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旅行必备 | 你绝对需要带上的旅行用品清单英文双语对照


旅行必备 | 你绝对需要带上的旅行用品清单英文双语对照




  • 护照和签证: 出行前确认护照是否在有效期内,签证是否办理完毕。
  • 行李: 根据行程安排选择合适的行李尺寸,注意不要超重。
  • 基本药品: 包括感冒药、创口贴、晕车药等。
  • 电子设备: 手机、充电宝、相机、笔记本电脑等。
  • 常用充电器: 确保各种电子设备能够正常使用。
  • 旅行文件: 酒店预订信息、机票预订信息、紧急联络人信息等。
  • 旅行适用的服装: 根据目的地气候准备合适的衣物。
  • 个人洗护用品: 牙刷、牙膏、洗发水、沐浴露等。
  • 旅行鞋: 一双舒适的旅行鞋对于整个旅途的舒适度至关重要。
  • 旅行用具: 旅行箱、行李牌、防盗包、旅行护照夹等。




How to prepare a perfect viatic things detailed list

The preparative work before the journey is one of keys that ensure trip is successful. A good viatic things detailed account can help you reduce the burden of journey, let you enjoy the experience of more happiness. No matter be,business travel is away on official business, the following the requirement that detailed list of this journey things can satisfy you.

Necessary article detailed list

  • Passport and visa: Piece affirm whether the passport is inside period of efficacy before travel, whether is visa dealt with end.
  • Baggage: Choose appropriate impediment measure according to scheduling, the attention does not overweight.
  • Basic medicines and chemical reagents: Include patulin, cut to stick, carsick medicine.
  • Electronic equipment: Mobile phone, charge computer of treasure, camera, notebook.
  • Commonly used charger: Ensure all sorts of electron equipment can be used normally.
  • Viatic file: The hotel books information, airline ticket to book information of information, urgent contact person to wait.
  • The dress with applicable journey: Plan proper clothing and other articles of daily use according to destination climate.
  • The individual washs protect things: Dew of tooth brush, toothpaste, shampoo, bath.
  • Viatic shoe: A pair of comfortable journey shoes are measurable to the easy of whole trip crucial.
  • Viatic appliance: Clip of passport of bag of viatic box, luggage claim tag, guard against theft, journey.

This detailed list can satisfy above you are travelling medium main demand, also can make according to individual demand at the same time adjust. A perfect viatic things detailed list can make your journey more successful and happy.

Thank your leisure time to read this article, hope detailed list of this necessary article is right you are helped somewhat in journey.

