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1. 消毒成分: 氯漂粉、酒精、过氧化氢等都是常见的消毒成分,消毒效果好。可以根据需要选择含有相应成分的家居消毒产品。

2. 适用范围: 有些家居消毒产品只能用于表面,有些则可以用于空气消毒,需要根据实际情况选择适合的产品。

3. 安全性: 注意家居消毒产品的安全性,尤其是对于有婴幼儿、宠物的家庭,需要选择对人体和环境无害的产品。


1. 氯漂粉: 适用于厨房、卫生间等表面消毒,但使用时需要注意稀释比例,避免对皮肤和呼吸道造成刺激。

2. 酒精: 70%的酒精可以快速蒸发,适用于空气和部分表面消毒,但不宜在裸露的火源附近使用。

3. 过氧化氢: 在家具、地板等表面消毒中使用较广,可以迅速分解成水和氧气,无留痕、无二次污染。





Choose appropriate household to sterilize a product

Below current epidemic situation, household disinfection becomes be of exceptional importance. Choose appropriate household to sterilize a product, to effective and antiseptic crucial. When choice household sterilizes a product, need considers the factor such as the alexipharmic composition of the product, suitable scope, security.

Household disinfects the choice standard of the product

1.Disinfect composition: Chloric bleach pink, alcohol, crossing oxidation hydrogen to wait is common alexipharmic composition, alexipharmic effect is good. The household that can contain corresponding part according to needing to choose sterilizes a product.

2.Suitable scope: Some household disinfect a product to be able to be used at the surface only, some can be used at air to disinfect, need selects suitable product according to actual condition.

3.Security: The attention lives in the security that sterilizes a product, especially to having the family of infant, pet, need selects pair of human body and environmental hurtless product.

Common household disinfects product introduction

1.Chloric bleach pink: Apply to the exterior disinfection such as kitchen, toilet, but the need when using notes thinner ratio example, avoid to cause stimulation to the skin and respiratory tract.

2.Alcohol: The alcohol of 70% can evaporate quickly, apply to air and partial surface disinfection, but unfavorable use around bare igneous cause.

3.Cross oxidation hydrogen: Use in the exterior disinfection such as furniture, floor wider, can decompose water and oxygen quickly, without leave mark, pollute without 2.


When choice household sterilizes a product, should mix according to oneself demand actual condition, choose right product to undertake alexipharmic. The household with logical right choice sterilizes a product, ability protects the health of domestic member better.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can provide the help that chooses a side in household disinfection product for you.

