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Q: 儿童感冒应该如何正确护理?

A: 儿童感冒时应注意让孩子多休息,保持充足的睡眠;多饮水,适当进食清淡易消化的食物;保持室内空气流通,保持空气湿润,避免过度吹空调等。

Q: 儿童如何预防流行性感冒?

A: 儿童应保持良好的个人卫生习惯,勤洗手、合理膳食、注意室内通风等,也可以适当锻炼身体、提高免疫力。

Q: 儿童常见的食物过敏症状有哪些?

A: 儿童常见的食物过敏症状包括皮疹、呼吸道症状(如打喷嚏、流鼻涕、喉咙发痒等)、消化系统症状(如腹泻、腹痛等)等,家长们应密切关注孩子在进食某种食物后的反应。

Q: 如何预防儿童食物过敏?

A: 避免食用过敏原食物,定期让儿童进行过敏原检测,密切关注孩子饮食后的反应等措施都可以帮助预防儿童食物过敏。

Q: 儿童如何预防意外伤害?

A: 在家中要注意孩子的安全,尤其是避免儿童触及危险物品和家用电器;户外活动时要穿着适合的防护装备,如头盔、护膝等;教育孩子避免乱穿马路、野外玩耍、攀爬等行为。

Q: 儿童多大可以开始进行体育锻炼?

A: 儿童从幼儿园阶段就可以开始适当的体育锻炼,一般进行适当的有氧运动,如慢跑、游泳等,并根据孩子的兴趣和身体素质选择适合的体育项目。




Children health problem uncovers secret greatly

As the parent, the child's health is one of problems that we care most from beginning to end. In child growing process, may encounter all sorts of healthy problems, it is the interlocution related general knowledge of health of a few common children below, the hope can provide a few helps for parents.

Q: How should children cold nurse correctly?

A: When children catchs a cold, should notice to make the child much rest, maintain enough sleep; Water more, eat delicate digestible food appropriately; Maintain indoor airiness, maintain air wet, avoid excessive blow air conditioning to wait.

Q: How does children prevent a grippe?

A: Children should maintain good individual sanitation to be used to, diligent wash one's hands, reasonable and prandial, attention is indoor and ventilated etc, also can exercise appropriately, enhance immune power.

Q: What does the food allergy symptom with common children have?

A: The food allergy symptom with common children includes symptom of rash, respiratory tract (if sneeze, snorty, throat is scratchy,wait) , digestion symptom (wait like diarrhoea, bellyacke) etc, parents should pay close attention to the child closely to react in what eat some kind of food hind.

Q: How to prevent children food allergy?

A: Avoid edible allergen food, let children undertake allergen detects regularly, the measure such as the reaction after paying close attention to child food closely can help allergy of precautionary children food.

Q: How does children prevent accident harm?

A: Want to notice the child's safety in the home, it is dangerous to avoid children to touch especially article and electric home appliances

Q: Can children begin to undertake physical training greatly more?

A: Children can begin proper physical training from nursery school phase, have proper campaign having oxygen commonly, if canter, swim etc, choose suitable sports project according to the child's interest and fitness.

Hope above interlocution can help the parent understand children health general knowledge better, help child health grows.

The patience that appreciates you is read, hope the article can bring a help for you.

