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The importance of children mental health

Children period is the crucial phase of individual psychology development, however, as a result of all sorts of reasons, a few children may face mental health problem. Difficulty of the bewilderment that the children with insalubrious psychology often shows pair of sentiments, social issue, school work, may lifelong to its progress produces these problems negative effect.

Case analysis

Xiaoming is a boy of 8 years old, the expression that is in the school recently begins occurrence problem. He often feels anxiety, lack is self-confident, what show pair of social activities is inimical. These expression let his teacher and parent feel anxious. Through thorough knowledge, discover Xiaoming family is existing the shadow that parents leaves other, this brought psychological scar to Xiaoming.

Settle strategy

Be aimed at Xiaoming such psychology is insalubrious problem, what need the parent and teacher above all is close cooperate. The school can arrange psychology to coach the teacher undertakes to Xiaoming psychology seeks advice with support, help him build self-confidence, the society answers angst mood. In the meantime, the parent also needs to give Xiaoming more care and understanding, perhaps seek professional psychology to seek advice from the help of division, help Xiaoming face parents to be perplexed from the psychology of different.

The value that mental health teachs

Settle strategy besides what be aimed at individual case, the school and society also need to enhance the strength that mental health teachs. Teach course through mental health, ability of acknowledge of the mood government ability that develops children, gregarious skill, ego, help them face challenge and difficulty better, prevent the happening of mental health problem.

Thank you to read the article, our purpose is to help more person understanding how answer the children question with insalubrious psychology, and how to provide effective help. Hope the article can think you provide a few good news.

