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  • 1. 教学资源整合:平台整合了各类优质教学资源,包括课件、教学视频、教学案例等,为教师备课和教学提供了便利。
  • 2. 学习机会拓展:平台为学生提供了更多学习机会,丰富了学习内容,拓展了学习渠道,提升了学习效果。
  • 3. 个性化学习服务:平台通过智能化技术,为学生提供个性化学习服务,满足不同学生的学习需求。
  • 4. 教育管理智能化:平台提供教育管理工具,包括课表排版、成绩管理、学情分析等,实现教育管理智能化。



  • 1. 提升教学质量:平台整合了优质教学资源,为教师的教学提供了更多支持,进一步提升了教学质量。
  • 2. 拓展教育辐射范围:平台的建设让优质教育资源得以跨校共享,拓展了教育辐射范围,让更多学生受益。
  • 3. 推动教育现代化:平台的智能化、个性化特点,推动了教育教学模式的现代化发展,为教育注入了新活力。
  • 4. 促进教育公平:平台的建设通过资源共享,缩小了城乡、学校之间的教育资源差距,促进了教育的公平发展。




Natural resources of Xi'an city high grade education shares platform: Make appearance of educational new life

In recent years, xi'an city teachs a branch to devote oneself to to make natural resources of high grade education share platform, aim natural resources of integrated and of all kinds education, drive educational informatization, intelligence to change development, promotion teachs education quality. Natural resources of Xi'an city high grade education shared platform to offer more education natural resources and study opportunity for teachers and students not only, also brought brand-new development mode to teach a trade.

One, platform builds setting

As the flying development of IT, educational natural resources abounds diversity increasingly, but fragment of educational natural resources is changed, information Gu island is changed wait for a problem to also be highlighted increasingly. Distributing to solve the disequilibrium that teachs resource and use the issue with low efficiency, xi'an city teachs a branch to begin to build natural resources of high grade education to share platform. Arrange of this with one action aims natural resources of integrated and of all kinds education, promotion resource uses efficiency, drive educational modernization to develop.

2, platform function and characteristic

Natural resources of Xi'an city high grade education shares platform to basically include the following function and characteristic:

  • 1.Education natural resources is integrated: Platform is integrated natural resources of of all kinds and high grade education, include a tax, case of education video, education, prepared lessons to offer advantage with education for the teacher.
  • 2.Study opportunity extends: Platform offerred more study opportunity for the student, abounded study content, extended study channel, promoted study the effect.
  • 3.Personalized study serves: Platform changes a technology through intelligence, offer personalized study to serve for the student, satisfy the study requirement of different student.
  • 4.Education manages intelligence to change: Platform provides educational government tool, include school timetable composing, achievement management, analysis learning affection to wait, realize educational management intelligence to change.

3, platform urges action to what education develops

Natural resources of Xi'an city high grade education shared the construction of platform to bring positive effect to teach evolution:

  • 1.Promote education quality: Platform is integrated natural resources of high grade education, the education that is a teacher provided more support, promoted education quality further.
  • 2.Extend educational radiate range: The construction of platform lets natural resources of high grade education be able to cross school share, extended educational radiate range, let more student be benefited.
  • 3.Drive educational modernization: The intelligence of platform is changed, personalized characteristic, promoted the modern development that teachs education mode, to teach infuse new vitality.
  • 4.Stimulative education is fair: The construction of platform is shared through resource, narrowed the difference of educational natural resources between urban and rural, school, the fairness that promoted education develops.

In be perfected ceaselessly and developing, natural resources of Xi'an city high grade education shares platform to already was become those who drive educational enterprise to develop flourishingly is important prop up, also built the model that can draw lessons from for other area, the innovation that drove educational industry develops.

Thank you to read the article, hope the article can be you to share platform to have more thorough knowledge to natural resources of Xi'an city high grade education, also offerred a few new thinking to teach informatization, intelligence to change development.

