product gain ground, a lot of children begin indulge electron facility, lack outdoors activity. Accordingly, the parent and school need give the child enough athletic chance, help them develop the habit that has deep love for motion. Reasonable carry momentum can enhance the child's constitution not only, the body and mind that still can promote them is healthy.

Mental health is worth to take seriously likewise, children period is the crucial period that psychology grows. Adopt mental health education, let the child learn to answer setback and pressure correctly, increase ego acknowledge and mood management capacity, build the state of mind of active health.

Anyhow, it is very important that children health is taught, it needs the joint efforts of the parent, school and social all circles. Adopt the healthy education of comprehensive, system only, ability lets the child grow in healthy, happy ground.

Acknowledgment reads the article, hope healthy to rearing the child lifestyle is helped somewhat.

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