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Cate photography skill

Cate photography regards a kind of special photography as the form, get attention fully in recent years. Know the marrow that how catchs cate, and present the place with inviting alimental with camera lens, it is the key that becomes an outstanding cate cameraman. Below, we will share a few skill that photograph about cate, the hope can help you be in this domain is further upward.

Choose appropriate light

In cate photography, the light is crucial. Downy natural light is optimal choice, because it can highlight alimental simple sense and colour. Avoid to use intense flashlight, because it may make,food looks truthless or lose appeal.

Consider composition of a picture and point of view

Composition of a picture and angle affect the result of the photograph directly. Try different point of view and overall arrangement, let food show a the most beautiful one side before camera lens. Can use high angle shot, admire pat or specific flank pats to photograph angle, place alertly at the same time dish with setting, make the picture has appeal more.

Maintain alimental new move

Filming when cate, ensure food looks fresh and delicate without fail. Can use a few little skill, if be in food surface gently daub edible is oily, or with water of sparge bottle gush, build a new move. In the meantime, film in time, avoid to food is out of shape or lose luster.

Use right stage property

The artistic touch that chooses right stage property to be able to promote cate the photograph and interest sex. The dinner service that can try collocation to differ, table is decorated and decorate article, present a distinctive picture. In the meantime, notice the tie-in chime between prop and food is moved, make integral picture more harmonious.

Adjust later period processing

Filming after finishing, proper later period processing can make a photograph more outstanding. Can adjust colour, contrast and acutance, make a picture more clear and absorbing. But the extent that should notice to control later period to handle, avoid excessive decorate cause factitious effect.

Pass afore-mentioned a few skill, on the way that believes you can photograph in cate further upward. Remember, great exercise and attempt are the key that becomes outstanding cameraman. Wish you can film the cate picture that gives more lick one's chaps making a person!

Thank you to read the article, hope these skill are helped somewhat to your cate photography!

