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Yun Taishan, it is one of 5 name hill of Chinese, be located in Henan province and Shaanxi province boundary, be located in Central Plains hinterland, it is one of Taoism name hill, also be national emphasis scenery scenic spot area. Yun Taishan is a renown hill that holds a natural landscape and humanitarian landscape concurrently, before attracting a large number of tourists, will look around visit.

Natural landscape

Yun Taishan is located in predestined relationship of loess plateau north, its landforms rises and fall free and easy, chain of mountains is continuous, ridges and peaks is peculiar. Gorge of Yu Zhufeng, Asgard, fly the natural tourist attraction such as stone formed Yun Taishan's distinctive natural landscape. Among them be similar in shape of jade column peak a jade, imposing stand erect is in group of hill in, be known as " the world the first column " ; And fly stone, it is horizontal stroke of a megalith empty and over- , mysterious Mo Ce. These tourist attractions make Yun Taishan with its the natural scene of magnificent, arduous, quiet and beautiful, clever show and enjoy great reputation.

Humanitarian landscape

Yun Taishan has magnificent natural sight not only, still have long history and rich humanitarian landscape. Yun Taishan is distributinging inside scene area numerous Taoism culture is vestigial, having rich Gong Guan, cloister and carved stone. Yun Taishan is known as " of " Taoism bethel, here is having long Taoism history and culture, for example cloud stage temple and avalokitesvara temple, these Taoism buildings and culture bequest added rich and generous humanitarian connotation for Yun Taishan.

Travel experience

Travel to Yun Taishan, besides can admire natural scene and humanitarian landscape, return the travel activity that can experience rich and colorful. The tourist can choose pedestrian mountain-climbing, pass through the valley is expeditionary, perhaps experience the glamour of Taoism culture. In addition, festival of the religious temple fair that there still are all sorts of rich diversities inside area of scene of cloud stage hill, folk-custom, offerred for the tourist more the travel experience of rich and colorful.


The place on put together is narrated, yun Taishan is landscape of nature of a collect and humanitarian landscape the renown hill at an organic whole, its distinctive geological construction and rich culture inside information seek by inquiry comes before attracting countless tourists. Pass the exploration to Yun Taishan, what people can learn nature not only is strong beautiful, return the distinctive glamour that can appreciate Chinese Taoism culture.

Thank you to read the article, pass the exploration to Yun Taishan, you can understand the elegant demeanour of this renown hill better, the travel that also can enjoy rich and colorful at the same time experiences.

